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Holidays - I’d either go to the Caribbean (either Jamaica or barbados) orrrrr Japan. Little peaches is desperate to go to Super Nintendo world. He was telling me all about it at 6 o clock this morning.

Me and my fella have just had a proper barney over football. It’s ended in me calling him a sexist twat and him saying I’m hung up on being a women. I’m ready to knock him out you know 🤣
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Costco done, I can’t believe the rudeness of some people, wielding their trolleys like battering rams and ignoring anyone else in the place! And the number of people not wearing masks. Awful. But we got a new coffee machine (a nespresso vertuo plus) for £35 so I’m happy.
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Morning all, Had a good nights sleep last night. I think going to bed earlier is helping tbh. Its the weekly food shop day today I might go to The Asda for a change.
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Morning everyone 💗 Thanks goodness it’s Friday!

I took some meds last night and slept well. Could have slept some more but I need to walk some very certain man’s best friend. Then I will have a coffee when I come back. Hope you have a beautiful day!
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Blue pumpkin

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I'm sure there's a JG fan here on chit chat.. I seem to remember someone having a profile pic of him .. 🎄

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Morning everyone!

Had a bit of a lie in and now I have the house to myself so I’m having a slow start to the day, by which I mean two cups of coffee and some choccy 🙈 Just a usual Monday for me, I need to figure out what to cook for dinner as we’re in a need of a big food shop but did not do it last week given the circumstances.
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Re cake - did you cream the butter and sugar enough as sometimes if the butter is clumpy it can cause it to not rise evenly.

I had my result and I’m negative for covid hooray! So I celebrated by masking up and walking to the Asda with little one in the air and spied these beauties…..


Dunno why it’s gone sideways 😂

Still have a cough and lost my voice but feeling better than yesterday. I did keep getting side eyed for coughing but fuck people I’m not staying cooped up longer now I know it’s not the dreaded ‘rona.
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Blue pumpkin

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I like a bit of sweet and savoury. Like eating crisps and chocolate in the same mouthful, but I'm not sure this main meal/dessert combo will take off..🤢

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My OH is now stomping around and sulking like the coffee machine being defective is a personal attack on his manliness 🙄
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I have woken up to see that loads of people are boycotting work because of the Christmas advert and father Christmas having a covid passport!
I thought the worst part was the couple in the high-rise building just waving 20 floors up to the delivery woman 🤣
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Morning all.
Still feeling like shite but have dragged myself out of my pit to make packed lunch and breakfast. I’ve got to stay put til I get my covid result so will work from home today as best I can and little one is being picked up by a friend and dropped to school this morning as he’s ok with no symptoms.

It’s so foggy this morning where I am. I can’t see the end of my garden yet (I don’t have a big garden).
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Morning all.

Thanks for asking @Hope96 im still a bit rough (headache, cough, congested). Still no result but not sure how long labs are taking around here as there are lots of cases in my area at the moment. I reckon it’s just this nasty cold going around though.

Another day working from home for me. Managed to get another lift for little one to school (we don’t live in walking distance I’m not one of these lazy parents lol).

Made some marmite on toast for breakfast and managed to taste the marmite so that’s good news!
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Yo yo yo I’ve had no signal ALL afternoon. I’m still in my Mil’s. No biscuits as of yet. Got sent the shop before to get my fellas Nan 3 bottles of 2l water, took the baby with me and I accidentally dropped one on the floor and it burst and went everywhere 😭 the baby just went ‘uh oh’ 🤣
Imagine if she decided to be Christmassy and brought out the biscuit tin... but it was just full of mince pies 😲
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Woke up with a dry throat and can't drag myself out of the bed this morning 😩 I'm glad I went to bed early last night. Even after 9 hours of sleep, my head is still banging and I'm still tired. Send help.
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wtf that sounds awful! Once I felt like someone was following me, I called someone and while they were on the phone, I turned around, looked the man in the eye and said “why are you following me?”. There was 1 or 2 other people around and they stopped and stared at him, and he ran off lol
You're braver than I am, I did think about saying "are you following me" but I wimped out!

I'm alright thank you @watermelon sugar @whisperchat! I've asked my bf to take and collect me from work tomorrow so I don't have to walk to my car alone. Bit annoying for him as I work in a different town so he's going out of his way but I feel a bit weird about it! xx
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I have a friend in a funded relationship. They have never been intimate, no more than the odd peck on the cheek in public. They live together as husband and wife on the outside but the reality is they have separate areas of the house, they never sit down and watch tv together and rarely eat a meal together. He pays her to look like his wife and be on his arm at functions. In return she lives in an amazing house and has more than enough money. It isn't for me, but she/they are happy.
I wonder if he wants a pretend side chick… I’m down
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I’ve been feeling proper down in the dumps lately. Feel like there’s so much going on in my life and it’s just all a bit much. Don’t know how to make things better and just have a happy quiet life.

Anyway I’m sure there are people going through worse so I won’t harp on and it makes me feel proper sad to write it 😅

@watermelon sugar when little peaches was about 2 he used to know all the words to the episode where miss rabbit got ill. We hadn’t watched peppa in ages but she made a comeback this weekend. Can you believe in 3 years Netflix haven’t even given us another season. I’ve seen them all 10484827 times
This is a safe space to talk openly. Noone can judge who has it worse because its what you are experiencing
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