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Thought I had 17.5 hours of annual leave left so I could take 2.5 hours on Christmas Eve and leave at 1pm instead of having lunch, just checked and I’ve actually only got 16.15 hours of annual leave left so I can only take 1 hour and 15 minutes which means I won’t be able to add my lunch break into it and I’ll only get to leave at 2:45pm which is kinda pointless in terms of leaving early :(

Buttttt I managed a short run (3 miles) yesterday without any pain in my knee and it doesn’t hurt AT ALL today so that’s very, very good.

Good morning all,

I hate waking up grumpy but it's Monday, its time of the month and I've got cramps. I know I'll be on a short fuse mood wise today so I hope no bugger winds me up at work.
I'm praying for a smooth day but I'd rather go back to bed and curl up under the duvet. Sorry for starting a 'good morning' post with a whinge 😅

@watermelon sugar .....
💕baby melon💕
Oh no… has the thread synced? It’s my first day of my time of the month too, cramps a go-go here :(
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I’ve pared things down a lot this year and just got people small thoughtful things or experiences or homemade things. My sons Santa list was so modest and small it’s was lovely to see - sweets, a book, a mask and a YouTube T-shirt bless him. I’ve got him a big present from me (a monitor so he can play the switch in his room) so he’ll be happy with that but long gone are the days of all the plastic tat that would break or interest would be lost in by New Years.

Bf has to have an op in the morning bless him. Hospital were great and saw him straight away so that’s good but it’s still a worry poor thing.

I had a wander to B&M and the Asda at lunch and thought of @coconochanel and @watermelon sugar
Got me some gift bags, kylie Prosecco, reindeer crumpets and a bumper Xmas telly guide haha I know how to live it up.
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Afternoon all nit long got back from the dentist root canal treatment :rolleyes: so no crisps for me today:ROFLMAO: but Im thinking maybe I could have a McDonalds hamburger I mean they're soft right?
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So, i have just discovered that the ruin i can see from my side door window is actually a miniature castle! It was built by a soldier who inspired a Shakespeare character..

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Afternoon my lovelies, Well today I've cheated on B&M & Home Bargains with my new fav shop Sainsburys! I only went in for some bread but spent £13 I also treated myself to a packet of shortbread and a Christmas Tv guide. :giggle: I was going to get a Christmas pudding for the OH but they had sold out of the small ones.

I also don't like the range half of the stuff is tacky.
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@ordinaryjelly Trust your gut. You don't really have to justify it tbh; if you are feeling unsafe around him, speak to someone, whatever the reason. You shouldn't be uncomfortable and uneasy, especially if/when you are in a vulnerable situation where the person who makes you uncomfortable is there to take care of you.

@watermelon sugar I'm sorry, I hope you feel better today and your family come to their senses soon 💗😔

Good morning everyone, I had quite a shit dream and woke up earlier than usual but at least I won't have to fight myself to obey the alarm clock now. Gonna sort myself out and have a cup of tea so I can shake the dream off. It lasted for ages too, glad I'm awake.
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I binge my all time fav show, Gavin & Stacey, when I'm sad. I also tend to have a bit of a problem with comfort eating all the junk which I'm trying to stop but it's hard. I also try and do something which I enjoy, like baking. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment when you're done and you've actually achieved something nice.

I'm having a bit of a mare today tbh. Just one of them days I think. I have less than an hour left at work then I'm gonna stop at the retail park on my way home and hopefully get a couple christmas presents. Then I'm gonna chill out all evening and do sweet f a
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Continuing with the crisp talk...which crisps do you buy for Christmas? any posh ones, fav ones?
As a kid we used to have chip sticks at Christmas - was the only time we could afford them so they seemed so special and posh.

My parents took me shopping yesterday for a Christmas present and I have some full new bedding - so I got that washed, dried and put on today. Is there anything cosier than brand new bedding? There is not.

In other news my housemates continue to be slobs, to the point where the only other one who cleans (out of five of us) mentioned it on the group chat... that has the landlord in. So that was fun! Bet the bastards still won't clean anything though. I tell you, next year I am getting and staying out of debt, I need to eventually get my own place.
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Hello all, hope you're having a good day. Happy birthday @make-mine-whiskey 🎂🍾🥂

I'm feeling pretty deflated, idk why. Came home, had a cheese toastie and two more of my mini mince pies. It's barely the evening and I already want to head to bed. Peopled out today, got yelled at over someone else's fuck up, then I fucked up something else on my own. Had to push through a lot of stupid work stuff, I'm just done talking to people. I wish phones at work places would be history already, just fucking send an email why don6 you? Ugh... Anyway, gonna make a cuppa, add a tiny bit of whisky in it hope that it's enough to knock me out for the night. I need to shower but I just don't want to. I guess I'll be gross and go to work with dirty hair, who cares.

Edit: Also feeling a bit shit about last night. Met my friends to give them a couple festive bits and bobs, they were all silent and awkward as if they were thinking 'wtf am I supposed to do with this' like bitch it's a winter tea, you drink it and you snuggle up with the bloody blanket and be all cosy and shit. I swear whenever I go out of my way to do something like this, it always ends up upsetting me because I always end up thinking why bother. I know they didn't ask for it and shouldn't be expected to be delirious over some tea and blankets but I'm still bummed out. I was stressing over my relationship with an old friend, worrying that I wasn't doing my part and thinking about something for her for Christmas and then I thought, this woman hasn't once asked how I'm doing over the last couple years. Why am I worried that I'm not pulling my weight? Truly and sincerely fuck people this week. Anyway. Tea time!
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@Libbylulu It is such a small world really. Maybe our paths crossed in Cold Storage!

Afternoon all. I had a shower this morning, it takes so much effort but I always feel so much better afterwards. Had to sleep for 2 hours to recover. Have ordered some cute Christmassy things for my room. I am not OK with being in hospital over Christmas but may as well make the most of it.

Waiting for physio and then OT. Same old, same old.

Still stuck on this level on Zen Match. It is making me really pissy. I refuse to pay for this game but I think this is a level you can't get passed without buying extra moves.

Dissing Asda is a bold move @coconochanel!
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I’ve got a stinking headache again. I feel so rubbish, I got in from work plonked on the sofa and just cried 😂 I was supposed to be seeing a friend this evening but she’s had to work late so I’m secretly a bit pleased I can just do nothing!
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Sorry to hear a lot of you are having a rotten day, sending love ❤
not much better from me either I’m afraid. I’ve been feeling a bit rubbish all day but carried on as normal. In the last 3 hours it’s got worse tho and I feel hideous. Got horrendous cramps and keep feeling like I’m gonna throw up. I’m in my pjs now which is unheard of for me during the day! Just making my fella some dinner (as he’s incapable 🙄) then I’m gonna get in bed.
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When you go to bed early
Set three alarms
Sleep through all three

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Morning gang. I’m knackered and I mean tattle knackered
Im supposed to have this Friday off but the girl I cover who covers me is still on jury service. It’s been extended so looks like I can’t have it. I’m also supposed to be out Tuesday and Thursday this week but I think I’m cancelling cos I cba to be hungover and I just wanna be at home! I can not be bothered with work anymore. Can’t wait to have time off for Christmas and not have to think about logging on every day. Soz feel like that was proper ranty but that’s all I’ve got on this Monday. Have a good day ❤
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Just did a couple of get fit with sexy Rick on my lunch break. The will smith one was full of bangers. I was getting my line dancing on to wild Wild West 🤠
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Wow we definitely have all synced up. I've been tracking my mood and I'm in my PMT phase. I mean they are supposed to have stopped but.... Hormones 🙄🙄

We forgot to move the bloody elf last night. The bedtime from the girls was horrendous so I've said the elf was too upset at their behaviour to play any tricks.

Have a good week all
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