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Let me just throw in Clancy’s quote from today’s video:

“I am a hardworking woman. The reason women cooked for the men back in the day was because they didn’t do anything. They were just chilling at home. They didn’t work. They weren’t allowed to work. But I work!”

safe to say she’s probably not going into PR, lmao.
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Omgggg Clancy is legit trying to justify her not having bridesmaids as a normal new trend lmao. No hun you are selfish, indignant and rude af. Thank you come again.I’m. It saying she needs bridesmaids I’m saying her reasoning is sub par. I think the fact is zac has 12 men to stand beside him and she has 2 Carly and Jenna.
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It’s interesting she’s all about “salary transparency” for reporters, but not for influencers.

Once she taps the “former TV news reporter” well dry, what’s the draw to her channel?! She needs a job just to add variety to her vlogs.
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Does anyone else think her corny jingle that plays at the end of each vlog is absolutely cringe-worthy and self centered. Also, does anyone else remember in one of her recent vlogs she made a comment saying something like: "I have no idea what Zac even does for a living, I just know he gets a paycheck and that's all that matters." I'm trying to find the exact vlog it was in. But I found that comment extremely bratty! You don't even bother to take an interest in your fiance's job? You know she makes Zac watch all her news reports every morning...
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It’s weird that she’ll delete the slightest criticism about herself, but she’ll leave up (and reply to) a rude comment about Carly.
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Clancy mentioning that she gets comments on her awful makeup 😂 She deffo reads this !

I feel bad for Zac, he actually likes fashion and puts effort into his clothes (except with his shorts and no shirt in his sauna of a flat!) and then there's Clancy who literally doesn't care!

I feel like there's ways to "not care" and be "comfortable" while still looking presentable? Like just throw on a white t-shirt and blue jeans and boom! A simple outfit that looks good or if she desperately wants to be in sweats there are those matching short sets that look way better than what she throws on

Also between her frosted eyeshadow and the fact she wants to buy some low rise shorts shows her look is firmly stuck in 2004 😅
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I cannot believe she’s been squeezing into small jeans because she was too proud to buy a bigger size.

What a boring video. And wow Her daily task list is not much at all. Buying new sneakers, getting a bike fixed and shopping. Busy day for Clancy! She won’t shut up about post news life and her new normal. I think she has PTSD.
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WY or MT would have been perfect! I would have loved those options! But I’ll be honest, she could have never afforded Napa or the surrounding areas. Not with a $60k income + how cheap she is!

But yes I totally see your point - they should have pushed themselves and tried places that got people excited! I haven’t watched in forever since she quit her job and Zac started showing up more in her vlogs - I can’t stand him and his massive combover so I felt like I was fast forwarding through all of her videos!

Speaking of combovers…. His baldness is very obvious here. He used to keep his hair short and wear ball caps - now…I’m not sure what’s going on. 🥴


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I agree with you Kendal, I don't like country music but isn't nashville famous for that? I'm learning nothing about the place apart from the inside of an Airbnb or chain gyms/restaurants/grocery stores. She needs to up her game and dump the wet blanket.
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Happy to see a Clancy thread! I also used to consider her a complete breath of fresh air with the lack of sponsorship, working in a 'regular' job (I know her job and hours isn't exactly normal, but she's paid a salary unlike most influencers) and she doesn't live excessively. As time as gone on though I find myself watching less and less. Her titles are all click baits of how hard her life is, and her relationship with Zac feels very strained and unnatural, and the food thing, omg the food thing!

Clancy's eating is essentially disordered, she has an excessive focus on eating healthily and because she does have severe allergies, she's able to justify her extreme restriction. She does have a real holier than thou attitude to her eating and exercise, even if it's her diet that has resulted in such a severe vitamin deficiency.

The other thing I find really annoying is her attitude to money, again she thinks her quite privileged lifestyle is just the norm - I don't get the impression she has ever known what it's like to have to put something on a credit card or to go without because you can't afford. She made a massively deal about buying her car and how she didn't want to spend the money, as if everyone can just buy a new/almost new car with cash and it's fine, but she gives of this air that if you can't, it's 100% your fault rather than acknowledging that her circumstances mean she can do that.

I also think her eating is a bit disordered, maybe I'd categorize it as more obsessive. An orthorexic maybe. Does anyone remember her mentioning she would eat chocolate every day and then made a bet or something that she wouldn't and then didn't eat it for like 8 years or something ridiculous like that? I remember in the video where she's showing clips of her orange skin there was one of her when she first moved to Ohio and she was a STICK, she looked quite underweight. At least she's put on some pounds and looks healthier now tbh, I think eating out more with Zac helped honestly.

YES about the exercising, like girl, you can miss ONE day of not exercising if you're exhausted, it'll be okay.

This sounds mean, but I feel like her dad can't stand her, but maybe they always mention that's just the Irish personality -- is that true? I'm curious about his story about why he immigrated to America.

Also, so off topic, but can she use SCISSORS to open her packages like a normal person instead of that goddamn butcher knife that terrifies everyone FOR GOOD REASON??
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^^ RJF I would estimate she is making anywhere between $50,000 -$60,000 and that’s pretty accurate because I am in a Facebook group of all TV news women in the nation and there is an anonymous google doc where lots of reporters inputted their salaries by city. So that was the range I found when searching for Cincinnati!

TV news pretty much pays terrible unless you are in NYC! that’s why a lot of people are quitting the biz. They’re realizing they can get a higher paying job that’s 9-5 with holidays off!

I wouldn’t be surprised if Clancy is concocting up some full time YouTube gig or some other project.
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The fact that she complained for a solid minute about an $82 meal is kind of insane, lol. It was tip included. Assuming that gratuity was 18% (which is what restaurants there can charge), that’s roughly 15. So $33 per entree. Which yeah, it’s pricey, but you’re on vacation in Miami. What would you expect…?
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Agree with all of you about the drinking/partying. Whatever is wrong with Zac's stomach, quittung alcohol would be the first thing I'd try.

The wedding registry is still empty and she hasn't changed the password yet. So either she doesn't read here, it's a fake date anyways, she doesn't care or she doesn't plan to add anything else to the page it doesn't matter. I don't feel comfortable sharing what I found (even them deserve some privacy), on the other hand she showed the location and obviously isn't trying to be secretive... I just did a quick google search with her name and tried like 10 obvious passwords and got in within a minute.

Soooo, I couldn't care less about her personality type (or mine) but I have to agree with her about the whole proposal photo shooting issue. I totally get people are different and no one is "right" about such stuff, it just depends on your personal preference.
However, the way she handled the situation is just ringing alarm bells to me.
Let me get this straight: She wanted to be there 7 p.m. sharp, not 5 minutes later. Zac didn't mind being a little late. So she was pissed at him but didn't tell him because she didn't want to ruin the mood.
WHAT THE F.....?! First of all she had to hide her own anger and had to pretend everything was just fine and oh so romantic and perfect. What about her mood being ruined? They didn't go to see a film she wasn't interested in, they were on their way to get _engagement pictures_ taken. Who in their right mind would go through the shooting hiding negative feelings towards their partner?
And why would it have been such a big deal if Zac got mad as well? 20 y.o. me would have probably done the same but 30 y.o. me is just concerned for her. Why would he get mad anyways? Because she was too vigorous for him? Well, in that case I wonder what he loves about her and why he want's to be married to her.
I used to envy their relationship years ago, I thought he was really sweets towards her. Nowadays I want this girl to run far, far away.
Maybe Zac is the kind of person to show up late to his own friends' party, whatever, each to their own. But he must have known it was important to Clancy to be on time for the shooting. Couldn't he get ready 5 minutes earlier to save her from getting a "panic attack" and provoking stress? How hard can it be to take care of your partner's need for a special occasion that ideally happens just once in their lifetime?
Why did Clancy have to deal with her disappointment and anger on her own, hiding it and putting on a smiley face? This is severe.

Didn't make it through the rest of her latest video. It's painfully boring.

Clancy, pleeease explore the city! Leave that dork at home and show us around! Videos of you talking a walk would be more interesting at this point.
Please don't mention the following topics again: Hair structure, air fryers, chicken, japanese sweet potatoes, broccoli, avocado toast, oatmeal, work outs, drinking, Love Island and similar TV shows, (....) and cut 90% of the scenes with Zac. You could show us a plant growing in slow motion and it would be more entertaining.

I enjoyed her magnetic eyelash sponsorship though. That was good contenct and felt genuine.
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I agree, her last video is very telling of how she exaggerates things when Zac said “What you say isn’t real”. I get the vibe that she’s got a really strong work ethic, but to an unhealthy extreme just like her other habits. It seems she has anxiety over being the top performer, like she wants to be seen as the one who works every holiday even though no one is forcing her and she won’t be fired for taking time off. It’s too much, and it gets old after a while.
You are spot on! Who takes a work phone on vacation with them? I could understand it if you were a top surgeon and an organ donation could come through at any time or something life and death but not missing out on interviewing the Bengals mascot 😂

Also I noticed JD from Howard Stern is a huge Bengals fan, he has the same accent as Zac 😂
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Glitter Girl

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Clancy really needs to drop her “OCD” label. It’s not a description. It’s a diagnosis, same as any other mental illness. And then she said it’s almost shameful in this day and age if you’re not on medication…girl what? That has to be the most sheltered, baseless opinion I’ve heard in a long time.
I agree. It's almost offensive how anti-mental health she seems to be. Like when she had anxiety and had to quit her job because of it. If she doesn't want to take meds, that's fine. I didn't take meds. It was a personal choice. But therapy works wonders. Repeatedly telling people how you could handle all your mental health challenges "but some of you need meds and that's ok" over and over and over again reminds me of "methinks the lady doth protest too much."

I don't know, I feel like she doesn't understand mental health and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if 10 years from now, she realizes all these things she keeps saying "I got over it" aren't really "over" and she needs therapy and/or meds.

Also, can we stop with the phrase "I'm OBSESSED!" every 5 minutes. I swear she says this at least a half dozen times in every single video.
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God I can’t stand in her most recent video when Zach tells her she should have gotten him Bengals tickets and she says she’s not standing in the cold and she refuses to do that 🤢 I get it’s a joke but it’s such a bad look.
Right, why do the tickets have to involve her? Why can't she gift him sports tickets to take a family member or friend? Of course he didn't want to see the Bachelor Live, wake up Clancy!! Everything just has to involve her.
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Zac again drinking alcohol and energy drinks while having stomach issues, but he swaps out dairy yogurts... Yeah that's the issue Zac..
Her vlogs are so boring and repetitive. They don't even know if they will travel after December so they must be fed up already of it.
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Another vlog - another binge drink. The fact that she admitted she couldn’t even make it to the movie theaters the next day after the last wedding she attended was crazy. Zac double fisting drinks and then Clancy recording him drunk at the end of the night in the hotel room for a lame prank was just…odd. He was slurring his words so bad! Sure, it’s a wedding you’re not going to be sober, but don’t put that in the vlog.

Charlotte is going to be the same story. More bars, more corny music and Zac holding drinks making a silly face, more chicken sandwiches, grocery haul of sweet potatoes, exercise class, choc oatmeal etc.

she’s literally comparing and contrasting the “bowl structure” of the Nashville apartment vs Charlotte.

Complaining about a $17 salad with chicken. Yeah that’s a lot but you’re in a major city and you can afford it!
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good lord clancy STOP DEFENDING YOURSELF! the people making comments about you driving drunk are not hate comments. they are concerned comments. shes just becomming extremely snobby lately, its unfortunate because she used to be so down to earth. no other youtuber talks about their followers in their videos, just comes off as insecure and no one cares. people are going to keep judging her no matter what. thats reality of being a youtuber.
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i think zac drinks because not once have i seen any of HIS friends come visit. they have all been clancys. i think zac misses cincinnati and his friends and family to the point where he numbs his self with alcohol to distract himself. its not sweet potatoes....clancy.....
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