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She mentioned in her video uploaded a few hours ago she isn't sure if she is going to compete again cause of "something happened that I am not too keen about" but she will only say what it is on the members live. Is anyone here a member to tell us what happened?


VIP Member
She made a point in previous videos of saying that she never took testosterone but in yesterday's upload she talks about her blood results and says that her testosterone levels are in 'normal' ranges which she is surprised about and concludes that what she was taking over the years must have been crap. So, she just admitted taking testosterone for years and presumably in some dodgy, unregulated form if she doesn't even know the quality/potency. That's scary.
I'm no scientist, but is that actually what that means? Or does the stuff she's admitted to taking affect testosterone, even though it's a different drug?



VIP Member
No one else I know has any clue who Chikara is so I just had to come here to make what is most likely a petty complaint:
I understand that training for a show is exhausting and takes a lot out of her, but when she starts most videos with I am filming this because I cannot be assed to do anything else, or don't care, or don't want to make any effort it gets infuriating. You don't have to tell your audience every video how little you want to do your job. No one is begging for a video. It just really rubs me the wrong way that she says I am going to put in the most minimal effort in order to financially support my life.

Also......... with regards to her reactions when it comes to the current genocide... I think it is such a privileged take to say I don't care about politics because they are fake.... literally 1000s of children have been murdered and she can just ignore it cause she "doesn't care". Must be nice to be so self obsessed. I understand not discussing it but take the 1 minute to edit it out. If Anna starts talking about the conflict and Ilona doesn't want to discuss it, edit it out. But as she says she cannot be assed to even do the bare minimum. I am not asking for her opinion on the subject, in fact I don't want to hear it, but it is so entitled and privileged to say that the situation is something that can be ignored.

I couldn't find the video you're talking about except for the recent "clothing haul" one but I do think Ilona will comment on things she has no clue on or she doesn't see how it comes across. I don't believe she's very educated.

I also think she's very mean to Anna, I personally refrain from commenting anything if I see people walking around who are Anna's size because they've obviously got something serious internally going on or there's just something in their genetic make up but it's not nice to consistently say they aren't losing weight or not putting in much effort.

It's not encouraging at all, and how sad would the world be if everyone had a one size fits all body like Ilona keeps promoting.

I think she's clearly over doing the reaction videos for now, and some of her comments aren't helping the situation either. Most of the time she's sat there distracted by her animals anyway. I also don't see why she needs to comment on the Dougherty Dozen videos she's not a mum and frankly I'd rather see kids get an abundance of choice when it comes to food than the thousands of cases of child abuse which gets reported in the system each year. Alicia is an angel in my eyes.

Millennial Pink

VIP Member
So, competition was at the weekend. Not sure how many competitors turned up in the class, but she won overall but didn't win a pro card as the judges deemed her not good enough to win one and not enough competitors turned up.

I wonder if she'll continue to compete, it sounds exhausting to have this happen over and over.


VIP Member
she has some weird stance on food, I don't mind eating cottage cheese with chicken breast when I'm alone at home but when I'm out I won't deprive myself from having a slice of pizza or wholegrain sandwich for a lunch

she was reacting to someone who went out for lunch and got a chicken sandwich on rye bread with a tomato soup and proceeded to say "this looks nice but it's also full of calories" uh yeah no sh*t but its food let them enjoy it!

I don't know she may be fit, but she's not right in the head or fit to be giving any kind of advice or meal plans around food *roll eyes*

Millennial Pink

VIP Member
I know this sounds dumb but I wish shed stop the reaction videos, they're too long she pauses every second word to nitpick, if she listened to a whole sentence she'd realise they're saying exactly what she interrupts with, her dogs and cat take up most of her attention it's just boring. I don't know what it is, I used to enjoy her content but not for the past year or two. You can tell she doesn't want to do them either. And I think her lack of understanding of what causes others to be the way they are is so evident in the way she picks these people apart. Some of the people she reacts to aren't good people I'll admit but I don't get why she basically makes the same videos over and over saying the exact same thing. Sorry rant over
I completely agree. I clicked on her April reaction then wondered why i'd bothered.


VIP Member
It's sad that she's dedicated so much of her time and life, damaging her body, relapsing with her ed a couple times and she still hasn't achieved the pro card she desperately wants. I genuinely feel for her it has to be mentally taxing

and a lot of the time it's hard to go back to normality after consistently working so hard at body building. I hope she doesn't end up that way but who knows


VIP Member
Her reaction videos are the laziest form of content ever. She barely even says anything, and half the time she's just obnoxiously slurping on a coffee.

There's also something a little bit gross about how she'll bank off of other people's content...and then have the audacity to shame them. Like at least those "fat" people MADE content, whereas she's just sitting there filming herself watching other people's content. ☕

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending those people at all (they are definitely problematic in their own ways and deserve criticism). However, Ilona also needs to get off her high horse because it's literally her JOB to be athletic, whereas the people she's commenting on often have lives outside of gym.

Really? She barely says anything? She used to be able to say a LOT...but reaction vids of that kind are not my thing. Imagine telling people in your real life you talk about others for a job online. Embarrassing.

I don't mind athletes as they need to put in a lot of time to stay fit and lean, but Ilona looks like she overdoes it at this point. I think she's more of an addict and maybe she should listen to her own advice about cutting back like she suggests for the others in her videos.