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Watching reporters in Ukraine and all I can think about is how Clancy would NEVER report overseas. Does she even know what's going on outside of her bitter chocolate oatmeal world I wonder
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Marie French

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This is my first post here (probably my last) but I want to begin by saying that I like Clancy. As someone who isn’t at all frugal, since watching her videos, I’ve been inspired to make less frivolous purchases. I also admire and find inspiration in her dedication to healthy living.

No one is perfect, nor do I expect them (She and Zac) to be, but I really eye rolled her back when she was “defending” Zac by explaining that he is the most non political person she’s ever met. And now for her to say the same about herself…. I think by saying this she feels like it’s the safe, neutral thing to say when in reality it’s not. It’s such a slap in the face to those of us who MUST pay attention to politics wether we truly want to or not. Does she really think we’re into politics for fun? I don’t think that Clancy is a bad person or tries to be purposefully insensitive, but she does need to be more aware. We simply aren’t all as privileged. The powers that be DO NOT have a lot of OUR best interests at heart and for those of us less fortunates, we MUST pay attention and participate in the political process or else. What a flippant thing to say! If that’s how they feel fine, I don’t begrudge them for that at all. They were born lucky and it is what it is. They can afford to have their heads in the clouds, but for those of us who can’t, it’s just grossly insensitive and I’d appreciate it if they’d just keep it to themselves because at this point it’s merely taunting.
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If you’re wearing a hat, long sleeved jacket, and leggings on the beach…you MIGHT want to look into why you’re so cold all the time. I don’t know if Clancy thinks it’s just one of those ~girly~ things to be so tiny and so cold but GIRL. it’s 80°. That’s not normal lmao.
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Chatty Member
He does work, and it's remote! So that's why I think she wants to quit her job and they can travel more since he can work from wherever. I don't think travelling every month is her vibe (since she loves routine)... but it will give her content which she will need if she's no longer reporting!
Yeah content like ordering grilled chicken with no seasoning everyday, can't wait 🙄
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I think directly calling out the woman (and using her name) was absolutely ridiculous. I GET you want to vent, but you have tens of thousands of followers that are now ready with their pitchforks, and this woman has nothing. It’s an abuse of power.
Donna would have a hay day in this thread!! 😂 are you here Donna? 👀
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Glitter Girl

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What a boring life she leads eating exactly the same thing, day after day, after day, it's pathological!
You know, I have a theory about this that I didn't want to post because I don't like to analyze people's behavior, but I do wonder if she's not an adventurous eater because she's so afraid of her allergies. I had a friend with a shell fish allergy and I'm not exaggerating when I say she was traumatized by it. She would also eat very, very bland foods and usually the same thing every day because food was no longer fun for her once she had the allergic reaction. It became a life or death anxiety thing every time she veered off the routine. So I have wondered if maybe that's why Clancy eats only the same thing. And if you think about it, it's either salad with chicken or chicken and veggies or chicken sandwich with frieds. It's not like we see her ever eating chicken piccata or chicken cordon bleu or fancier chicken dishes. I wonder if she's anxious about it.
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4/30 Vlog Recap

I find the whole IRS taking her tax money twice (accidentally) funny/ironic just because we know how frugal Clancy is with saving! It's honestly karma. 😂 I'm sure it will all get resolved soon and she has plenty of money in her savings.

The vlog is honestly sooo boring when Zac is away. We got a 5 minute rant of how much she loves her engagement ring. As if we haven't been hearing about it for months? Soupy, disgusting chocolate oatmeal, and reading her Kindle in the dark. Giant yawn.

The snippet of Zac (before he left for his trip) was very telling of their relationship. She told Zac "describe your upcoming trip in one sentence" and he has such fire comebacks saying she never lets him talk. He even called her vlogs "babbling" for 30 minutes. Which is SO TRUE. I get they joke a lot but I can't help but think he can't stand her sometimes. And living in "Clancy's world" 24/7. He probably was so happy to get away from her to go on that work trip!

It's now almost May so I'm curious to find out if she did re-sign her Local 12 contract...

Also, this is on Local 12's website. Since when does Clancy speak about "confidence and the power of positivity." Her channel is straight up her complaining about first world problems!


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Sorry if this has been talked about before (I tried to read through past pages!!) but is Zac’s hairstyle a massive combover? There’s no way his part is naturally that far over, is there?
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I agree that the pee story was so IRRELEVANT. There has to be more to the story. I'm a former TV news reporter who left the industry as well. So I get where she's coming from about quitting. There's actually a mass exodus of journalists leaving the business for a number of reasons. Clancy is such a people pleaser too, so the thought of someone disliking her probably was something she was never used to. I wonder which reporters tried to rat on her. 😂

ALSO, I laughed at the part where she said paying a buyout to exit her contract would have cost her "thousands upon thousands of dollars." First of all, any lawyer will tell you that those contracts do not hold up in court. Many people have left the biz without paying and no one comes after them. I was able to negotiate my buyout down to a fraction of what my TV station originally tried to get me for. So I ended up paying $1,000 but it was worth EVERY penny. With the amount of money Clancy mentioned she made in one month on YouTube, she could have paid out her contract 30 times. She's so cheap and such a rule follower lol.

I really do think this decision, though is mostly for Zac. She even said before she met him, she really had no social life. Now things are different.

She calls it a break but I doubt she will go back in the business. I was a morning reporter too, and wouldn't dare to go back to those hours. Especially if they have kids in a few years, that will make it tough. If anything, I can see her doing lifestyle reporting or something cushy.

Unless her travel vlogs are miraculously interesting, this is going to be a big shift in her YouTube channel...
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The registry is still empty, Clancy is probably too busy vlogging about editing vlogs that show her vlogging about editing vlogs.
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Chatty Member
Sorry forgot to mention whoever said Zac was controlling is correct. I know the love island remote thing was trivial but the fact he turned the TV off shows that he has a mean side even though he tries to give a nice impression of himself on the vlogs.
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Why is it a pro for her when a restaurant has an extensive menu, she gets a chicken sandwich every single time, it’s not like she’s going to be going all out and having tapas
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Can you imagine the amount of complaining she would do if they have kids? I really hope she quits vlogging before then as I absolutely hate family vloggers 😡

She seems like too much of a busy person for a 'mom life'. I really can't see her becoming one at least not happily. She's just plain old off to me I can't even see her as being much of a sexual type person if you catch my drift. lol.
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Drinking vodka waters all night and eating basically salad as hangover food... my god. Clancy, get help!!!!
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I skipped through the vlog (can't deal with the nonsense anymore) and literally the only sentence I caught was "Today I did a little bit of packing and watched a whole lot of youtube". The excitement is through the roof. I wonder how long this so called "career" will last, she relies on Zac to fill in the youtube hours but he only makes it worse.
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another day another video about her quitting her job. “How I feel one month after quitting my job” it’s getting realllyyy old and stale. We get it you quit your job, changed careers, please talk about something else. Oh wait she can’t because her life is SO boring.
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I really think Zac loves Clancy . I still feel like he possibly pressured her to leave her reporter job. She keeps saying he offered to pay the buyout if she left early. Maybe they want to have kids soon after the wedding and plan on her being a full time mom. If that’s the plan, the why suffer through those 2 AM wake-ups?

Does he though? I feel like he would've told her to stop being so bratty and taking charge of who he can see at HIS OWN WEDDING instead of enabling her own choices and making it a lot about her. I just don't see them lasting long.
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