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Chatty Member
It's a strange question to ask. Unless you want to get blocked.
I would say, she wrote this herself. She knows it's going to happen so she's getting her story out there first. Just put on a fresh coat of mascara for affect.
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Blonde Aries

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Toni is obviously on a comedown, rippled with jealousy about someone or something

She cannot see people happy, she's so unhappy herself

She makes out she can't take m anywhere or to anything

How come his school take him out on walks
Etc, I've seen them a few times passing, M looks so content in his pram

She's makes fun of him, constantly laughing or crying in his beautiful wee face

He's just pound signs for her,

He takes a seizure, shes straight on social media telling everyone, then boom, she's away for few days

He doesn't sleep much, straight on social media, then boom away for much needed sleep

She's vile, absolutely disgusting scumbag

I'm pretty sure social services should speak to toni herself, as she has complex needs herself
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Sorry but she plastered way too much on her face today, all of those different skin care products and then the sheer amount of makeup she ploughed on afterwards, her skin must be clogged up to high heaven! Has she ever heard of less is more? Does she even know what each of those products are for and whether they should be used in conjunction with each other or at the same time? Or if they're even suited to her skin type or is she just showing them off because they're expensive brands and nothing but the best for Toni?
I think she should get her money back cause her skin looks terrible and if she has come out in psoriasis is it a good idea to be putting that much on her skin? Could all of that be bringing about the psoriasis? Maybe it's a rash from her cheap Ali express crap? Who knows but it just looked like she wasn't helping her skin at all with that muck she was lathering on and appears she doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about and didn't explain once what each product was and how it fitted into her skincare regime and why.
Nobody learnt anything from that shite display, other than Toni doesn't know how to look after her skin. The woman who openly admits she goes to bed without washing her make up off is now preaching to us about skincare and how she looks after her skin (like fuck she does!)
She would do better with a good cleanser and moisturiser if her skin is playing up and leave it at that and then slowly introduce other products not dump it all on her face at once just cause they're expensive skincare products.
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If so many people are reaching out to her who are in the same position, why does she not bring these people together
If there's no professional support for them, then get together and support eachother. Use your Instagram for good. Not to show off how you are spending your kids DLA.
This is why the professionals are refusing to help. You're never at home, you don't look after your child, why should the professionals.
I can guarantee that professionals are not refusing to help, it's more a case of that they won't make the time to do courses etc or avail of the help. There are fabulous resources and courses available in the community for people who want to avail of them.
Peer support from other parents is fantastic but of course she's too good to take advice from others. She would rather swan of on holidays than have meet ups in her local town with parents of kids with additional needs.
I dont know how Maddison has any routine with the amount of work that happens in that house and the ppl coming and going
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They set the poor wain up for failure every time. They take him from zero to 60 with nothing in between. They try to take him to the park on the hottest day of the year, during a time of the day that is most likely to be packed and then blame him when it doesn't go well. They would have more success taking him on outings if they went early in the morning when its quiet and during cooler days but they don't. Those who want to succeed find a way- those who don't find an excuse! Toni is full of excuses.
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Guys please please can we get everyone and their granny’s donkey to follow Rasha so she can get the 10,000 followers so we can make a thread?! Pleeeassseee??!!?! She had a child’s portion of pasta as you do after gastric surgery🙄 also talking about her weight loss change and having a ‘healthy soel’- I just can’t with her 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Et tu Brute?

VIP Member
My wee granny had a ceramic fish too 👀

Her “drinks bar”/ dining room / kitchen extension is turning into the museum of ugliness 😳
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I have my sympathies with her in regards to worrying about the future and how difficult it must be to have a child with such complex needs and I will be the first to say there are so many activities and facilities available now to suit a child of his needs. Yes she is sad at missing out on the family days other families have but what family is ‘normal’ and without their difficulties. It seems she’s only sad about these things when it’s a sunny day and she wants to swan off I don’t see her complaining any other time when she’s happy to have Maddison stuck at home. You can’t just have him at home all the time then suddenly take him out of his place of comfort and security and stick him in a car on a boiling day to drive for a fish supper and expect him not to react. He goes to school so clearly he can cope with stimulation other than the 4 walls of Tetris towers it’s just in school it’s done in a way to suit him and his needs. If Toni wants a family day she can have it in a way that’s suited to her family not what she perceives all other families to have.
She also gets plenty of family days out with Paul, MM and the clampits. Clearly Paddy has taken time off and what she is doing on there forcing tears and licking her snots is utter guilt tripping

She couldn't give a shit about M. She cries in his face about him and online to strangers about him because she can't get her way. She never makes adjustments for M or care in the slightest what would be best for him. She is uncomfortable around him and doesn't even know him. She want so she gets and then still cries because it wasn't how she wanted it

Cry all she fucking wants, every thing she does is about and for her. If she cared so much about his future she wouldn't have spent tens of thousands becoming a titless wonder and forever rearranging tetris towers or going on loads of holidays. she'd be saving so he'd be comfortable and looked after. As usual she's expecting someone else to do it and someone else to pay for it
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No tea just coffee

Chatty Member
I would never judge someone for handling a disability how they handle it. M is obviously better off with his daddy who actually cares for him...but in terms of that useless toe rag of a "mother". She doesn't deserve him. She uses him for attention and exploits him. She spends one night with him and wants a fucking blue Peter badge. She's horrible neglectful and vile. I personally don't know how I'd cope but I know sure as hell I wouldn't exploit any child or use them. She's a fucking hallion
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"I am who I am because of them" .. being a compulsive liar to put the cry on and sing the song of 'poor deprived Toni' is a terrible thing to blame your parents for. Not that long ago Toni said she only had her daddy for M, an "our Caitlin will kill me, we pay her, we pay her cause its a job fur her"
Sorry now correct me if I'm wrong but Caitlin has stories posted of being at dinner with everyone. Toni has stories posted of her parents then at dinner with everyone but surprise surprise there's no M in sight. For only having 2 people in this world, one they pay to look after her son and the other that does it for free and both of them at dinner with both M's parents .. dear oh dear Toni yet another lie dribbled out of your mouth


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Blonde Aries

VIP Member
She's absolutely pathetic, self centred, self absorbed, fake bitch, she doesn't want M, she wants the £££ that they getl for him,

Anything that causes an inconvenience to her not so perfect hour, day, week, month, year and life, has to go,

She is vile, nasty and downright rude

I'd love yo dump into her, for I'd give her a few home truths, wonder how she'd handle that

As for perfect Paula, he's just as bad as her
He enables her, he encourages that behaviour

They honestly don't know how to be civil good hard working decent people

Everything, is rough, cheap and down right tacky

She needs a good wake up call

She's scamming people

The aunt Sally blush has been for sale

The makeup demos have stopped since the products where taken off the shelf, everything was passed, but she's not plugging them

That beautiful boy will most likely end up in residential care, quote from toni, he's hard for me to manage,
Just like her nephew

Happy Monday
Hope your angels send you signs 1010 ye wee hen
1111 make a wish
3pm holy hour
Last but not least ♥💙🧡💛💚💜🖤

Remember toni your a pathetic lying bitch that told someone to jump the bridge

You go have a fucking lovely day toni
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I get it might of hit a nerve but that was a complete overreaction. I’m sorry but they have him in respite care that much anyway their away that much so it’s an obvious question.
She chose to address it - if it annoyed her that much she could have just ignored it. Don’t try and bring shame on the person that asked the question.
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The only person welcoming visitors in his back door is Paul😆😅🤣🤣🤣

Never mind buying a gate Antonio, invest in lock to attach to your husbands hole and shut it up tight!🍆🍆🤣🤣🤣

I think someone hit the nail on the head here the other day by saying people who really can afford to do things like this wouldn't be putting it up and highlighting it on the gram.

Also if there ever was proof she reads on here she is showing it! She's a shit person, hard working mother & daughter. What the fuck are you on self obsessed bitch more like. Me me me and more me. As long as your OK Toni that's all that matters to you, you selfish asshole.

And believe me nobody is jealous of you, nobody would want to be like you. The things you buy are all for show. Your not genuine and do not care for others. Your marriage is a shambles, its another big lie, Paul's been caught with his pants down across both sides of the border!! People aren't all haters you've got nothing likeable about you. You may have fancy windows and clothes but that's all you find happiness in and no doubt that has caused debt up to your eyeballs. I see nothing to be jealous off you need professional help more like.

Bet today was spent taking cringey selfies to put up now pretending you'd a great day but all day was spent with your nose in your phone.
Has Paul actually been caught or is it all just rumour? I thought that Paul didn't drink and she said in her rant yesterday that they don't drink, she might not but Paul certainly does.

Working for an hour or 2 a day doing brows is not working full time Toni, try working 13hrs shifts in a hospital that in the blink of an eye can turn into 25/26hr shifts if a patient needs me.But I guess you don't care or appreciate that when you swan of to cheaper parts of Europe in the midst of covid for surgery and expect an already over worked trleam to fix the botched surgery
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Chatty Member
Sure we all seen her at the pub at midnight for tonis dad's birthday a few weeks ago. And they're saying she hasn't been out in 3 months, they would wanna start keeping track of their lies. People like that lie so much they actually believe their own lies.
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Pity party for 1 at Tetris towers. What bugs me the most is her sitting there saying cherish every minute you get out enjoying the sun as a family as if she never gets out the door! She has had more holidays this year alone that most families in the last 5 years all because she can’t get a run down to buncrana for a poke.
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Blonde Aries

VIP Member
She'll be claiming that she seen ufo in Creggandale, her angel's sent them

Jesus, think the angels would have a word

Hi tonitit

Get a wash
Fuck away off with your shite

Your thee most unprofessional eyebrow tech, stinking hair, stinking clothes, foul mouth, crying c**t

You blocked my friend for having an opinion, I hope I run into you, I'm gonna give you few home truths,
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Omg the waxing 🤢 can you imagine being the one who waxes between her legs, i suppose being married to paul its the only time a hand goes near there ....
It's not wax you would need it would be a flame thrower lol 😆

Here yous’ns… the universe is sending her love today again?! 🤣
I’m actually convinced she is not right in the head and needs medicated! Them girls in the salon must be sitting cringing having to agree with her whilst thinking inside “you’re an actual nut job!”
You wait...Next time she takes a poo she will wipe her arse and if it's heart shaped will take a pic of that to bore everyone!!
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Her page is a business page and she is posting this passive aggressive nonsense. If she's doing these improvements for new owners why not keep them neutral and classy..First thing anyone with any type of class would so is hire a skip and gut the place.
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