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I'm like this but with holidays rather than cars! Can't bear the thought of having to do a weekend at Butlins or an all inclusive at a family resort in Spain (at school holiday prices) to keep the kids happy. Give me an adult only cruise or a last minute city break any day!
i hatred butlins when I was a kid😂

I can’t remember where I heard it but someone who was a parent was saying that when you have kids you basically don’t have holidays anymore cause the holidays are spent looking after and entertaining kids
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Can I just point out that I checked some of his other videos and can confirm he developed that eye twitch from stress/tiredness! I would've been the same having to listen to that racket.

I'm not sure if the entire 29 hours was continuous but with the cabin and natural light changing it's clearly long enough 💀
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It sounds blissful 😍. What hotels did you go to if you dont mind me asking? I'm struggling to find many adult only hotels on tui lately, especially 5*.
That hotel was Son Matias Beach in Majorca! It was a really small hotel too so it was nice and we got a good view of the beach & pool!
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Tbh the thought of a life of motherhood horrifies me more than labour 😂
Same, labour fascinates me... that a body can grow a baby and adapt its shape to push a baby out (assuming no health problems etc)
But... nah, it's not for me thanks.
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Caffeine Fiend

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I don't mind parents needing flexibility for emergencies or childcare but the rest of the employees should be offered the same treatment. My hospital appointment or family needs don't matter less because a small child isn't involved.
All of this! Everyone need flexibility and if the last 2.5 years have taught us anything its that its possible 🤷‍♀️ some employers seem intent on dragging their heels.
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Just from looking at my own friends as an example I think that’s because there’s always one person in the relationship that wants kids more than the other so one ends up giving in to something life changing. Which never ends well. My two best female
friends both got “pushed into” (in their own words 🤯 ) having children by their husbands who felt like they were getting older. In both these situations once the babies are actually born the dads then really regretted having them (again their own words). One said what the F have we done, our life is ruined 😂. But my friends then developed some kind of overwhelming/consuming bond with the babies they initially didn’t really want and then have no relationship with their husbands. So now their marriages are both in complete turmoil. From the outside it looks/sounds like a total disaster.
Sounds like 1 of my friends. She wasn't bothered about having kids, husband kinda forced it and was all proud when she was pregnant. Kids 5 now and I think he's looked after him once? He also goes out whenever he pleases, doesn't check/ask if OK. Think I've seen her for 1 dinner minus kid in that time frame. Even my birthday she only came for the lunch then left 🙈
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you know another thing on this note, I like that I don’t have to worry about what I eat. I had McDonald’s on Friday and Burger King today and the only person who’s health I have to be worried about is my own (which whilst I’m not condoning it, I’m not worried cause I eat home cooked most of the time but period cravings and all that) It sounds stupid but the thought of being like “i can’t have that cause I can’t give that to my kid” or having to cook just cause I have a child is like 🙄🙃🥲
Haha same. Had a busy day, also premenstrual so ordered a Mcdonalds and spent the evening catching up on TV and vaping 🤣 picture of health me. No but seriously it's times like this I'm glad I don't have a kid in tow.
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Glad you mentioned this, I’m single by choice, it’s great!
Single by choice here too ❤ There is an aromantic & asexual thread on here somewhere (I’m not saying you’re either of those!). I am the former and it was nice to find people who just like being totally alone 😅
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Chatty Member
I just couldn’t take that risk. Even if my husband did change his mind and want one, it would be a no. I always think, we are happy as we are, why change things?

Honestly I know 3 women, all who I used to work with, they all got cheated on by their long term partners when they were pregnant and they all got left less than a year after the babies were born.

I just couldn’t imagine feeling vulnerable and all over the place after having a baby and then finding out that while we were seemingly happy, he was off with another woman and then to be left with a young baby during what should be the best time of our lives. I couldn’t. It would break me.
Reminds me of the influencer Liv Purvis. Now I don't know if her husband had an affair or who left who but they seemed happy together from the outside. They had a baby last year and now they are separated. Now she lives on her own with the baby. Poor girl, she seems lovely.
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'Amelia, darling' is on the opposite side of the pool to us today. They also have a small boy with them who, if I had to guess, is about a year old - not walking yet. She's just changed his obviously shitty nappy on the sun lounger, to the absolute horror of the man on the sun lounger two metres to her left, who was partway through his lunch and now seems to have lost his appetite...

Adults only place next year I think, much as we adore this hotel!
Yeah this is why I refuse to do hotels that aren’t adults only! I can’t be dealing with little darlings screaming and shouting 🤣
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There is someone on Insta (I’ll try and find what the page is called, something like gentle parenting), but she posts about how she doesn’t tell her kids to do anything because it’s disrespectful…

so if she tells her kids to pick their coat up and put their shoes away and they don’t, she will say “oh it’s okay mum will do it today because you are tired, but next time you need to do it yourself”.

these are like primary school age kids+. Totally ridiculous because then when they go to work they think they don’t have to do anything they don’t want to do!

I’m not saying kids have to do chores, but at least picking up after yourself, keeping your room clean and tidying up your own mess should be the basics.
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I’ve never fancied a cruise in my life but you might have just swayed me!!
Ooh I love them, done quite a few now, Caribbean, Med, Arctic Circle. Going to America on one next year (not adult only sadly but in term time so shouldn't be too bad) Great for having a taster of different places that you can go back to for longer breaks if you like them. Plus you get to see loads of places without having to constantly pack and repack your suitcase!
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
Single by choice here too ❤ There is an aromantic & asexual thread on here somewhere (I’m not saying you’re either of those!). I am the former and it was nice to find people who just like being totally alone 😅
I’m not, but I have a lot of respect for those who are aromantic or asexual. It’s such a simple thing, but is so misunderstood. It was actually from someone discussing their asexuality here on tattle that I came to understand it more!

Oooh would anyone be interested in a single by choice thread?
I would, yes!
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Chatty Member
Omg does she think everyone went on holiday to florida as kids?! How out of touch!
Unfortunately all my friends went to Florida too back in the 90s/early 2000s too 😞 stayed in villas and had massive hire cars. Came back with loads of cool designer clothes. we could never afford to go anywhere and it really effected me. So as childfree adults we can go wherever we want, whenever we want, within reason & if we save up. I could never give that up to have kids and go back to my childhood of doing without.
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Chatty Member
I had to seek sanctuary in The White Company concession in Selfridges - calm neutral colours and relaxing smells. One of the shop assistants referred to “Patricia, she’s a cashmere addict” - what a queen, I want to be her when I grow up.
Here in Canada we don't have The White Company although I love it! Pottery Barn is very similar in that it has calming scents and colours plus it's expensive as fuck so not many kids in there 😂.
I don't venture to the mall often, I can't recall the last time I was there. I have autism and sensory issues so I find the brightness, loud music and noise very overwhelming. I've considered wearing ear plugs actually to help me out. I know some people sensory issues find it helps. 😊
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