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They don’t seem to know much about anything to be honest, other than daily lunches out, daily takeaways or daily shops. Neither can really cook and she’s a princess spending all day on her arse.I can’t believe he’s only fed the baby twice from a bottle, is that normal? I didn’t breastfeed but surely it’s easier for him to help out with feeds when the mum needs a break. I guess it’s different when neither of them work mind you.
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No time to shower? Absolute bullcrap, she can’t cope can she? My partner along with everyone else’s goes back to work after 2 weeks. Pampered princess has had it too easy
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So glad these guys have a thread!
I really liked them to start with but towards the end of pregnancy it was so annoying as they come across like they were the only people to have a new baby.. I know its an exciting time but it was a bit much 😂
Just annoying too as they both obvs dont work actual jobs so she wasnt stressed in her pregnancy worrying about maternity leave or how much time Ryan would be able to have off. She's so lucky she can be waited on so much (which is great) but surely they would want to be soaking up every moment at this stage as it goes so quick and I know for a fact I wouldnt want a camera in my face 5 days PP 🤣
How well does TikTok pay?!
No real point to this, I'm sorry, just wanted to vent about how annoying they've become and how sad it is that this baby is another to get a whole childhood on SM, such a massive digital footprint without them knowing. Thought better of them
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Every beginning of video where he’s acting like he secretly filming her while she sings make me cringe sooooo bad
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Surprise surprise! The baby they’ve not put down hardly at all for the last five months now isn’t sleeping and screams every time they put her down…. I wonder why? 🤨
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So i just saw a tiktok of them jn Morrisons earlier today to buy snacks. Fast forward to this evening, he is back in the exact Morrisons to buy dinner!!!!
like does it not enter their lil brains oh i dont know maybe buy it when you were their earlier or do weekly foodshop. The staff in morrisons must be like oh god their back and must do bets on when they come and how many times a day 😆
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Chatty Member
So glad these two big mouthed nitwits have a thread. I didn’t know about him until about two months ago when he started appearing on my FYP big trap flapping using his pregnant girlfriend for views. Now baby was less than 5 days old and she’s already got a tiktok account? Is this real fucking life?! What the hell are they playing at. Absolutely disgusting behaviour there.
And him filming her at all hours of the day even when she’s napping in her nightie unaware she’s being filmed?! What the hell is this black mirror shit? Awful, awful people. And he seriously needs to sort his shite hair out.
Swear she’s gonna swallow that baby whole how massive her mouth is.
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This old video came up from 2020. Look at him back then compared to now. Jesus Christ he’s like a different person! He was attractive (imo) but he’s really let himself go.

This cruise, nothing from either of them so far saying it’s gifted/pr. But I just can’t believe they’ve paid for it. How do they get away with not declaring things?!


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my friend saw him out the other night and had two things to say about him. 1. he loved being recognised 2. once people acknowledged him he was a rude stuck up prick!!! he’s so irritating but i was shocked he was rude to people who approached him as he comes across quite friendly. as usual she must have been at home with the baby while he was out getting steaming
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Worked in Victoria secret I think
She did in Reading. When ever they are shopping in Reading, she always mentions she worked there. Theres a video Ryan took of her in the shop bragging about it and then he went up to staff saying do you recognise her, she use to work here. She pretended to act all shy and the staff were like no did she 😆😆

Also see from her insta Bellas teething and no longer sleeping through the night anymore. Such a shame couldnt happen to nicer people. Maybe you shouldnt of been bragging about it all that time and made other parents feel bad as their baby didnt
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He said the word 'teat' a few times and it has given me major ICK. Even typing the word. Who says that?!
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Chatty Member
They definitely should be declaring everything as a gifted trip/ad. I looked at the persons account who was holding Bella and she’s declaring it on every post!
And royal Caribbean has commented on Emma’s posts as well! They think they’re above the rules it’s not just this time it’s every time! They think they can just pop one post up when they’re home with AD and everything is fine when it’s not as people are being misled for the trip thinking they’ve paid for it when of course they’re gonna love everything if it was a freebie 🤯😂
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Chatty Member
Called it that the daddy May gifted meal would be 10/10 so bloody obvious!! And as for the extra roasties/yorkshires they’re not even available as an extra on the menu so shouldn’t be included in the scoring 🖕
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We don't have to isolate anymore, however I can't knock her for not going out. Some people don't care but I would hate to come in to contact with vulnerable people and pass it on.

She's now just learning what it's like for all the mums that don't get waited on hand and foot because the partner is at work or even a single parent etc.
oh no I wouldn’t want her mixing with vulnerable people, poor Bella needs some fresh air! A walk in her pram for half an hour would do them both some good! this gives her an excuse to not leave the house
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Why is everything so stressful for Emma? She’s sat at home everyday so she could have packed yonks ago - she doesn’t have to juggle working, school runs / half term , cooking, cleaning etc. she really is such a princess and a walk over - if she wants a salad then make one!! Just cos Ryan wanted takeaway. Well let him and make yourself some food. So lazy
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Surprise surprise, he couldnt wait 10 mins for the pizza without having a beer 🙄
I can bet the haven holiday is a gift maybe as they dont do anything otherwise!
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Quite frankly I'm sick of seeing Emma thinking Bella dressed in strawberry outfits is a flex
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Morrisons sales must of taken a right hit this week without their daily shop. Also they cant go for their sunday roast either, what a shame

I agree with the above. She can still go out and give Bella some air and stimulation. My husband caught covid on boxing day but me and our baby dont. We are being careful, hes staying in and we are avoiding family and friends as air of caution. But im going for walks with my baby either in pushchair or carrier. Ill pop to the shops at quieter times too so she can hear other people and noises. Ive been testing each day and so far im negative so feel a reassured when i do go out that im not spreading my lurgies
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