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Chatty Member
I think the point is it's a pile of plastic and whatever else, a lot of it is single use. It's from people claiming they care but can't use a reusable water bottle or are chucking carrier bags, which a lot of us don't do. It's a bit hypocritical to claim they care about the planet but are doing less than the average person.
Yep that will all go straight to land fill and won't get sorted into recycling (not that a lot of things that get put into recycling get recycled anyway)
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VIP Member
Where are the nutters today? Anybody know?
There was a breaking of windows at JPMorgan which presumably has some great significance.
Two of the heavy duty street level windows, the extinction rebellier responsible posing with what appears to be a poor and disappointingly small imitation of Mallett's mallet.
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The UK Produces around 341.5 Mt (Megatons) annually. Far less than the likes of Germany.
is that a per capita reading? More people and industry (well, not all, but some industries…) will raise that obviously. And with Germany shutting down the nuclear plants, other stuff gets burned, which was just a stupid move, if you ask me.
What really disturbed me is those near east countries burning oil like there’s truly no tomorrow for shite. Let’s be honest. Nobody needed that football stadium in the effing desert.
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The activists may be out in force more so at the moment, as Greta is out and about again so attention will be on climate stuff.
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Run 101

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Well we’re here talking about it so shit tons of earned media worth its weight in gold & increasing public sympathy as they’ve largely moved away from stunts that inconvenience the working person (appreciate there’s still traffic blocking going on). More power to them ✊🏻
They need locking up, they wont be happy untill someone dies because of one of their road blocks, OH no thats already happened - they are NOT going to get what they want and nor should they - if they do anyone with a cause will just do the same thing. they should be moved straight away not "assessed" the french police have the right idea rip their delicate little hands off the road - i still laugh at the video
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Chatty Member
I largely support what they're trying to do, there has bit of a smear campaign as probably so many of the millionaires running the big newspapers are tied into fossil fuels and the continual extraction. The ones I've heard interviewed on LBC have been articulate and well spoken.

Too many gotchas - the rubbish wasn't that much and could have been from the spectators or journalists trying to make a point. We're all hypocritical to a certain extent just trying to do our best in the situation, no ones perfect.

As good as the Attenborough documentary is, it would just make most people think not to buy palm oil for the next 30 mins then it slips to the back of their head.

There does need to be a re-jigging of the economy to move away from fossil fuels and stop extracting them, but it makes people rich and is easier than developing alternatives. Ultimately the human race will be wiped out one day, I think it's all too late for anything to change. It's been the biggest story in a long time and has got people speaking and it's all over now with them just protesting in marble arch so can be ignored.
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I think certain environmental ideas are hard for the wider population to get their heads around. Oil is just this substance that we use in our cars. There's no personal connection to it, unless you work on the rigs. Something like Just Stop Sewage would appeal to a broader audience than Just Stop Oil because we don't want to get sick from swimming or paddling in our rivers and seas, and we certainly don't want contaminated water supplies.
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I enjoyed watching the Mallen Baker talks, he has some great videos interviewing Roger Hallam (who has always been about the money) on youtube, as well as offering discussion on Greta Thunberg
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VIP Member
These plonkers gluing their hands and especially feet to the road, is the road not absolutely freezing cold now and so they are risking significant long term injury by doing this? Feet are not something you really want to screw up unless you relish a life of pain and hassle.

As for the £2m police bill that the Mail story mentions (not sure how it's that much given the police response has been so pitiful) is there a reason this can't just be billed to the plonkers' group and supporters?


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The lady that bumped him with the car was trying to get her 11 yr old to school. Where is the sense in stopping children’s education? Don’t they want them to be educated? Don’t they want our future generation to have the tools to stop climate change?

I don’t know why I’m asking this.. they stop emergency services. One of them will get injured and an ambulance won’t be able to help them because of the blockade they have caused.. what then? Will they move out of the way to let an ambulance through for one of their own? Or are they happy to get injured or die for their cause? Because then we are getting down terrorist route.

(I didn’t sleep much last night my brain is reaching far haha)
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They've suspended their protests until the 25th but something like this was always going to happen - next time it might be worse.

The sad truth is I would bet good money that the driver ends up being charged with assault.

It’s a weird world we live in sometimes.

This is when the police, highways and government all need to say no, if you want to sit on the road like a dick then you and solely you take on that risk. If you don't understand that risk, do some reading.

Why should everyone else pander to their demands when one they won't let the likes of an ambulance though and they put themselves there. Get a job or a hobby.
For one or two of those protesters this is both.
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VIP Member
The police are in a no win situation. All of these protesters will have phones and any action will be filmed, posted online, and spun anyway to suit the protesters ends. Then liberal bloggers will pick it up and hey presto you have heavy handed police brutality against nice people who just want to save planet. And this will reach the mainstream media and there will be calls for reviews and resignations. See the Sarah Everard vigil situation.

The police can only act proportionally and can't take tasers to non-violent protesters. God there were times I wish I could have! But no crime no grounds of arrest. And even if they are breach of injunction you can't just wade in with teargas.
I think it has now gotten to the stage whereby the majority of the public WANT heavy handed tactics undertaken. IB's antics have backfired on them and has just highly antagonised the wider public as a result.

The softly-softly approach just isn't working and the protesters know this.

Let them take legal action and fight it out in court. They are the ones in the wrong, the evidence is overwhelming to this fact.
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VIP Member
I missed the GMB interview but I did catch the live part where they interviewed one of the protesters at the roadside. These people are utterly delusional. When asked about the waste of police resources her answer was that crops will start failing and that will incite murders so it’s actually a good thing that they are doing it 😂
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VIP Member
I've seen suggestions that people should start carrying 2l bottles of cold water (OK I've also seen suggestions of worse contents like slurry or urine but don't think that necessary!) to pour over these protestors should you find them in the way of your car, and thus annoy them back without doing anything terribly illegal, like driving over them would be.

Also to have a bag of large cable ties in the boot, which could be used to secure them to nearby railings or lampposts (for their own safety, obvs) if they insist on running back into the road each time the public move them off to the side.

The fight back is coming, if the police continue to do nothing but offer them nice cups of tea, I think inconvenienced members of the public will soon start to take things into their own hands, but hopefully with harmless measures as above before someone is actually run over and squashed.
They seem like good ideas, it is so easy to get squished on a road, all it takes is a high vehicle (lorry ect) going fast and it cannot stop in time. While I do not condone running them over, they take that risk by being on the road.
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