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She’s gonna clean the carpets after February half term??! We are now in may! So she’s either getting very organised for next year or just chatting bollocks about cleaning her carpets and saying any old shite to fill a story!
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All quiet at 7 in the morning?
maybe on a Saturday or Sunday.
Surely normal families are up getting ready to leave for work . Making sandwiches , shouting - are you actually out of bed ect !! Or is that just here. Kids wandering round looking dazed , dogs barking - maybe that is just us 😂
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She said something today about if you have cremation they don’t do this on the islands so he must be having cremation. She said if you want burial you can but they ain’t got a crematorium. But she hasn’t mentioned about going to his funeral but surely to god she will be I mean she goes off the island for stupid stuff so surely she would for a funeral, but then again it’s Georgia and prob thinks waving him off and filming for the gram is ok 🤬🤬
She said it’s his funeral next week so I assume he’s being cremated on the mainland then having a funeral on the islands with his ashes. Seems a bit backwards to me!
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I had to laugh at this. Of course he thinks the house feels like a military camp! The kid never gets a few minutes peace before she’s nagging at him to get up, get dressed, tidy up, make his bed, walk the dog, get outside… as long as he’s not in her way.

It’s all very well saying how much she misses him when he’s away, but the second he’s home she can’t wait to get him out of the house again. Actions speak louder than words. He’ll be growing up to resent her.
Look at all those dots along the top there! 😩🤣🤣
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I do t understand how she can not have a drink of water or juice or anything throughout the day. No wonder she’s so wrinkly. She’s severely dehydrated.
She’ll end up with kidney problems, and all sorts of other complications further down the line.
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You can email both the IOS wildlife trust and the Cornwall wildlife Trust ad the IOS one didn't do anything last year. You can also report it as a wildlife crime to the police. Go on the Cornwall site and there's info on there.

I am not doing this to annoy her or be a "troll". I just want the stupid woman to be educated on how not to disturb nesting birds. She's blaming the gulls but she filmed the duck abandoning the nest yesterday!!! I can't watch her do this again, she is absolutely cruel in her quest for gram content 😡😡😡😡
She think
Was it my eyes but when she showed that lip stain yesterday and wiped her finger across her lips to show it didn’t come off, she didn’t appear to actually touch her mouth. She’s such a fraud
You are so right. I must have watch it about ten times to make sure I was seeing properly. This woman needs to get professional help or support if she thinks people can't see what she's doing. She really is someone only a mother could love.
Was it my eyes but when she showed that lip stain yesterday and wiped her finger across her lips to show it didn’t come off, she didn’t appear to actually touch her mouth. She’s such a fraud
Was it my eyes but when she showed that lip stain yesterday and wiped her finger across her lips to show it didn’t come off, she didn’t appear to actually touch her mouth. She’s such a fraud
You are 100% right. Couldn't believe what I was seeing. If she believes she touched her lips then she needs professional help or support. This is NOT normal behaviour for a 42 year old woman.
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But is it her money to spend? What are the rules on donated/raised monies? You can’t just change your mind when people have donated monies to one thing and spend it on something else. Surely that’s against the Charities Commision rules …or don’t they apply on Shitter island. She’s probably buying puppy pads, straw, kale and tomatoes with the funds raised too. She’s not gonna put her hands in her own pockets is she 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
The money was just generically for the ducks and it was once she had the money she’d said that she was going to use it for a duck house. Don’t forget though, no rules apply to Princess Georgia 😉
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Looks like an (office) worker - doesn't act like one! 🤣
How much has Adam spent on her for this birthday and it wasn't even a special one! A new Apple watch, 2 nights away, a jumper, a playsuit or some such crap and she has a new ring but didn't say who bought her that. So quit pleading poverty you scamming madam, you're obviously rolling in it - she drives me mad saying how much it costs to travel to the mainland - well move then if it's such a drain on your (un)limited resources! And leave the bloody ducks nest alone - stop drawing attention to it you daft mare! No wonder mum has wandered off with her bloody nosing all the time 😡
You forgot the full body massage! Thats wouldn't have been cheap!
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Ooooh what did I miss? Who's been giving her abuse? I've not been able to get into my instagrAm for a few days and miss her grinding my gears
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