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It will be great in September for her . No need for any staff - she’s got no responsibility at home with both her children shipped off . Adam only works part time so they can run her parents shop between them ! Save so much on all those wages ! 🤔
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Reasons beyond her control?! How about giving the lengthy Body Shop stories a miss for one day? Or not coming on Instagram to moan about your family and film every single task you're doing?

She's clearly blaming those poor visitors for her being late into the shop today, when the reality is that she's late every single day because of her pointless routine and the fact that she doesn't do much work in general. I hope those visitors are okay and never see her stories to see how selfish she really is.


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It’s that old survival of the fittest thing, isn’t it. Yes, it’s very sad to us emotional humans if we happen to see baby animals being preyed upon in the wild, it’s horrible, we’re not monsters, but once we begin to interfere with that, we’re altering the course of nature.

What does Georgia think is going to happen? Maybe 3 or 4 years time - not that far off - there could be so many ducks that the beach will be overrun with them. Then what? How will she cope? Nobody’s really helping her now are they? Despite her “community effort” bollocks. What if they begin to become a nuisance to the community due to their overwhelming numbers?

There’s a reason for natural selection. Cruel as it may seem to us humans if we see it first hand. But once we start playing god, there will be consequences.
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Tagging the west end, for f**is sake you desperado, you told the girl to sing jeez it's so pathetic. How many thousands want to be on the west end who are better than scooby Roo.
Mrs Tumble in her attire morphing nto the dipstick she is, why the hell dont that family take that phone off her and stomp on it. Any normal parent would think this is odd behaviour of their daughter.

Its horrid to see her praise for the girl and not J. Jump ship lad and dont look back.
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Little Miss Planner

Chatty Member
Every little thing she does aside from when she is on the toilet is filmed. Why the hell does she film the same crap day in day out. Also who needs to see her stripping a bed. What an extremely boring mundane life she lives. I cant understand why anyone would want or need to live their life like that.
Wish she would shut the fuck up about her bloody water meter.Those ducks have never cost the scraggy bitch a penny its all donated by gullible fools who follow her or live near her. Fed up of the ducklings already because its too much hard work for her. Get a grip you bone idle show off. You wouldnt know hard work if it punched you in the face.You do nothing all day except rush around filming the same boring crap day in day out pretending to clean. Never seen anyone so slapdash in my life. If thats what you call cleaning obsessed and being OCD then you clearly dont know the meaning of those words.
I have also never seen anyone on instagram who advertises and lies through their teeth as much as you little Miss money grabber. If you think your skin looks good and your hair and nails you obviously havent taken a look in the mirror lately. Worse advert for body shop ever. Also the lies about the Collagen. You have only taken 3-4 times if that so quit the bullshit saying how wonderful it is🙄
Why not do something good with your time like put those poor duckings and their mum back where they belong. They dont belong to you and they are nothing but an inconvenience to you. Its all for content and nothing else. If you cared about wildlife you wouldnt kidnap them in the first place you selfish b....! If you didnt live on an inbred little Island where everyone is related and daddy thinks he is the King, you would be done for meddling with wildlife like that. Cruel beyond words. Oh and whilst i am on the subject...
You and your equally vile sidekick leave the seagulls alone. They have more right to be there than you pair of bullying show offs!!!
Yes whats happened to the money that was raised for the ducks then???
The gulls and ducks situation is being monitored now thank goodness by the mainland 👍....coincidentally now she's talking about releasing them and hey presto she's also miraculously got more space for them and a bigger pool 🤔🤔🤔
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Moaning about the teacher strikes on the same day she said he probably won’t go in as he’s tired from the weekend. What a twat.
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You worry about a wire looking a mess with all that shite in the background 😂
Exactly and it just proves that all this OCD crap is one big set up for instagram. She isnt obsessed with cleaning she is obsessed with being the centre of attention and bagging whatever freebies she can. Absolute joke of a woman. FAKE as f...!!
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Little Miss Planner

Chatty Member
It's just embarrassing moaning about a charity event and how she's now inconvenienced and having to pay. Given she's doing it all in favour of her sister having breast cancer she should stop with the irritating whining and remember how lucky she is not having cancer and also more so that her sister is ok.

Who would honestly care if they had to pay their own travel in order to do something you are raising money for a charity that's close to your family.

I'll stop posting now as she's irritated me way too much with her utter selfish attitude 😡
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Georgia you're a shit mother, looking forward to it, YOU'RE LOOKING FORWARDTO IT, reason number one, you cant be arsed to look after your own kids, they get in the way of your Instagram life.
What a sad pair of fuckwits those 2 are, match making in heaven, sandwich short of a picnic.

Thought who else does she remind me of, yep, "back to front" from the Raggy Dolls, Google if you're too young. 🤭
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Should say he can’t sing 🤣
At least he looks as though he loves it, and he enjoys himself while he’s up there. I’ll give him that. If Ruby is after a career on the stage as Princess Grot keeps saying and pushing for, then she needs to get some charisma and stage presence like her grandad.
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I am horrified by the video of the seals. How can she not realise the seals are scared and stampeding into the sea?! Sadly there’s no laws yet to protect seal disturbance but it’s a huge problem.
I’ve screen recorded it and sending it to scilly wildlife trust and the Cornwall seal group to see if they can send her anything educational. She’ll slime her way out of everything though, bloody princess. I’m furious, that is not ok.


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Forgot to mention other day when she received them puppy pads and duckling food from “whoever sent it” 😂 that they got there quickly within 48hrs ov her getting the ducklings but when Georgia orders anything it takes weeks maybe months to arrive but when idiot people send her free stuff it’s arrives very quickly 🤨 she actually grates on me begging for stuff they raised all that money and having duck hut for free, so use that money for ducklings stuff, go online and bulk order enough for the time she will have them.
Also that poor mommy duck being kept caged in for how many weeks, soon as fresh water is there she straight in it.
When them ducks go back to beach they will be killed one by one she is just delaying what will happen because they are not learning skills ov being out there. Prob be sent back soon as Georgia has to go away, but thought it was a community effort I have seen no one but Georgia and her awful mate do anything for them.
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In a few weeks both kids will be away from home for 6 weeks - why is she telling him to go & find something to do rather annoy her? She should be spending some quality time with him before he goes.

Her quality time with them seems to be labelling their school stuff or packing it with them when they go away!
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Full on lying grifter mode today…

Just for starters, such a smug face on the cleanser advert 😂

Then onto the serum which reverses collagen loss in your skin - does it? That’s a very bold claim to make. Anyway, I thought she had a supplement that she drinks to replace the collagen… which is it?
Also claiming another product opens up the pores in your skin to let the serum in - I think any self professed skincare expert would know that pores don’t open and close like windows.

Resorting to telling lies to sell your BS products isn’t a good way to go.


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No Georgia you dont have anxiety or cant function till you clean your house. All lies as per usual. The only reason you run around like an idiot and do what you do is because you need to keep up the farse for instagram. Lets face it if you really couldnt function you would be putting your phone away and cleaning the house properly. Not just doing 101 things in the space of an hour and fitting in 5 ads at the same time. If thats what you call cleaning your house must be filthy. Its all just slap dash attention seeking stories rushed as quickly as possible for insta. Cleaning your house is not an obsession. Instagram is🙄
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