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Chatty Member
I wouldn't call it toxic just very naive/delusional based on divorce statistics in America. She has the attitude of these things happen to other people not perfect me! I wouldn't trust someone who is always out with his mates getting blind drunk! Maybe the travel plans were a way to create distance between him and his friends/drinking buddies!
Toxic in the sense that she would do whatever and take whatever to keep from becoming a part of the divorce statistic.
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She is like the worlds most awkward human, and Zachs sense of non-humor makes it worse I think. She gets uncomfortable, he makes crappy comment, she’s more uncomfortable, he laughs she plays the baby coddle me my feelings are scarred card. It’s very odd, Zach needed someone who could put him in his place. Honestly only reason this relationship even happened is because she was pretty. They mesh about like oil and water.
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Clancy really needs to drop her “OCD” label. It’s not a description. It’s a diagnosis, same as any other mental illness. And then she said it’s almost shameful in this day and age if you’re not on medication…girl what? That has to be the most sheltered, baseless opinion I’ve heard in a long time.
OCD doesn’t mean you like things neat and tidy…it’s typically marked by intrusive thoughts and also the only known treatment for OCD IS MEDICATION! This day and age I feel people are shamed for taking medication, when there’s nothing wrong with that, and in fact in many cases the only way to help your brain is to take medicince. She’s so ignorant.
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Wow the whole "doing my makeup bad on purpose" Saturday vlog was just stupid. It almost seemed a bit... scripted? Zac's reaction wasn't that surprised when she told him it was a prank. If it is real, then Zac is completely whipped! He kept saying: "I'm so sorry dear. I didn't mean to upset you honey. Please don't yell at me dear." It obviously goes to show that he is scared of her and she definitely flies off the handle at him often.

Geez dosen't she have anything better to do on her days off? Also I'm so TIRED of seeing Zac either shirtless or wearing a button down with boxers while he works from home. Granted, Clancy sticks a camera in his face but no one wants to see that.

Also-- from Wednesday's "work week" Vlog I was interested to hear more of the story where Zac said, recently a girl hit on him at the bar (Clancy was not there). And he had to tell her he was engaged. Surprised, he hasn't run off by now...
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Chatty Member
There was a free bar. Of course Clancy will drink like a fish if she doesn't have to pay for it. Complete cheapskate!
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I just can’t with the headband. Clancy is such a cute girl and she ages herself so horribly with that outdated makeup. Looks like she’s going to the prom in 2010. So y’all think for one instance that it’s a coincidence Zach is sick when his entire world is about to be flipped upside down. Anxiety manifests itself physically all the time, even if you don’t feel particularly anxious about something consciously. He doesn’t want to be ripped away from the life he’s built for 30 years to help Clancy find vlog content. He’s looking increasingly uncomfortable and if I’m being honest and I had to bet he’s reconsidering what the rest of his life may look like with her. He’s scared of starting over and she has perks, cute, has money, not a raging spender, can carry on a conversation but that’s about as far as it goes. Where’s the actual depth, not a trendy book or highlighting someone else’s quotes, the actual person who’s not putting on a performance 24/7.
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My contribution to Clancy Bingo:

Outdated SponsorshipChocolate Oatmeal Clancy says “you guys”Unseasoned Home Cooking
‘VLOG’ in the title Clancy Does Her MakeupSalad or “Bowl” FoodAlcohol/Bar
Grumpy ZacBurn Boot Camp / WorkoutClancy Talks About Her Sleeping HabitsWhite Wedges or White Sneakers
Mention of ‘TV News Reporter’Zac Working in Board Shorts/Underwear “Obsessed.”Clancy Whines When She Says “Zac”
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God could her vlogs be any more boring?!?
A normal video:
Talk about how different her schedule is
Talk about her sleep schedule and how long it’s taking to bounce back
Still complain about how tired she is
Whine to Zac
Complain more about her previous schedule and job

The content has really gone down hill since she left her job. It’s really just talking at the camera and repeating the same thing over and over.
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Whoa I don't buy it was a "joke" it sounds like he wanted to get rid of her and she just didn't get it. I'm now rethinking everytime Clancy has said Zac was being mean in a cutesy way. Maybe she knows deep down he doesn't want to be with her but she isn't 100% sure since she hasn't had a long term relationship before.

At least there is a year for one of them to break up with the other. Easier now than after marriage.
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I saw a comment about the time issue where somebody said, "You and Zac need to get on the same page, get it figured out now!" So right! If he is inconsiderate now, it is only going to get worse. Clancy is definitely the type to ignore red flags and go through with a wedding so as not to disappoint anybody. She's still got time--call it off Clancy.
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I can’t really imagine Clancy travelling the world. Besides a nice resort in Mexico and a family member’s cottage in Ireland, I would imagine that she’s lived a rather sheltered life when it comes to going abroad. She just seems a bit too precious for the whole thing, but good luck to her!
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Holy cow her latest Instagram post.

“It’s been three months since I quit my job, look how happy I am!!” Is she going to do this every month? “My first Christmas not as a TV news reporter!”

She’s really still hung up on the TV reporter being her identity still…she has to make reference to being a TV reporter, if she was really content she would truly just live her life and not being it up every five minutes. What a shame her parents spent all that money for her to go to college and she isn’t even going to pursue a career in her field.

wonder if she’ll be this happy in the middle of winter when it’s cold and dark and she’s not on summer vacation…
It’s not even like she did it for 20 years or something. Like what 4-5 years tops, is that really your whole identity!?!
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All I have to say about the new vlog:

What kind of psycho AIR FRIES gnochhi? Does she not know that it’s a pasta dish?! She ate them like french fries. I think Zac baked them up on a frying sheet too. Both idiots who clearly don’t know shit about culture!

-signed an angry Italian
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Yeah I don't think his career is that impressive and made more obvious by his reaction to donnas.
Just because he has a degree doesn't mean it was difficult or hard to pass. I don't think he's dumb but I wouldn't say he's so Intelligent, especially with how he goes on about diet and fitness. He definitely sees himself in a higher view.
Someone else mentioned but he lacks basic knowledge on food, I actually think Clancy is clever to a certain extent but they do lack some self awareness and critical thinking. She's also very naive
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^Exactly!! Yeah if you put it in perspective, Zac is 30 and wants to settle down and buy a house. Clancy is being selfish. She’s acting like she’s some 18 year old going on a gap year, backpacking. If she wanted to travel she could have studied abroad or something.

She’s doing it cause she has no job and needed the content. On her Instagram stories today, she was showing off all the shopping she did and saying how relaxed she is. That’s going to get old really quick.

I don’t see her as the type to wonder around a city alone while Zac works all day. As much as she says she’s independent, she isn’t. At least socially. Will she be going to museums by herself, parks, sightseeing etc. solo? No. She’s not going to want to go without Zac.

Now I wonder how much she makes annually on YouTube for her to quit her job…
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Chatty Member
I've often thought this myself. Even the tone with which Zac speaks is soooo condescending. And like you can see it even in the way he moves his body/head right as he about to speak on a subject. It's so arrogant. And I get that Clancy says that they think having their own lives/friends is healthy, which I TOTALLY agree w, but if my fiance was joking about having someone on the side, I wouldn't laugh. I wouldn't take that lightly at all. Zac seems like someone who would cheat and then blame his cheating on Clancy.
Exactly. His tone is so condescending and I wonder if Clancy even realizes that it’s not normal the way he speaks to her. The jokes about someone on the side. I was also thinking about how yea it’s normal to have friends or what not but I found it odd how he’d be out and she’d be home all the time, say it was her job or whatever but he could have very well said no I’m going out alone. If he cared so much about seeing his girlfriend and she had the job she had wouldn’t he prioritize spending a few extra hours at home on a Friday night with her vs getting wasted with his “friends”. He just seems like a douche canoe honestly. Please for the love of god stop complaining about stomach issues when you getting old man wasted in a Hawaiian shirt in Nashville. I had second hand embarrassment so bad for him 😂 However she’s a know it all as well and I just can’t imagine being in same room as those two and enjoying myself 😂.
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If you use the 45cal chocolate syrup + peanut butter it's 😍😍😍.

I kid 😉

Anyway, Zac and Clancy always had a weird vibe to me. Especially when she reads her journals and he didn’t even bother to really reach out to her. It seems like she pursued him and he was like “welp, guess this is happening”.
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I wouldn't call it toxic just very naive/delusional based on divorce statistics in America. She has the attitude of these things happen to other people not perfect me! I wouldn't trust someone who is always out with his mates getting blind drunk! Maybe the travel plans were a way to create distance between him and his friends/drinking buddies!
I hadn't considered that maybe some of the motivation for traveling was to get Zac away from all his partying buddies. I'm sure Clancy thought that she needed good content and that's a big reason, but I wouldn't dismiss this as a motivation, as well. I know I'm insecure af due to having been cheated on in the past and that I personally never could be ok w my partner going out and getting drunk all the time w his buddies. To me, that's a red flag. However, I don't think it is a red flag for/about everyone. Who knows if he's faithful. I would say no, but who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I agree with Zac being a bit toxic.

The other week didn’t she reveal that on one of their earlier dates, he told Clancy she’s a downgrade as a “joke.” That wouldn’t have sit well with me.
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