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Same ole thing..her face whining at the camera in a house. I hope she gets better at this. and why does she drag Zac in the vlogs if he doesn't want to be in them. Plenty of utubers have partners who they mention or who peek in every now and then but choose not to be on camera. its fine.
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That’s what I was thinking, she’s definitely going to never call it off because of the disappointment she thinks she will cause. When my sister in law got married she came to us the night before and said she was unsure, she didn’t want to disappoint everyone who had flown in etc… her mom said I’ll put you in the car right now and we’ll leave and I’ll handle it. However sister in law decided to go through with it they were miserable and toxic for two years before the divorce. She had a 200k wedding and was too ashamed to say I’m not happy, I don’t want to do this. It was the most epic waste of money and time. RUN CLANCY.
Clancy has a really bad attitude, she essentially doesn't believe in divorce I think she referenced she would sign a pre nup or entertain the idea of one because she doesn't believe in a marriage ending, or more so she wouldn't marry someone she doesn't see spending the rest of her life with.
I think it's a toxic way to think because anything can happen over the years, people change etc
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I was just thinking her dad's reaction to her quiting her job although said in jest was spot on 'loser'.

A 26 year old on 64k + overtime which she did frequently is hard done by, give me a break!
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I hadn't considered that maybe some of the motivation for traveling was to get Zac away from all his partying buddies. I'm sure Clancy thought that she needed good content and that's a big reason, but I wouldn't dismiss this as a motivation, as well. I know I'm insecure af due to having been cheated on in the past and that I personally never could be ok w my partner going out and getting drunk all the time w his buddies. To me, that's a red flag. However, I don't think it is a red flag for/about everyone. Who knows if he's faithful. I would say no, but who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️
I feel also like she thought oh I’m the cool girlfriend who doesn’t care what he does go out with your friends, whatever. He’d never cheat on me. When in reality not many girls are dumb enough to put up with someone going out and getting black out drunk every weekend without them. I wouldn’t be cool with my boyfriend wanting too.
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I know it is super OT but I only found this thread on Clancy and read through it all. I remember that she mentioned she disagreed with her brother quite heavily about something political. At the time I assumed it was him being very Conservative and her the opposite, well after these posts in here about her old blogs I did a bit of digging and Neal seems to be very Liberal, a Bernie fan even. So seems I assumed very incorrectly.
Oh no, are all influencers Tories/Republicans? I guess it helps to keep the tax dollars down for Clancy's dual income streams. I spotted the Trump cards in another video when she was going through her draws for some reason. Thinking about her lifestyle she never really brings in social justice causes (apart from the segments she does on the news channel which is her job). Her lifestyle/outlook is very much me, me, me. Also it bugs me how dismissive she is of Zac's job, he is a recruitment consultant, it is not difficult to understand at all.
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I absolutely cannot stand her lol. I thought her reaction to the engagement situation was extremely odd and I personally don’t foresee the relationship lasting. She seems like a terrible person to be around and all she does is complain and act holier than thou. Zac is the exact opposite of her and not in a complimentary way.

She’s definitely a “pick me” girl and acts as if she’s better than everyone because she eats “healthy” (her eating habits are the furthest thing from it) and because she doesn’t spend a lot of money. Newsflash: you don’t get an award for being “not like other girls”, you just make a lot of potential subscribers forever turned off due to your horrid god complex. I’m so over her - rant over :)
Haha tell us what you really think. I also could see the engagement being called off, she blames Zac for everything, even getting COVID! I was embarrassed for him when she made such a big deal of her best friend's perfect proposal!
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Wtf okay she even said out loud there people at the store said her shit wasn’t in style 😂😂😂 I am dead. $3.10. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
THE SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT I GOT. STOP. I know those shops are definitely stingy, but oh my GOD lmao. The fact that they actually said it wasn’t in style was hilarious.

Also, upping your “instagram game” isn’t just self-timers and tripods lmao. Get a skillshare sponsor like every other youtuber and take some photography classes. Rule of thirds, girl. It’ll change your life.

When she said she’d rather pair her floral shirt with white skinny jeans I cringed. White skinny jeans?! REALLY?

The heat behind Zac’s words when he said “don’t exaggerate at my expense”. Oof. There was no teasing there. His next bit was teasing (about ubereats/working in bed/he cleans/etc), and you can tell the difference.
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The sleeping next to a big strong man comment was very weird. I don't like to think of those two in bed together. Also Zac does not seem big, strong or manly. Very girly to me. Her mother had to tell her she shouldn't be bad-mouthing her previous employer on the internet. How does Clancy not know this? I'm sure she got a lot of negative feedback. She and Zac both seem very immature.

she probably just heard it on the Bachelor and thought it was 'sexy'/ 'cute' to call him that
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Big announcement has to be that they are buying a house! I sound like a broken record but her vlogs just keep getting more boring by the second. And They all revolve around Clancy saving money.

I can’t believe she’s learning (failing miserably) to put on false eyelashes so she can SAVE MONEY by not hiring a makeup artist for her wedding day!! Wow what a cheapskate.

And Zac’s special 30th birthday dinner was salmon and burnt sweet potatoes made by Clancy. Couldn’t she have taken the man out for a nice dinner? 🤦‍♀️
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good lord clancy STOP DEFENDING YOURSELF! the people making comments about you driving drunk are not hate comments. they are concerned comments. shes just becomming extremely snobby lately, its unfortunate because she used to be so down to earth. no other youtuber talks about their followers in their videos, just comes off as insecure and no one cares. people are going to keep judging her no matter what. thats reality of being a youtuber.

She's not gonna be defending herself once somebody reports them to the police
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She manages to turn her Youtube job into something to complain about?! I don't care for her struggles to take pictures either. And the "stress" is just ridiculous, you have all the time in the world to plan and organize, I feel bad for Zac who will probably have to do most of the moving stuff while working full time. Clancy is out of touch with reality
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They drove to the cookout and showed two bottles of vodka and tequila..... How did they get home. I feel like they would address they get Uber home or a taxi if they didn't drive.....
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I watched her last video where she went on a rant about the fees and commissions charged by the prospective management company. I could not understand her perspective. She complained about how they would charge 20% if she had a book deal or product. I mean management company do not pick and choose the type of product they represent you for (they may, but it would seriously restrict their income stream and they represent people not products). I think it is an all-encompassing deal. So it makes sense they would get 20% of every deal she gets. As far as her not wanting to give them 20% of revenue generated from her pre-management videos - well, the reality is that if the videos are watched after she entered the contract with them, it makes sense they would charge 20% as they could argue their PR work is helping her generate more views across her entire content regardless of when the videos were actually uploaded.

She is a chronic complainer and keeps wondering why she can't find a management company. She's not big enough or mainstream enough to be demanding. Most management companies would steer clear from her. I don't see her turning into a YouTuber with 1M subscribers to be honest. She doesn't offer any interesting content unless she turns into a travel Vlogger.
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Wow she really does think she’s an “influencer” now and she isn’t even verified on YouTube. Her vlogs get more and more boring because all she does is talk to the camera, and complains about everything!!! I’m awaiting the next vlog to be Called something along the lines of “THE STRESS IS HIGH” and she whines about packing and moving. Yes it’s stressful but also it’s not like you’re leaving your worldly possessions behind because of a war. Have a bit of perspective girl.
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Someone has been reading tattle. She’s buying a whole new wardrobe, which might I add what in the world was that pink dress 🤢 pointing out how people think Zach doesn’t want to go, and what happened to the new headband?! 🤔 stop calling him out on camera like a douche canoe his uncomfortableness is very obvious. I’d throw a pan of carrots at her.
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I can't wait till she is a stay at home house wife. So we can laugh at her previous comment trying to shame them.
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OMG do you think she actually reads here!?

My thoughts during the vlog

- Now that she has time I hope she films in current time eventually instead of being a week behind like she usually is!
- I wonder if Zac's illness has anything to do with his uncertainty/feelings about all this change (probably not but maybe lol). Also he has to go shirtless because she keeps the apartment so hot hahaha.
- I too remember she was anti sponsorship, but she is testing the waters when she does her OOTDs and sunscreen-- I saw on IG she went on a shopping spree last week so I feel like that will be the next video
- I wonder if she truly doesn't want YouTube to be her career as she mentioned... I don't see her wanting to go back into the real work world?
- I agree about the apple watch
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I forgot to mention how ABSURD it was that Clancy was wearing a jean jacket on a 90 degree day!! Too cold for the princess
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This is not a good look on her - and I don’t mean the clothes. This newfound “calling” as a “content creator” is just silly.
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