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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
My brother & sisters Dad got a mankini at the Christmas party one year from his secret Santa and he snuck off and went and put it on cos he was bladdered. I had to bleach my eyes out it was horrific 🤣 literally nothing but the mankini. He was like 65 at the time as well 😂
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I had a dermatology appointment on Tuesday and the doctor said she wants to start me on some medication next week. But because she was undecided between two medications, she said I’d find out which one I’m starting at the end of this week, after she’s asked her lead. But when is she gonna tell me 😭 I need to have blood tests before I start these meds and I just want some clarity 😭

I know I should be patient but I’m really struggling and need this medicine :(
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watermelon sugar

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1st March cos he was due in March and he only had 10 mins to go till it was March! And I think cos the 28th is already gone by that time if you get me
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Afternoon all.

I don't know if I ever mentioned my penpal on death row in America and please don't come @ me telling me how awful that is. Well, my penpal has been on death row with an innocent man (and he really is innocent) who the state of Oklahoma plan to execute today. It is hurting my heart so bad, this man really is innocent. And they still plan to go ahead with his execution. All day I am just thinking about this poor guy and praying that there is some intervention. How does a supposed civilised country do this to its own citizens?!


Waiting to have OT for some reason she wanted me to be in my wheelchair so I am. But I would much rather be in bed.
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Just popped some more bulbs in our front (back garden) border. I’ve got ranunculus, alliums, daffodils, tulips, hydrangeas and crocus in there now. I’m terrible at gardening though - my approach is throw it in and see if it survives.
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I’ve just finished cleaning my kitchen cupboards out and done a throw pile and charity pile. I’m exhausted but pleased it’s done. Living life on the edge, that’s me! 😂
@ordinaryjelly your mil sounds like a right piece of work a right nightmare. Does she have no compassion that you are already separated from Mr Jelly and Little jellies…
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I will have a rant..
Every day it's something else. I do not care about her childish work dramas.
She texts me from the other room to moan about how her work colleagues have bought a Christmas tree and said it's £5 each and she's like I don't remember agreeing to that. STFU and pay the £5 you stingy bitch.
Don't even get me started on the catfish who she is still speaking to because she's a mug.
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I enjoyed both those books too.

Woken up with the cold today so not going to do much today. Lemsip, films and a bath. Little one can have a lot of switch/tablet time so he’ll be overjoyed no doubt.
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I’ve come to Edward Scissorhands (my MIL’s) ✂ cos she watched the baby while I had a doctors appointment, she’s just made me a coffee and it looks like treacle 😂 I said ‘did you threaten the coffee with the milk or what?’ And she said ‘what do you mean’ 😅
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I feel awful. As soon as we pulled up in the car I started to feel sick. I pretty much rushed round the shop. Forgot what I even needed or wanted. Didn't help that my housemate stopped to talk to someone. I ended up stood down an empty aisle having a mini panic. By the time we got to the till I was shaking so much I dropped my cards.

Got home and had a good cry. I feel like such a twat and a failure.
You are none of those things, you are strong and you are brave… I know you may not feel it but you really are. ❤
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Omg enough with Jack Grealish 😂 I think I’m the only female on this planet that can’t stand the sight of him…
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Morning all, I've not long woken up the OH is still fast asleep. No plans for today might just have a chilled one, raining here too. Hope everyone has a good day (y) can you believe its the first of Dec a week on Wednesday :oops: not gonna lie I'm glad as I'm dying to open my beauty advent calender:ROFLMAO:
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Just had an awful experience in Starbucks - it was virtually empty, I walk in and stand by the till and there are two baristas standing behind the counter - they looked at me really weirdly and then both turned away and wandered off to have a chat. I was like…huh? What are you doing? So then a third barista who was cleaning the tables eventfully came over to take my order. I then went to sit at one of the tables with my drink and the third barista came over and was like “you can’t sit there” and I asked why and he said “we close this area off” - but there are no signs or anything, it was just a table in amongst the other tables. So I got up and left - it was humiliating.
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Good morning! I've woken up shattered and anxious. I am barely functioning as we speak and I am having my weekly B12 injection today. I suppose it means I can go into work late but i just have a feeling it's going to be a "I cba day". I hope everyone has a much better day though. Hope everyone is ok?

@Boredofthegram how are you feeling?
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I have such a bad headache this morning 😰 I’m not normally a headachey person, it’s just come on in the past half hour and it feels like my head is about to pop off
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