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VIP Member
Sorry, not sure - saw it on the news and either they didn't specify or I was already turning back to what I had been doing - having decided it was pointless vandalism and therefore probably also muttering something including but not limited to 'FFS'.

Also, I could have found the answer in less time than it took to type this 🤦‍♀️
Sorry I should of googled I though you knew. It was embankment, one report said hq which it isn’t


VIP Member
The planet will be fine regardless of what we do to it. It might not support human life eventually but it will still be the Earth, and will probably appreciate a break from the humans scurrying all over it.

Climate protestors are really worried about themselves, not the Earth. Just admit it!
You do realise of course that It's not just humans that the planet supports. I have nothing but contempt for these climate activists but clearly they aren't the only selfish fuckers.


VIP Member
There was a breaking of windows at JPMorgan which presumably has some great significance.
Two of the heavy duty street level windows, the extinction rebellier responsible posing with what appears to be a poor and disappointingly small imitation of Mallett's mallet.
25 bank street? I used to work there
Murdering someone and attempting to cover it up is pretty standard practice, and not a trait unique to police officers who kill. And if he thought he would be protected he was very wrong. I was a policeman for many years and believe me nothing, and I mean nothing, is more hated on the job than a corrupt officer. I can only speak for my old force, but the second Couzens, or the man in the example above, emerged as a suspect there would be a team working around the clock to bring them down. No matter how senior.

Who do you think carried out the investigation, arrested the guilty man, and provided the evidence which allowed the courts to reach that conclusion? Well I assume we all know who.
I said the way it was reported, that was the impression given. I’ve no doubt the officers involved in the investigation acted with professionalism, hence the conviction.
The French Police have the right idea.

Unfortunately our Police are too 'wet' towards troublemakers but not towards those who stand up to them.

It is little wonder many (including myself) think the Police are effing useless.
Lmao what? Our police murder ppl. Both in uniform getting paid for it & out of uniform for free for their sadistic kicks.

This thread is wild Tory vibes dw about quote tweeting me to “correct” I don’t read I love my eco chamber 🥰


VIP Member
I think part of the reason these sort of antics are needed is because people just forget after a few days or it becomes a bit of a virtue-signalling thing, so nothing actually gets done. Climate change is a great example of this because… well, if governments and large companies had more pressure for the public we would see change. Insulate Britain is just trying to raise awareness for an issue no one cares about unless they expeirence it, in which case it’s very localised and easy to ignore

The performative stuns are annoying and a huge inconvenience but that’s sort of the point. They get media attention, mentioned in Parliament in some manner and more people may read up on the issue

However, the problem comes when people don’t want to do anything and play into the politician’s hands with their anger. So the issue is ignored again and everyone moves on, protests continue

That does seem to mean that these protests probably won’t achieve anything sadly but I don’t think you can really blame passionate people for trying 🤷🏼‍♀️

Also this seems like an awful climate for protests tbh. The media aren’t going to focus on them when they could continue talking about all these shortages


VIP Member
These people are psychotic. Why would they ruin something like the London Marathon! People running in the open air is about the healthiest passtime a human can do, and one of the best for the planet as well.

They make no sense, disturbing snooker and throwing things at paintings. None of this has anything to do with what you'd think their message should be.

I'm not a climate change denier (though I do think that label is fucking ridiculous) but I feel the likes of Just Stop Oil are more about attacking the working class everyman than anything else.

I was glad to see two have been jailed for one of their vile motorway stunts that caused people to miss funerals and such but I wish the sentence had been five years each. These people act like they are running the country and it's batshit crazy.

Targeting big events gets them in the media eye


VIP Member
Wasn't there a 5pm deadline today that if the Government didn't do what they say they'd take big actions. As in bigger stunts, bigger scale disruption.

Did anything come of it?


VIP Member
Another day/week another day out for the numpties.

Come on Priti what is happening here.

I mean they don't even bother gluing their hands to the road any more.

I don't understand why the police aren't just turning up, lifting them all into a minibus, and then just dump them 50 miles away.



Chatty Member
I don't know about the Dale Vince thing tbh. IIRC they also have American backers who've gone on record to say they'll fund them indefinately.

If they stop demonstrating because one guy got chinned once I'd actually be dissappointed in a weird way. "Courage of convictions" etc...
Maybe they're on annual leave at the moment.


Well-known member
But if they piss off everyone, they will only continue to lose support so...still doesn't make sense to me? I remember when Greta said you have to piss people off and I felt she was barking up the wrong tree, and I don't have the problem with her that some do.


VIP Member
I do kinda love mud wizard Vs stuck German police

That place is actually near me - I always drive past when I visit my parents and also drove past this weekend, when they started to evict people from the site. I've never seen so much blue light flashing over such a huge area, they had the place surrounded. But yeah, that video is kind of funny :ROFLMAO:

Scarlett O' Hara

VIP Member
I read that the "German branch" of one of those activists sends out questionnaires when you join. They ask whether you're willing to go to jail for your "activism", and for how long, they've got what comes down to bail bonds and they pay some members a wage. That's not activism to me, that's a full-fledged industry of shit-stirring.

Don't get me wrong. I very much believe in climate change. I believe in needing to stop certain activities that further fuel climate changes and destroy our environment. But I do not believe in the way these people go about it. They're not only destroying things as part of their misguided activism, they are just annoying the broader population so much that they will stop caring. I bet you everyone would see much more actual innovation in this regard if companies were allowed to innovate on solutions instead of just being policed into things and these people declaring everything ni the world as bad. I bet we're not allowed to breathe soon. Did you know that it emits carbondioxide? Please stop breathing, activists.
Could you direct me to that German branch/webpage please. Thanks.

Run 101

Active member
Anyone seen the video of the french police dealing with the idiots, it will give you a good laugh at the mans oscar winning performance -