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VIP Member
The Reading Festival site after the masses departed.



I wonder how many of these hypocrites are in favour of, are highly supportive and vocal for XR in public. However they very clearly don't care about the environment when it suits them....

Each abandoned tent requires the equivilent of 9000 plastic straws, and 25kg of co2 to make.

Abandoned Festival tents also add around 875 tonnes to landfill each year.

The XR bunch should have stood outside the Festival gates telling people, 'don't be utter hypocrites'. Would have been far more beneficial than messing around on Tower Bridge.
Left behind tents end up going to companies like this that can get them used again by donating them abroad as one example........

People should tidy up the rubbish they leave behind though. It looks a tip and it's sad people don't care.
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They should be grateful its only ink, one of these days someone is going to flip and they are going to get hurt.
In this day of the rising cost of living and post covid, people are not going to appreciate losing a days money by being stuck in a pointless road protest.

It is no wonder some have lost it with the protesters.
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Why not just drag them off? That road is always a pain to drive through anyway with every fan trying to get a photo.

View attachment 1671882
I'd happily drag them off!!
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VIP Member
If they didn't sit in the road and deliberately block traffic, it wouldn't have happened to begin with.
I agree, they have bought it on themselves however is throwing ink at someone really an appropriate way to deal with it? In my opinion, no it's not. It's only a matter of time before some idiot throws something like acid - would you still have the view that they deserve it then?
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Active member
This is getting to the point of a mass punch up likely to occur on the M25, by those drivers held up for the umpteenth time.

People are getting highly fed up with these idiots and the utterly useless fuckwits known as the Police, for doing little to stop them and move them on in the shortest time possible.
It is. I think there are likely more people in the country close to snapping point now than ever after the last 2 years. They’d be wise to consider that.
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VIP Member
This is a rough transcript of this points:

All new licenses for gas and oil extraction cancelled.

Oil and gas is killing us now and driving us into poverty.

Emergency transition to renewable to provide stable and affordable energy.

They’ve got to pay for that transition and the profits of the oil and gas industry and the rich.

2-3 years to get out of an uninhabitable earth situation.

I do think people should always have the right to protest, but how can we transition to even 70 % renewable energy overnight when we just don’t have the system in place?

-Has government polices around covid not been the largest contributor of poverty? The FT times said 30 years of work had been undone in just around 2. Inflation is also now at 10%.

-We’ve got a 25% windfall tax in place already.
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VIP Member
Why not just drag them off? That road is always a pain to drive through anyway with every fan trying to get a photo.

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VIP Member
They have “security” at the National history museum too. When I went with my sister just after her job interview, most people were just waved though.
Only think it’s been done well at a concert.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
Looks like a thug, commits criminal acts like a thug, called Lucinda and Tarquin, is a thug. Champagne quaffing, university indoctrinated thugs.
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Well-known member
It takes a lot for me to get cross but I’m absolutely furious with Insulate Britain’s M25 strategy and the lack of real action to prevent the disruption and reach a resolution. The injunctions are serving absolutely no purpose, the police are effectively useless (bit of an oxymoron!) and the government threats of action are hollow. What the fuck are they all playing at?

I appreciate that protests, by their very nature, are meant to disrupt but what this shows me is that the government and police are more or less washing their hands of it. It’ll cause more civil discord and I fear it’ll end in violence.
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The sad truth is I would bet good money that the driver ends up being charged with assault.

It’s a weird world we live in sometimes.

For one or two of those protesters this is both.
Or a lawsuit about the protester suffering from back injury now, can't work.Emotional distress etc.
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VIP Member
That was th

We produce 341.5 Megatons compared to China's 11.6 Gigatons and the U.S's 4.5 Gigatons annually.

I was referring to your earlier post of:
"The UK Produces around 341.5 Mt (Megatons) annually. Far less than the likes of Germany."

Well, yes, Germany has more than the UK, but without context this reads a bit odd when there are much bigger fish to fry out there, like the rightfully pointed-out Emirates, China, etc. Germany has ~83 million inhabitants, the UK around 67. Per capita though, the UK is still lower than Germany, which is where things get more interesting, as obviously both are highly developed western countries, so the standard of living and all that is mostly equal.
Germany has a shit ton of car traffic, which will greatly contribute here, not only because people love to drive, but also because basically everyone in mainland Europe needs to drive through it. And then don't get me started on how we get electricity here! From what I get from Statista, the UK has about 20% from nuclear plants, and Germany has ~4%, which will also add loads to the picture. But yeah, feels like peanuts against China and all that, and there the per capita is even higher than in UK and Germany. Just checked out Oman, it's 16.9 against UK's 4.66.... :oops: and the Emirates is even higher at 20.7! That surely ought to be discussed somewhere? While I think it's great if people here question how they use resources and try to do things more sustainably, there are factors out there that you simply cannot compete against by using less electricity at your home.
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This article in a big German newspaper reported this week that globally, the internet has a proportionally higher percentage of emissions than flying has (sorry, it's behind a paywall). I believe that - I work in tech and the amount of data my current company and especially my previous one generate daily is simply insane and it's only accelerating more and more. There are many more people using the internet than people flying, which also will only stay that way. Flying is getting more expensive and while there's an increase in flights in some groups, for most people, it'll simply stay inaccessible, while cheaper phones are being thrown onto the market and many companies work on making internet-based services such as streaming accessible to everyone (more ad-based services, for markets where subscription fees aren't working).

:D In the honour of that, I purged a couple of newsletters today and closed a couple of accounts I had lying around but never used anymore. Any mail not sent is a good thing if you're not reading it anyway... plus one of those cashback services is seriously annoying by sending me the same crap first via mail and also by post so now they're not sending me anything at all anymore....
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
When I was a child I remember news reports saying that oil and gas would run out early this century. Nobody was bothered about climate change then, just the fact that supplies would run out.

Being a naive child I thought that governments around the world would put money into developing a new fuel for the future. Its deeply disappointing that the only real alternative appears to be nuclear power which of course brings its own problems and could also badly damage the environment 😟
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