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VIP Member
I agree that something needs to be done to make everyone start taking the climate crisis seriously but they are not going about it the right way at all. I don't see how their actions actually bring attention to the issues and they certainly don't get people onside.

They always strike me as a bunch of privileged, middle class anarchists who have the luxury of the time to arse about causing trouble and are about as much in touch with the concerns of ordinary people as the governments they claim to hold in contempt. I don't have much time for extremists of any type.
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I hate those milk twats. Wow, so brave and noble to go and create a huge mess for minimum wage workers to clear up. Get a fucking life.
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Re the milk spilling. What annoys me is that if a young mother or elderly person or infact anyone stole a bottle of milk in desperation due to poverty then they would be charged with shoplifting and possibly arrested. Yet these so called activists are allowed to simply pour loads of bottles of milk on the floor with absolutely no consequence. BTW I don't condone shoplifting but just making the point.
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Irritating little student fuckwits who have no experience of the real world and believe all the hysterical nonsense spouted by eco-nutter outlets like the Guardian and the BBC. Best ignored.
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The majority of people are not interested in this movement any more. They‘ve lost respect of the public and people who are trying to go about their day and their employment after the dreadful 18 months we have had. Go and protest at Downing Street , not in the middle of the busiest and possibly most dangerous motorway in the UK. They are bunch of numpties if they think this is the way to do it. Bloody amateurs.
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Scotch Mist

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I was accosted by an anxious looking woman in London recently who shoved a leaflet into my hands and started on about how the world will soon be ending. I told her to 'get a grip and stop doom mongering'.

My daughter said I was being harsh but I was trying to tell this woman that she should enjoy her life and live for today instead of frightening herself to death worrying about something that might not happen.

Too many people have been brainwashed into thinking the end is nigh. I'm all for positive initiatives to combat pollution etc but scaring everyone really isn't that helpful or productive in my view. I also had to calm down one of my daughter's friends who was literally crying about it saying that there's no future. It's causing a lot of anxiety in young people which in my view isn't good.
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Iconic Member
Greta is possibly the most annoying child in the world. 😐

every single one of those M50 idiots should be arrested and made clean NHS toilets ascommunity service
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First of all the disclaimer that is necessary when discussing X.R and similar groups. I am not a Climate change denier and have said in other threads on this forum that the consumer driven society we currently have can’t continue for much longer.

But now let’s look at the group itself, along with other similar groups such as BLM. Let’s not be shy here, these are in essence Far Left groups. They are not stupid, they realise that they can’t explicitly say words like Socialism, Communism or Marxism, given histories unfortunate knack of systems based on these philosophies quickly degenerating into nightmares of extreme poverty, repression, and human rights abuse. (See Venezuela) Unless of course they want to use the frankly laughable “that wasn’t real socialism” or “Sweden is a socialist country” arguments. However repackage those failed philosophies as saving the planet or combating racism and you have a fresh new army of recruits who’s hearts are in the right place but perhaps lack a little in critical thinking experience.

What has struck me about these groups is the similarity of the message. We must change “the system”. (What to?). No. “The system” has provided most people in the West, including X.R, an unparalleled comfortable lifestyle and the absolute right to moan about their comforts to their hearts content. The system is fine it’s the greed of the people within the system which is the issue, and that doesn’t just include billionaires, it includes anyone who is currently contemplating upgrading their phone to a newer model which operates one millisecond quicker when their old one works perfectly well.

Another that’s struck me when reading stories of people who have been arrested to court after these protests. They’re not as you might expect 20 somethings, but are often older people in their 60s or 70s. I do wonder if “back in the day” how many of these older committed environmentalists were expressing “solidarity” with mining communities and agitating to keep the pits open? More than a few I expect.
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Just seen the news ticker this morning:

'M25 Protesters vow to carry on.'

Do this lot not get it?

As far as I am now concerned, they deserve anything that is forthcoming.

From being physically attacked by members of the public, given massive fines, to being thrown in prison.

Why don't they go and protest outside the Chinese embassy in London? After all China are the world's biggest polluters, along with the U.S.

At least the UK is trying to do something positive about climate change - unlike China and the U.S.
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I drove under a bridge they'd defaced yesterday. Extinction Rebellion is nothing but a nuisance and they are allowed to get away with too much.
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If this mob and Greta are fronting the climate change movement then the Earth is doomed.
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What do people think about them? I supported them initially but when they started to do things like block ambulances en route to hospital and not give a shit, vandalise buildings, glue themselves to commuter trains in a poor working class area, etc, they lost me.

I think they are actually just a load of anarchists for whom a good day out is creating chaos and misery for everyone they hold in contempt - ie the average person who is just trying to live their own life and go about their day.

At this point I think they should be banned by the government from their reign of terror and I 100% support the right to peaceful protest but they are not about that.

Anyone agree? Disagree? Let's see what happens with their lastest round of "action" as they call it.
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The Reading Festival site after the masses departed.



I wonder how many of these hypocrites are in favour of, are highly supportive and vocal for XR in public. However they very clearly don't care about the environment when it suits them....

Each abandoned tent requires the equivilent of 9000 plastic straws, and 25kg of co2 to make.

Abandoned Festival tents also add around 875 tonnes to landfill each year.

The XR bunch should have stood outside the Festival gates telling people, 'don't be utter hypocrites'. Would have been far more beneficial than messing around on Tower Bridge.
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I also question why XR were allowed to publicly advertise this latest demonstration through official advertising channels.

I mean, I saw their full size propaganda in Bus Stop advertising spaces, plus on advertising hoardings.

If you are trying to deter such mass chaos in London, why allow the Organisers to so blatantly advertise it.


I walked past the previous XR encampment in Trafalgar Square. The whole place stunk of cannabis. Of course these idiots don't see the irony of protesting about climate change, when smoking cannabis - a drug that takes very high amounts of energy to harvest.

Utter hypocrites, whom need to be told as much.

Much like the XR founder. A Doctor whom drives a diesel motor, yet claims she can't afford an electric vehicle.

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Iconic Member
Absolute fuckers should be made do community service,
The really shitty jobs nobody wants to do, let them make a difference in a positive way, not this woke as fuck bullshit.
I think I’ve only seen one person defending what they’re doing, some idiot on sky news doing a press preview 😒
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