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VIP Member
Ugh, having 'I can't get pregnant' in a video is such insensitive clickbait. The doctor literally told her she CAN get pregnant (as long as she stops prepping).

Also, when did this new bf Chris come into the picture?

She's full of it. Homegirl can't go a few months without a new man.
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Yeah, I think she very much lives in a bubble of bodybuilding. Even her ex seemed to be into fitness, etc so her whole life seems to revolve around it.

Regarding her gender "identity": Eh, I hesitate to come to specific conclusions because, at the end of the day, I don't know her. I just brought it up as something she may need to explore because it seems like it might play a role in all of this. But I don't know for sure. 🤷‍♀️ I could be wrong.

I do, however, think she should see a therapist and "unpack" her thought processes with them. At the very least, it seems to be an eating disorder and body dysmorphia. I just wonder what the root cause of this specific type of body dysmorphia why is she doing this? Surely it's not just competitiveness, right?

Plus there's something a bit dishonest, in my opinion, about how she claims she uses "performance enhancers" but she still acts like it's all just "hard work" and "focus." Like that takes away any sportsmanship, in my opinion (even though she's honest about taking them).

I do like that she is honest about the performance enhancers as well as her hard work, as I feel a lot of athletes/sportspeople can be quite secretive about that stuff. So at least there's that,

I do think she looks a lot like a male without makeup, so maybe it's why she uses makeup. lol. Then again it's hard to say because as you've mentioned we don't personally know her.

And back to her whole breakup thing again, it's just a weird thing to consider to be a deal breaker. People are normally like oh he cheated on me, has to move to another state, can't get away from work..and then there's Ilona, my partner didn't like dogs....lmao. If your reasoning was that shallow perhaps it was best you were never in that relationship to begin with.

I've also always been curious to see if she indeed does look a bit more feminine with some plump or curves, but if she ever fully goes back to being somewhat of a normal body type, I guess we won't know. She does strike me as a very competitive person but unless she is truly as dedicated to focusing on something else, like being a mother, it may be the thing to potentially change her ways.
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I don't get in her latest react to Hungry Fatchick's keto diet, she got some jack in the box but without the bun and added sauces, but Ilona sounds a bit disappointed?

Yet, Foodie Beauty will get a whole spread of fast food or high fat sides and she'll say "this meal is okay" ugh

difference is that Candy showing willpower to avoid certain triggers with her foods, and at least she's trying way harder than the others
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She's competing again in 17 weeks I thought she was going to take a break enjoy herself again

In a new category too she won't stop until she wins :eek:
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Oh hahahaha. I mean she’s very muscular. I hope she finally gets this pro card and chills out
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Yes I am, she said long story short she didn’t get the pro card as there were not enough competitors and the organisers of the competition told her to basically email Ifbb and the head judge her photos for them to consider giving her a pro card. She got a response I think she posted that from the head judge who told her she was not ready and needed more conditioning and to put more muscle. Now what she was referring to in the video is the other email she received from the Ifbb themselves, as far as I heard it was the grandson of the founder who was very rude to her (her words) he was condescending and told her she’s not good enough and told her to go and do the other show in July. She didn’t actually show the email but said he was very rude and she was quite disappointed and offended
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Just watching her new video. She's single again? Did she say anything about the breakup previously?
I’m a member on her channel so long story short the ex told her that she is worse than prostitute because she has had one night stands before.. she broke up with him but then took him back shortly after.
He kept asking her for her past sexual experiences and told her that she doesn’t deserve him because of her past and then she broke up with him.
she said he was expecting his partner to be ideally a virgin or inexperienced.. and he has disappointed.
Interesting she just mentioned it in passing that she is single again and wants to stay single awhile? Wonder how long that will last. I give it 2 weeks. Did she give her members a full explanation?
Also I noticed that little dig about how Romania wasn't fun this time because she had to pay for another person. Sorry is she complaining her mother came to support her? If her mother flew from Sweden to watch her compete and now Chikara is pissed she had to pay for a few meals that is petty. I doubt her mother showed up unexpectedly and expected Ilona to pay for everything... Just seemed really mean to say.
Actually to be fair I know what she means because I’m Bulgarian. Men in bulgaria always talk about how much money they have and how many businesses they have, they get all these flashy clothes and it’s just you know show off culture… sort of like poor people who win the lottery and make the most ridiculous decisions when it comes to finances but without the lottery bit hahaha.

In romania she was with her mum and the boyfriends, she said in her member’s livestream that she had to pay for the Airbnb, for his food, for everything that they did, he never got her a birthday present, he did not pay for anything during that trip.. stuff like that.
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VIP Member
Wow she looks very pretty there -she has obviously always been in great shape but she is very manly now, at least there she appeared normal :/
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Omg a bit late to the party on my part but I could not BELIEVE the story of Daisy hanging off a cliff like that, then she went on to lecture Amber about her weight and what if something like that happens to her. UMMM not quite the same thing! People who are morbidly obese are fully aware how big they are and their capabilities I'm sure...she won't be found walking down a cliff road with a dog off a leash unable to save him/her! She's so dumb with her points sometimes...if they wanna lose weight they'll lose weight it's as simple as that..

Her dogs seem like a bit of a pain and constantly misbehaving, I wouldn't trust that big brown one being off a leash like that for one second.

I could not agree more with the constant coffee drinking, talking to her pets and constantly talking about herself during reacts! I stopped watching her for a while due to that. I can't stand to watch her drinking all of that stupid coffee and coke sometimes, I'm a bit of a health nut myself and I'm sorry I don't see a good reason to constantly be piling in so much coffee/coke down ur gullet even if you're some pro body builder giving out health advice..just cut that sh*t out.

Her critique's are just fkn cringey and mean at this point...we all struggle with something. It's no excuse to be so snarky and constantly push your ways onto somebody/something. Dunno if I'll watch more of her reacts and tbh her vlogs are not worth watching to me because her body is a bit gross to look at, sorry for being harsh but if she's right about one thing it's that her body type won't be for everyone and I guess I'm one of those people.
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I dunno the specifics of what she's been taking over the years, but her physique has certainly become more masculine, particularly over the last 12 months or so. I imagine if she's not being upfront about what's she's taking it's due to trying to protect whoever it is she's getting it from.
You can read about the drugs she mentioned she takes. It'll tell you the side effects on women. They're all as illegal as each other so I don't think there's much reason to admit to some drugs but not others.
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I just watched her stories on IG, she took the dogs to the vet and was told how they both need to lose some weight lol ironic given the fact how she always says how much exercise they get and talks about other people’s pets weight and how it’s abusive to have an overweight pet

yeah her cat was a lil' fatty too for a while, it's so cute but yeah she should take better care of them lmao

I totally think if she was a mum she would be one of those mums who accidentally overfeeds her kids yet she's maniac about her own food lol
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VIP Member
HAHA yeahh girl, same here, I'm glad you did! I love there's someone else out there who can see through some her own BS as well.

Do you think she actually wants to be trans? I know she's said in the past people have confused her for a male or said she looks like a shemale or something like that? I think she would make a good mother health-wise but I def feel she would need to stop with the ridiculous bodybuilding shows and such. It can't be a totally normal influence for the children. She also said she has become quite isolated, girl needs more real-world experiences, values for sure...

I can see if your parents were abusive to you why you wouldn't wanna look back. But honey, some of us have normal folks and strong connections we want to cherish for as long as they're on this earth. Sometimes it's bigger than what your black and white brain thinks. I'm not saying her parents were like that but I thought it was just such a strange comment to make without your audience ever actually having met your parents or knowing what they are like. She seemed dead set on her opinion too. It would kinda suck to see if she were ever forced to go back home and see how she likes/ feels about it then.

Omg yes yes yes. For such a smart woman she really lacks being open-minded or situationally aware, I think she's one of those people who found something they like to do (bodybuilding) at a very young age and never really ventured out of their comfort zone/experienced new things.

I thought the break up was so weird. She claimed they were in love and it was likely her best relationship. Fuck sakes I'd be crushed, or is she devoid of any human emotions? Sorry but if it was 'love' as you say then you would feel something about the breakup and not just sit stoic about it on the internet. It's also a strange excuse to want to break up with somebody. You don't like dogs?? Tough luck. I'm also confused about this as it seems something you would discuss very early on in the relationship.
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New member
Honestly I'm scared we're watching her heading to the grave. It's sad to see what she's become, I've watched her since she lived in England


VIP Member
she really is so obsessed with those competitions...If no one else turned up why can't she take a break and do other stuff with her life too...

Millennial Pink

VIP Member
Yeah, I think she's said before that she'd reached the limit on how much she'd want to take. Will be interesting to see if she pushes past it to try for this pro card again. I really hope she doesn't.
I’m a member on her channel so long story short the ex told her that she is worse than prostitute because she has had one night stands before.. she broke up with him but then took him back shortly after.
He kept asking her for her past sexual experiences and told her that she doesn’t deserve him because of her past and then she broke up with him.
she said he was expecting his partner to be ideally a virgin or inexperienced.. and he has disappointed.

Actually to be fair I know what she means because I’m Bulgarian. Men in bulgaria always talk about how much money they have and how many businesses they have, they get all these flashy clothes and it’s just you know show off culture… sort of like poor people who win the lottery and make the most ridiculous decisions when it comes to finances but without the lottery bit hahaha.

In romania she was with her mum and the boyfriends, she said in her member’s livestream that she had to pay for the Airbnb, for his food, for everything that they did, he never got her a birthday present, he did not pay for anything during that trip.. stuff like that.
Ahh okay I didn't realize the boyfriend was there as well. That is the problem with a lot of info only being shared with members is people will make assumptions. I didn't watch the show day vlog too closely was he in it?


Active member
it’s not just the PEDs it’s also all of the fillers and Botox. Lol she used to say her lips shrunk and she’s getting lip filler to get them how they used to look like lol not sure that’s true


VIP Member
I bet she was the chick in HS who picked on a lot of the fattier girls or at least spoke about them behind their backs...seems like Ilona's style. It would be interesting to know how she is as a coach, I don't think force feeding ppl what you eat is necessarily healthier.