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Has she ever disclosed how much she earns?

I have a feeling that “roving reporter on the local morning TV news in a small city in Middle America” doesn’t earn a lot of cash, considering what someone from just outside New York could be earning with the same sort of skillset and education.
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Watching her new vlog right now and she once again mentions drinking/partying and how much she'll be able to enjoy it. I'm sorry but regardless of what job you have, realistically speaking, how many of us are able to go out and stay late that often? There are schedules, housework, hobbies, etc. It just feels weird to me giving so much importance to nightlife.
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Chatty Member
Zac’s sassiness was on full display in the latest video, LOL.

“What, like I have a broccoli farm out back?”

“You make it up. What you say isn’t real!”

He cracks me up lmao.
I agree with Zac, maybe it is the case that when you are completely new you have to work the worse days of the holiday but not when there are newer people than you in the company. She totally does it for the money, I love that Zac called her out on it 👌
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I was trying to find the clip too! I checked Local 12's Youtube page as that's where most news stations' videos automatically go to. But no luck. It's nowhere on their website either. Weird because I would assume Clancy would want to save that clip as a memory.

All someone needs to do is clip the video and post it. People used to call my station all the time, asking for us to put specific news clips on the website. If you guys want, I can always call Local 12 and pretend to be a viewer and ask them 😅
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I was so surprised her mom is helping pay! Why encourage something that will most likely end badly? Her friends or family should tell her. I know it hurts and might cause issuse but she will be thankful later!
Do you guys think they will break up or divorce?
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Aw no one has replied but I do! Must admit I'm not an avid watcher and only watch a few of her videos but I like what she does. I think it's great that she said she doesn't do YouTube for money. I think she will always keep her job because it's her dream. Plus, her relationship with Zach is so sweet!


VIP Member
I believe some restaurants won't even let you in if you aren't properly dressed? Maybe she thinks she has no one to impress now lol


Chatty Member
It’s veryyyy telling how angry zac was and defensive when someone called him out. Must have hit a nerve there. Let me just say I used to be a recruiter for an IT company, 90% of them work on commission and have jobs on the side. He says it like it’s so impressive, trust me it’s not lol. It’s high stress in hopes one of the people you’ve submitted will get the job out of 100 other candidates. If not all your work you put in that week means absolutely nothing and you don’t get paid. Talk about job security, that ain’t it. As far as sales goes, same shit different day. Waiting around for someone to buy your bs if they don’t guess who doesn’t get paid. He’s a joke. He’s always felt threatened by Clancy and he makes sure to keep her right in her place and she’s to dumb enough to see it.
Also, she actually got him a “real” job at local 12 and he lasted what 3 months if that, I’ll tell you why. He had a boss looking over him meetings he was expected to attend that he didn’t set up around his schedule. When you are used to having the freedom to do what you want, that’s a big difference. Now he’s back to calls and meetings, oh so impressive. He’s setting up appointments to pitch his bs 😆 ahh they make me laugh.
Why someone with a degree puts himself through such stress? He has a degree in finance. I always thought he is very successful at what he does, that’s why he went back to the recruitment agency life. You can make so much money once you have your own clientele and candidates. You know that better than me. Good for them that that person wasn’t me. 😂 I would’ve put them both in their place, dumb kids.


Chatty Member
And if she hires a manager for YouTube she really will have extra time on her hands!
Pretty sure by manager for youtube she means like a brand manager who gets sponsorships etc, not that they will actually manage her youtube/edit for her etc. That is something she had never done before herself so I guess she wants someone to deal with that all for her, plus the extra stuff they bring, such as more connections etc. Think like gleam etc, don't know a US equivalent.


Active member
Another Saturday, another boring Clancy vlog! This time I actually found myself not paying attention a bunch of times when she talked about how exciting her new "pop socket" is or the same old Japanese sweet potatoes, or workout. By the way does she actually run 3 miles at speed 7.0? Geez that's intense.

When she told Zac to "close his eyes" to reveal the new nail color she chose that was pathetic. It's also pathetic that she texted him to help pick out a color. She should've listened to his advice because she chose that GOD AWFUL neon yellow. Who gets yellow nails? 🤮

More and more, Clancy is wearing sweatpants to public places… like a bar?! She even mentioned in this vlog that Zac didn’t want to go to a certain restaurant with Clancy cause she was too underdressed. Why can’t she put on a pair of jeans or leggings for that matter? For a girl who’s such a perfectionist, this surprises me.

Lastly, to top it off Clancy ends the vlog complaining that she has too many friends so it’s hard to balance making plans with all of them. Give me a break, she only started getting more social since she met Zac…


Chatty Member
I wouldn't call it toxic just very naive/delusional based on divorce statistics in America. She has the attitude of these things happen to other people not perfect me! I wouldn't trust someone who is always out with his mates getting blind drunk! Maybe the travel plans were a way to create distance between him and his friends/drinking buddies!


VIP Member
Does anyone here watch Vloggingblonde the platinum blonde lady with dark-haired husband who used a bunch of click-baity titles before they were married and had children?? Clancy reminds me a lot of her. Anyway, I reckon Zac's sly digs at Clancy secretly pisses her off to no end so in return she becomes passive-aggressive af.


I mean OCD doesn't just randomly go away when you grow up. It also would explain her issues with eating. I do the same thing but I actually manage to get my vitamins. When I was younger I was scared someone poisoned my food or that there would be hair/objects in my food. I also wouldn't eat food that made me sick before. She seriously needs to speak to someone.
You make some good points! I wish she would say then that she had OCD tendencies when she was younger and that she might still be dealing with it, but I don't think she should use it as an adjective like so many people’s offhand comments (ie. “oh I’m so OCD about cleaning!”). And you’re bang on — she could benefit greatly from some therapy. Those night sweats were so intense! Even this transition from a job she had for years after all her schooling — realizing she didn't like it as much as she thought she would, and then moving to a different career is a great time for anyone, not just her, to debrief with a professional! And that's even without all the anxiety she dealt with!

Welcome to the Dark Side, Lisbu! I completely agree with everything you've written. As an aside. When my husband proposed, I was fresh off a night shift, unshowered, wearing an Animal onesie and had no makeup on. I had no idea he was going to propose then (it was planned for a week later, he just decided that *now* was the best time)

I forget shes 26 as her vocabulary and attitude has not really evolved past 13. Why does she call herself (and everything) "disgusting"? Now I realise she grew up in a very Irish household and Irish humour can quite sarcastic and derogatory. My best friend is from Cork. If you call her beautiful (because she is stunning) she refers to herself as a Bog Troll. She and her husband (from Tipperary) are absolute beasts to one another (Ashling Bea has a great bit about Irish flirting style.) But it's done in jest and not at all serious. I think that is what Clancy and Zach are trying to do, but it just doesn't translate well to camera via American humour and just comes across a bit... mean.
Ah, thank you! An animal onsie of all things — some guys have the best timing, haha. But yes, too bad it has to be the dark side — and I somewhat doubt we'll ever get back to the old Clancy in videos. Like if they're going to be travelling until their wedding next summer, and they want kids within a couple years (or less?!!?), that doesn't leave much time for a new job for her. And if she's anxious already, it would be challenging to deal with a screaming baby and a new job (given the US' terrible maternity leave). That being said, she's used to being sleep deprived, so maybe it would be okay?? On that note, I sure hope she truly WANTS kids, and isn't just going to have them because that's what everyone does and it's the "next step" in their relationship after they're married. Kids drastically change your life, permanently, and too many people surprisingly don't take this into consideration. You can choose to not have kids and be happy (just like you can choose to have kids and be happy).

And yes, I'll have to watch future videos more closely. It really just seems to me like those two are bickering as a joke on camera. Like I said, I'm Canadian, so nothing was that unusual for me (or maybe I am just quite sarcastic IRL ha). I didn't quite get any red flags, but I'm more annoyed at their boring banter and tend to skip past it. It doesn't SEEM like Zac means half the stuff he says, and only says it to get a rise out of Clancy (easiest thing ever lol). This has made me curious though, so I'll be watching more carefully now!


Chatty Member
^^^^ vlogwatcher33 you have a good point! I didn't even put two and two together but I think you are on to something.

I actually started watching Clancy because I was a former TV news reporter. Like me, there are a TON of other people leaving the business. There are many articles online if you search the "great resignation of TV news." It's an industry where you're severely overworked/underpaid and it is not a very family friend career (which I'm sure that's something she wants someday). Also, TV news reporters sign a two-year contract, and once that's up, it's time to move again! It makes it so hard to get settled in one area.

Getting up at 1 am every day sucks. If they have kids one day, it's going to be very tricky. There are a lot of journalists who are going into Public Relations for better work-life balance. That's what I did!

I guess time will tell. But with her 2-year contract ending in April, selling work dresses, etc. makes me very suspicious!
It's good to get an insiders perspective. The one thing I can't work out is why book the wedding venue locally if planning to move? I have to say if she becomes a full time influencer I'll be unsubbing as that last video was painful enough and that’s without being subjected to a load of ads. Also Zac has no personality!


Chatty Member
LMAO she even said in this video that she slueths around and reads what air bnb owners say on FB. You KNOW she is here on this thread.
I thought the same thing! How about you just tell us you read here already after that comment 🤣. They severely underestimated how much money this trip would take. I bet she won’t last until Christmas traveling. They will claim they fell in love with whatever the city may be and buy a house before all their money is gone.