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So she was on earlier and asked what day it was because an alarm on her phone had gone off I think? She said, I know the date, I’m asking you lot, it’s the 7th isn’t it, I was watching from the outside so couldn’t see the comments, someone must have corrected her and she said yeah I know, it’s Sydney’s birthday tomorrow, I set the alarm for the day before🙄.
so she went to contact last week l, but didn’t get her child anything for his birthday?! Sat there with smoke and drinks though 😡😡😡😡
I’m sure that was a ploy to get some sod to give her money. I sure she knows the date she gave birth to Sidney. Alarm the day before my arse.
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Yep! And I’ve said it so many times, the reason she doesn’t battle for r ask for gifts is because she would be looked into, she keeps her head down so no one sees what a vile cunt she is, all this ‘positivity only’ is just her way of stopping anyone outing her!
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How is this fucking prick doing content all day about a poor child that got beating up, how she doesn’t want her daughter seeing these things and will be talking to her after school?? YOU 👏HAD 👏YOUR 👏KIDS 👏TOOK 👏OFF 👏YOU 👏BECAUSE 👏YOU 👏MISTREATED 👏THEM!!! 👏PIPE THE FUCK DOWN
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You can thank me later 🤮😂


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What really pisses me off is I know many people are struggling (baring in mind people that pay bills and support there children and families all year) this cunt has had 12 months to save money to give her kids a decent Xmas! It's the same day every year we get plenty of notice. Yet she will not have got them fuck all until last minute and expect peoples empathy she really thinks she's hard your the most pathetic women I've ever seen Angela


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Yeah, takes one to know one 😆 Look at all the vulnerable people she's stole from. She's probably jealous she wasn't in on it with momaB.
#BeABully #BeAThief
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Isn’t it a coincidence that all her issues are so specific they could only possibly be solved by people sending her money.
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Here we go, on live and as per usual she has to "magic money out of her arse" for the scheduled contact with the she's known about since the 30th September....and since the 30th September she's had her UC payment on the 10th October AND £300 as her COL payment....that's nearly £600!! Where has that gone Angela? Oh yes, a new rug, a new sweat shirt and no doubt plenty of green!! Maybe charge "Dave" for his board? Wonder if the council know she's moved yet another scrote in with her? And DWP? And SS?
And her UC on 10th November! She really is a piece of shit, those kids deserve so much better, it’s so cruel making them see her once a month, she can’t even put a bit of money by for them!!
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I hardly watch her anymore
She’s too ikky
Did she manage to scrounge the money for kids pressies?
Did she go for her visit?
I was just coming to ask the same? If she had got them stuff, she would have been boasting about what a great mum she is!
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£60 for that 😳 she was saying the other night she was in pain and wouldn't sleep because she has no medication... what she meant by medication is weed. She was wanted £40! I was a smoker many moons ago and she could of got a £10 bit why £40 and maybe give it up if your that short for money your selling your bed wtf
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She's a joke saying she needs to find 50 each for Xmas presents well we all spend more than that it's once a year and you can't manage it. Said she sorted 2 of the 6 out then said we'll 1 coz the other one don't count. Like Alex wants fuck all from you anyway. I got no Xmas tree blah blah all while rolling a spliff. How is this a grown ass women and mother fgs imagine this being your mum poor fucking kids she's a cunt
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Video gone up of Gordy with open sores begging for people to help her, it makes me sick to my stomach that she is letting another dog suffer, at this rate Gordy will be going the same way Willig did.
If you do nothing else today please report this to the RSPCA if they get so many complaints they have to act. All info needed is on here.
Vile piece of shit
Just came to say I’ve seen the video of open wounds, that poor poor dog. Maybe don’t buy weed CJ then you have the money to look after your pets?
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If she’s in social housing she’s talking shite about having to do it up to get moved. In the past year I’ve known two people who have moved into social housing locally simply because of difficulties getting a mortgage in today’s financial climate. Both people/families work. The houses they bidded for and accepted because they were in good areas were actually inhabitable in the state they were in when they got the keys and they’ve had to do a lot of work and spend a lot of their own money to get them to a decent standard. I’ve also seen TikToks where this is the case. So it’s just another excuse to beg. Fucking lying scruff!

If she does a mutual exchange she won't have to do anything the people she swaps with agree to take the property on as it is. I have swapped 3 times and the houses have been so run down you wouldn't believe the state they were in. She was saying earlier she was gutted she only had £10 in her bank and couldn't afford the delivery charge for a pizza. She had a big chicken baguette yesterday too why not go to aldi and get actual shopping to last a few days like adults do. Always pleading poverty
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I think her new victim is that Irish bloke, mad Willy, she’s been speaking dirty to him and eye fucking the camera every time I go past her page🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 honestly, it’s vile
I had To see this, so, so do you lot, she’s proper laying it on thick 🤮🤮🤮


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