Climate Activists

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I'd like smartphones to be revealed as a major cause of climate change. That would shut them all up.
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I'd like smartphones to be revealed as a major cause of climate change. That would shut them all up.
Maybe not climate change but Amnesty International did a massive project a few years ago on child labour involved in mining the materials used in smart phones and other electronics including electric cars

And that's without going in to the worker rights/conditions at the factories where the phones are assembled, or the pollution caused by shipping them around the world to us, or the poor track record on recycling them, OR getting stuck into all the same issues about the comms equipment, steel masts, miles of cable etc necessary for the infrastructure that supports the mobile phones ... we all like our phones too much so we turn a blind eye to it all.
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Maybe not climate change but Amnesty International did a massive project a few years ago on child labour involved in mining the materials used in smart phones and other electronics including electric cars

And that's without going in to the worker rights/conditions at the factories where the phones are assembled, or the pollution caused by shipping them around the world to us, or the poor track record on recycling them, OR getting stuck into all the same issues about the comms equipment, steel masts, miles of cable etc necessary for the infrastructure that supports the mobile phones ... we all like our phones too much so we turn a blind eye to it all.
Excactly. I bet most of these activists go home to tweet about their activism using the latest smart phone and the latest macbook and listen back to the video footage waearing the latest overpriced headphones, and they upgrade every year upon the latest Apple release.

Smartphones are harder to avoid using these days but you just know these activists are likely chronically online, using the latest gear, etc, using their electric cars which still need plugging into the grid to charge the batteries that contain so much stuff that needs to be mined.
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"Just Stop Smartphones".Would go down like a lead-other toxic metals are available- balloon.
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Wasn't there a 5pm deadline today that if the Government didn't do what they say they'd take big actions. As in bigger stunts, bigger scale disruption.

Did anything come of it?
this bloke with the handwritten sign seems to be mixing his causes, he is part Just Stop Oil, part Amnesty International

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"Just Stop Smartphones".Would go down like a lead-other toxic metals are available- balloon.
The ones at these protests always seem to have the latest flashy phones as well. They care so much about the planet, you guys!
Some group called Animal Rising bullied customers in a London Co-Op the other day, for daring to make their own choice in a free world and buy meat.

I am so sick of these thugs. Climate change needs to be tackled but this is the worst way possible to try and make a better future.
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A lengthy stint of community service would give these people a sense of actual purpose in their otherwise empty and unproductive lives.
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A lengthy stint of community service would give these people a sense of actual purpose in their otherwise empty and unproductive lives.

I've heard about "Letzte Generation" ("last generation", who are active in Germany) that when you join they'll ask you whether you are okay to go to jail for your activism and how much time you can take off work.
I've zero respect for this style of activism - I don't even know what they want, I just hear about them with their ridiculous stints and many people are less and less tolerating of such crap. Most people I know are saying that more needs to happen to combat climate change, but surely destroying paintings in a museum or glueing yourself to some bridge isn't quite the way to get there.
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Love the German approach. Just dig a chunk out of the road, take the moron out of everyone's way, hopefully leave the chunk of road attached to his hand for a few days till it falls off naturally, then ask him was it really worth it. Ideally tell him there's no money to treat him in hospital as patching the road up will probably cost €50k.



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I just don't understand why our police seem to be in awe of these protesters, bringing them cups of tea and throwing the book at the innocent members of the public who are being blocked from schools, ambluances, funerals, etc.

What has happened here?
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This article in a big German newspaper reported this week that globally, the internet has a proportionally higher percentage of emissions than flying has (sorry, it's behind a paywall). I believe that - I work in tech and the amount of data my current company and especially my previous one generate daily is simply insane and it's only accelerating more and more. There are many more people using the internet than people flying, which also will only stay that way. Flying is getting more expensive and while there's an increase in flights in some groups, for most people, it'll simply stay inaccessible, while cheaper phones are being thrown onto the market and many companies work on making internet-based services such as streaming accessible to everyone (more ad-based services, for markets where subscription fees aren't working).

:D In the honour of that, I purged a couple of newsletters today and closed a couple of accounts I had lying around but never used anymore. Any mail not sent is a good thing if you're not reading it anyway... plus one of those cashback services is seriously annoying by sending me the same crap first via mail and also by post so now they're not sending me anything at all anymore....
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Can't help but wonder what would happen if people started slow-marching down the street with "Just Stop Immigration" or "Just Stop Sunak" or "Just Stop Taxing Me" or "Just Stop James Corden", "Harry and Meghan", "Holly and Phil", etc etc. Wonder how far they would get.

Also baffles me why there's no "Just Stop Vaping" campaign. The craze for disposable vapes seems to have so many downsides yet nobody is touching it, least of all these activists that reckon they are scared for their future. Disposable vapes have everything!
- general littering everywhere
- plastic waste
- battery waste
- addiction issues
- concerns about the health and age of the users
- questionable tax affairs of the pop up shops that tend to sell them. Even in some cases some possible modern slavery links in the staffing of those shops.

And yet barely a peep about the whole disposable vaping industry? Instead these people spend their time raising pollution by causing traffic jams. Makes no sense to me.
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I saw the police actually arrested some of the Just Stop Oil crew today, which was a surprise though I fear still a waste of time as they seem to have carte blanche to do as they please no matter how life-ruining to others.

It did make me laugh to read the wailings of some of them and then in the same breath, they were defending why they travelled from Scotland to London to protest. Bunch of numpties who are a disgrace to the issue, and who seem to be driven to behave the way they do by severe mental illness and being exploited by the likes of Roger Hallam rather than anything else. You just have to read/listen to some of them speak to know they are no longer aware which way is up.
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I'm sick of all the doom mongering.
I found this comment online which sums it up and which shows how quickly people forget:

"In the 1960s, it was oil: we were only gonna have enough for ten years.
In the 1970s, it was that another ice age that would occur in ten years,
In the 1980s, it was acid rain which was gonna destroy all the crops within ten years.
In the 1990s, it was the ozone layer which would be destroyed in ten years.
In the 2000s, it was the glaciers which would all melt within ten years.
In the 2010s, it was that the east and west coast would be underwater from the rising oceans ... you got it ... ten years! None of this fear-mongering nonsense ever came true, though, did it! Not a bit of it - not one single bit!"
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I think certain environmental ideas are hard for the wider population to get their heads around. Oil is just this substance that we use in our cars. There's no personal connection to it, unless you work on the rigs. Something like Just Stop Sewage would appeal to a broader audience than Just Stop Oil because we don't want to get sick from swimming or paddling in our rivers and seas, and we certainly don't want contaminated water supplies.
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Soon there will be a boom in climate anxiety therapists who will emerge to treat all the vulnerable young people who have been brainwashed by all the doom mongering and Greta Thunberg adulation...Big Business.

After WW2 I wonder whether people ruminated on the aftermath of all the bombing and the effects this had on the planet?My guess is that they were too busy trying to rebuild their lives. As you say,Scotch Mist, there always has to be something to scare us.At least Covid gave us a break from climate change lecturing.
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