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Chatty Member
someone told me i'm getting to the age where i should 'really be' thinking about having kids.. i'm fucking 21 🥴

i'm really not arsed about kids, 90% sure i don't want them, but things like that do upset me
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My parents will be getting no help from me when they become infirm (both nearly 80). That is due to a number of factors and the way they have treated me in my lifetime. Shame on anyone who brings children into the world to have someone 'look after them' in their dotage. It doesn't always work and you reap what you sow.
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I don’t understand why on Facebook or Instagram, if someone posts about being childfree, in the comments there’s hundreds of men saying ‘enjoy being sad and alone surrounded by cats’. WHY are men so annoyed when women say we don’t want kids? Wish I could write a paper on it hahah and get their reasoning cos I just don’t understand it.
because being able to “provide” children is one of the very few things men know they’re useful for. a woman choosing to live alone with cats is, to a certain type of man, indicating that she would rather a life with a hundred tiny furry creatures instead of one man. every time it happens they realise how disposable they are.

men have extremely fragile egos tbh. they like to feel needed and important. a happily single and childfree woman is basically doing 🖕🏻 to them 🤣
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For me, parents have their space in most places and childfree people have very few as it is seen as a taboo subject so let us have this small space on the internet (they have a whole website!). It’s nothing against parents so stay out of our lane please!
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My workmates have finally (after 9 years) accepted I don’t want kids, so now they’ve changed from “when are you having kids.” To “ when are you getting married.” mr heybabes and I went on hols just before Xmas and coming back to work in Jan it was constant “did he pop the question?” “Did he put a ring on it?”
Whats this obsession with harassing people about what they should/shouldnt be doing with their lives?
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I chuffing love Christmas. The 2020 lockdown year when I "had to" stay home alone was BLISS. Xmas Dinner delivery to the door, stayed in pj's drinking prosecco with the cat (he didn't drink...). Absolute dream day. Nothing to do, nowhere to go, food dropped on my doorstep. Yes please. My Xmas day will be with children present this year but they're not mine and I get to leave and be home for call the midwife 🤣
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I think that might be the truest reason of all. Society doesn’t really mind childfree men, but it can’t bear childfree women.
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What? the thought of being woken up at 5am and faking excitement for plastic tat that you spent a fortune on when you know full well that they’ll lose interest by the 27th doesn’t fill you with excitement?
what is wrong with you lot? 🥴
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I think it’s a) not all parents have the ability to get someone to look after the children while they’re attending the wedding; b) if you know I have children and we’re close, I simply find it rude; c) as a parent, disregarding my child as if they’re an inconvenience in your perfect wedding landscape is not right.

I’d rather not attend.

I know children are sometimes unruly and can ruin the atmosphere, but that’s just my perspective. I reiterate, I don’t have children.
I didn't even invite my nephews to my wedding. Didn't want screeching and crying etc (which they did at my BILs wedding the year before) nor did i want to pay hundreds for a dinner they wouldn't eat. It had nothing to do with perfect wedding landscape.

At the end of the day I view weddings as an "adult" event and kids shouldn't be there. Its a long and often boring day for adults so why people want kids there is beyond me.

Kids are fine for the reception but even then they get tired and ruin their parents fun by needing to go to bed early etc.

My sister had 11 kids to her wedding 3 weeks ago and they ruined the ceremony by not shutting up. Then throughout dinner they were grumpy and threw food everywhere. Come the reception half of them were taken up to bed by 8 as it had been such a long day, that meant a parent had to leave too, so the reception had loads of people missing. The ones that made it through the night were then ill or miserable as sin the next day as they had too much sugar and their sleep schedule was out of whack (one threw up in the middle of his parents bed at 1am and housekeeping had to find new bedding).
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VIP Member
I don’t understand why on Facebook or Instagram, if someone posts about being childfree, in the comments there’s hundreds of men saying ‘enjoy being sad and alone surrounded by cats’. WHY are men so annoyed when women say we don’t want kids? Wish I could write a paper on it hahah and get their reasoning cos I just don’t understand it.
Being alone and surrounded by cats would be a dream of mine 😂😂
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VIP Member
Someone on tik tok did a video about being child free and it’s just full of mum’s who are clearly jealous 😂

apparently if you don’t have kids you end up alone on turkey day, you rot in a care home & you’re lonely by 50 🤷‍♀️🤣
What is the obsession with ending up alone? Alone and lonely are not the same thing for a start but I actually quite like being alone

On top of that you could have kids and end up alone anyway!
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I find it very weird when people are offended that their kids aren’t invited to weddings tbh. You don’t expect an invite for the whole family at any other kind of event, weddings are very expensive, and not all weddings are even suitable for kids. If you can’t get childcare for some reason then fair enough, but if you only choose to go places where your kids can follow you like a shadow that’s just odd to me/probably not someone I’d be inviting to my wedding anyway 😂
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Reasons b and c are perfect examples of people with kids thinking the world revolves around them. Child-free weddings are to remove the stress from the couple getting married, not designed as a slight to anyone with children. (I understand you're child-free so this is theoretical!)
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I genuinely wish IKEA had child free hours. Even like twice a month 🤣 if the store was adults only for an afternoon even, I would be more inclined to go! The prospect of a weekend + bored kids is too much.
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Uh oh, the parents have found that Greg James article 😂 saw someone on Insta who already has two kids saying she totally understands where he's coming from because people are always asking when she's going to have another kid...?!

Stop trying to make everything about parents! It's not about you! Someone with two kids simply does not get questioned or treated the same way as a woman without kids.
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Chatty Member
this is one that drives me mad. she wants her baby to sit in lectures
I’d be fuming if my son had to sit there trying to study wile. A selfish self entitled mum dragged her baby along. I’d understand it could happen once in a emergency but constantly oh no no no
right!! I mean I totally understand universities wanting to widen participation in HE and anyone who manages to complete a degree whilst having other responsibilities should be proud of themselves….. but are you joking? like, on what planet would anyone think that this would be acceptable? I wouldn’t dream of bringing my cat to a lecture - I know a cat isn’t the same as a human child but I’m on this thread for a reason lol.

I hate to sound harsh but it’s a bizarre level of entitlement to think that you should be able to bring your child with you everywhere to the disruption of others and even where the environment is not child appropriate.
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Chatty Member
Fellow childfree heathens - me and Mr Momsen were in the pub last night - early-ish about 8pm as it was freezing and I cba waiting for a taxi home so we went for tea and I drove - and there was this table of what looked like a nan, her daughter and then the 3 grandkids and the 2 youngest were running WILD!! It's a bit of a dodgy pub (lots of coke sniffing in the mens toilets) and they were crawling round the floor, throwing balls around, running round to the bar area. I glared at the what looked like the mum of the kids and she did a half arsed "stop doing that you'll hurt yourself", so Mr Momsen went the bar and complained and got them all kicked out! Teeheehee. Lots of couples came over to say thanks but like why didn't they say anything?
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Satisfying Click

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"Me time" is acceptable if it gets the woman back to her pre-pregnancy hotness, it seems.

Bet her husband would care less about her mental wellbeing and time to herself if he found her sitting on the sofa with a pizza.
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Chandler Bing

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To be honest, my favourite is when the parents come on here to say they totally relate to us, cos they hate everyone else's kids, they only like their own. Like every parent ever, but they think they are so UnIqUe :rolleyes:
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