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Chatty Member
So did anyone else notice the B&B she booked is like…the exact same layout as the Cinci apartment? LOL.
Maybe because she HATES apartments that look different than the last one, and maybe she thinks apartments that look different are DISGUSTING. 🤣
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She’s in her money spending era!! Haha I wonder what thus password to get into her wedding website is… “chocolateoatmeal” didn’t work :/
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Watching her video now! I lowkey felt so bad for Zac during it-- he literally said he got dragged into it. He was saying he was excited but he made so many comments.... 😂
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Her “weekend trips” are to Kroger (or maybe Whole Foods if we’re feeling spontaneous) for Japanese Sweet Potatoes, Massage Envy for a facial and Curito, Mod Pizza or Aladdin’s for lunch.

Remember how distraught she was when Bar Louie closed?!
I find it really weird that she orders a salad from a pizza place. Yes I know they have salad but it is to accompany the pizzas. I suppose with her weird eating habits she isn't allowed pizza because it is 'bad'.
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Even Zac is getting annoyed about how poorly she dresses out in public! I still can't get over that her whole proposal attire disaster could have been avoided if she didn't wear darn sweatpants, a T shirt, and no makeup to a nice restaurant with both their parents in town. Also, if Zac was wearing dress pants why the heck would she choose to look like a scrub. Why not at least jeans?

Her air fryer food is disgusting looking! She burns the shit out of her butternut squash. And who smears avocado on sweat potato? :sick:

How many times is she going to say how happy she is, and how she can't believe she does not miss the news. Well, for someone who talks about it so much I cant help but believe she's lying.
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Chatty Member
did he also work sales at local 12?
I think so, but who knows how much of it is true and how much is made up. I’m over these two. I can’t even make it through vlog without fast forwarding the whining and insane first world problems. I really did like her initially but she’s like fingernails on a chalkboard now. Never cared for Zac’s Groot looking self.
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“You only get one wedding.”
“some people get two or three…”

Her mom is great, lol.

And surprise, surprise. The gift exchange went so horribly that Clancy cried. Or she’s trying to bait and switch and she cried because she finally got something for Zach that he liked. Guess time will tell? I know gifts aren’t everything, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single exchange go well between them. It’s been over three years now! Zach deals with the heat always being cranked up. Buy him a little usb fan as a gag gift. Get him some wine and a personalized wine glass for when he watches the bachelor. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Just thoughtful.
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in yesterday’s vlog:

when Clancy was talking about her model shoot at a boutique (which was a sad cry from modeling) Zac made some comment “jokingly” saying: ‘it would be cool if I was dating a model on the side.’

i get he was obviously kidding but it’s not that funny. and actually embarrassing that she keeps that stuff in the vlog.
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New member
I’m sorry, but I don’t believe these two are having this amazing time on their travel adventure. I have trouble believing Clancy after she pretended being a reporter was the greatest thing ever. Recently Zac made a comment about how real she is on social media. I laughed out loud. Right Zac. She pretended to be a go getter reporter. She was playing a part that she thought her viewers wanted to see.
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I find it really weird that she orders a salad from a pizza place. Yes I know they have salad but it is to accompany the pizzas. I suppose with her weird eating habits she isn't allowed pizza because it is 'bad'.
Lol yes. This! I commented and said “you should really try pizza there!” I don’t get it😂 She’s not gluten free….?
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Lol Zac slowly disappears from the videos till no more. She goes MIA for a bit. Comes back months later with a Q&A which blames Zac.

I actually think they will get married but eventually divorce. :(
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Does anyone else watch Clancy Burke here? She's a morning news reporter for a local channel in the US and I find her vlogs really interesting.
She comes across aa quite down to earth and I think it might be because her dad is from a small town (Mayo) in ireland.
Her youtube videos go back over 10 years!
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Chatty Member
Or how about how she now has to address controversies in every video to defend herself.

They “don’t” drink and drive and Zac is looking at the GPS on his phone. Has he not heard of CarPlay or at least have Bluetooth to connect his phone?

ew I definitely wouldn’t have stayed in that air b n b that had a review of poop in the toilet. Only cheapskate Clancy… 🤢
Yes YOU TWO drink and drive. You go out by car, drink, drive back by car. Is she now officially a pathological liar? What an unbearable stupid B!tch.
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Chatty Member
I went back and rewatched yesterday's vlog (you're welcome for the views, Clance) to see if I could remember what prompted me to make an account and comment here. It was a combo of two things: Clancy's very apparent unhappiness and the way Zac is acting/treating Clancy. Someone said it earlier, and I have to agree, if Clancy could convincingly lie FOR YEARS about loving her TV news reporting job, she can and will lie about being happy w other things. And I totally get having to be professional and use discretion about what you share online while still employed at the job you hate, but nevertheless, she wasn't honest w her audience. There was never any hint that she hated her job, the one unique thing that brought many of us to her channel. For years, I thought she really loved her work and yes, I admired not only her work ethic but the fact that she kept a "real" job even w half a million YouTube subs. Come to find out, she was putting up a front AND hiding a very real struggle w anxiety. I hate to say it bc I don't want anyone struggling w anxiety, it sucks, but when she shared that struggle, I liked her even more bc it made her that much more relatable. Her vlogs are now pretty boring and cringy to watch.
As for Zac, he is openly hostile to her at his point. Granted, we have no idea what goes on when the camera isn't on, but if we can see glimpses of his hostility when the cameras are on, I can only imagine the fights they are having when they're off. In every. single. clip w Zac, they are either arguing or he's quipping back w a contradictory statement to what she's said. When they were in the car talking about going to Bar Louie, Clancy said she hoped they would go more than once and he poo-poo'd on that. Then when they were walking back from the Goat when Clancy wasn't feeling well, he said something about NEVER going to Bar Louie, which hurt my feelings for her bc she obvs loves that place and wants to go really badly. He just can't help but shit on everything she says/likes. Then he didn't make the effort to get up and go to the couples workout w her. He laid on the couch and made fun of her for vlogging, which is her literal job now. He made fun of her clothes. He hid her oatmeal, which might be playful, but his attitude towards her clearly isn't, so even that action comes into question. And of course, he fought w her about being late to their engagement photo shoot. Not only is it rude to make the photographer wait (yes, even 3 minutes is rude, imo) but he knowingly took his time getting ready knowing how important being on time is to Clancy. That's not healthy or loving. Then, according to her, Clancy literally couldn't tell him how she felt about it for days lest it upset him. Girl, run.
I just hope that even if Clancy doesn't read these posts, her mom or bff do and they will take up the cause to save Clancy from a very unhappy marriage. They both need to grow up, go to therapy, and learn the value of honesty.
ALL OF THIS! I cannot imagine her having a baby and the shit zac would talk. You don’t do this right that right he’s like this bc of you blah blah. RUN GIRL RUN! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, zac is jealous of Clancy and she makes him insecure by being so naturally charismatic (she was). The only way a person like zac can make themselves feel better and try and have any power or control is to try and knock down the thing that makes them feel lesser. He knows Clancy would find someone else he knows she’s gorgeous and he knows she does have enough self confidence to see how great she is. I really do not like him.
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I've been following Clancy on and off for a while now and quite frankly, I don't see her IG growing much more. She's not a fashion or a beauty influencer. She is quite basic to be honest. Unless she turns her IG into a "travel" page, I don't see her getting any traction. She doesn't have the IG "it factor" due to how basic she is.
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Chatty Member
Does anyone else remember her video about the pill. She said that she didn’t have a period at all for years while in college and her mam wanted her to go on the pill for years so to regulate them. That + her B12 deficiency…..
I vaguely remember that now you've said it. She was severely restricting her food intake and excessively exercising in college so having physical complications doesn't surprise me at all.
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Has Clancy ever addressed why they still went ahead with this travel nonsense when Zac is suffering from some mystery illness? They didn’t even give his doctors back home a chance to figure out what’s going on. If he’s to the point where he is getting a CT scan the doctor is Nashville must be concerned. Anyone can get sick while traveling, but to do it when you haven’t been feeling well for quite awhile seems silly.
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Oh no, are all influencers Tories/Republicans? I guess it helps to keep the tax dollars down for Clancy's dual income streams. I spotted the Trump cards in another video when she was going through her draws for some reason. Thinking about her lifestyle she never really brings in social justice causes (apart from the segments she does on the news channel which is her job). Her lifestyle/outlook is very much me, me, me. Also it bugs me how dismissive she is of Zac's job, he is a recruitment consultant, it is not difficult to understand at all.
I still don’t understand the playing cards being a “gag gift”. How is that funny at all? I lean incredibly left, and if someone got me a thing that had Trump on it, I’d just toss it. Like…what am I gonna do with it? It’s not even a matter of being offended or anything. I just wouldn’t want it. Keeping the cards says a lot more about her than she thinks.
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