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I just watched her stories on IG, she took the dogs to the vet and was told how they both need to lose some weight lol ironic given the fact how she always says how much exercise they get and talks about other people’s pets weight and how it’s abusive to have an overweight pet
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Just watched her rant about the YouTube Underground... Did anyone see what was said about Illona? She says over and over she doesn't care the Yabba or anyone else thinks about the way she looks.... but she makes this point so often that I fear it does really bother her.
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I don’t know if you noticed that she keeps saying how she eats whole foods and veg. She literally never eats vegetables.. chicken rice and a bit of cucumber which is essentially water. Also all the protein powders, rice powder, pasteurised egg whites, zero calories sauces all of these are processed foods
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Millennial Pink

VIP Member
I stopped watching her reaction content because her contribution was so low and she can be so fucking rude. It got worse in the last prep.
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Hi Everyone - I'm new to the thread!

Came to her channel via Tammy Lemon. I'm another one who watched for several months thinking she was trans - the PEDs have really buggered up her voice!

I think she's in no position to criticise other people's eating and excersing given that she is so extreme herself. In one video she's sipping on a birthday cake flavoured energy drink while criticising other people's unhealthy habits. She's admitted that her lifestyle has caused her periods to stop, she's lost the fluid in her joints and the fat pad under her feet. She tried to make out that shaving her beard twice a week is normal for a woman.

I've also noticed that she seems quite out of breath a lot of the time just talking or getting up to pet the dog. Quite concerning.
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I guess she read here:

Chikara Transformations1 day ago
Hey All, I filmed the Q&A yesterday but I will remove any mention of my boyfriend in that video or other videos going forward. Frankly getting sick and tired of people trying to perpetuate that he is a cheater and loser when he is not. He was separated and moved out, when he got in contact with me and is now divorced. There has been many unfortunate events from both health and financial perspective + the distance and us both having dogs making it harder to see each other. I don't want to have to defend him every single vlog so I will just not mention him at all anymore Sad that people can't see that sometimes the right people can meet at the wrong time. I was also married to the wrong person - it happens. Being divorced does not make you damaged goods and getting in another relationship does not make you necessarily a rebound or "sloppy seconds". I guess some people can't understand what it's like to meet somebody where there is a deeper connection, maybe they never experienced it and I also thought it was not possible. What matters is how I feel, how he makes me feel and the potential I see in him and our future. Whether you agree or not is irrelevant. But I just can't be arsed to deal with the comments every time talking poorly about him when you don't know what is going on. You only know what I chose to share and going forward that will not be much I will just vlog my fitness journey going forward and nothing else. What will be, will be
The irony being: We only know what she told us/information that's already out there. :ROFLMAO: It's not our fault if her boyfriend looks bad based on what she said/what he posted.

She's also being very manipulative and gaslighty here. The problem is not that he's divorced and "damaged goods." No one said that, and no one cares if he's divorced. The problem is that she made it seem like he was STILL married when he started talking to her. Big difference.
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she has some weird stance on food, I don't mind eating cottage cheese with chicken breast when I'm alone at home but when I'm out I won't deprive myself from having a slice of pizza or wholegrain sandwich for a lunch

she was reacting to someone who went out for lunch and got a chicken sandwich on rye bread with a tomato soup and proceeded to say "this looks nice but it's also full of calories" uh yeah no sh*t but its food let them enjoy it!

I don't know she may be fit, but she's not right in the head or fit to be giving any kind of advice or meal plans around food *roll eyes*

Her mindset around food too much. And has anyone noticed how much of her food is... blended? Like cream of rice, blended anabolic icecream, protein ice ect... I don't know if it is good or bad but I just noticed she doesn't eat much that has to be chewed.........
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I feel bad for her, it sounds like had more people completed and she had won the would have received the pro-card.

I don't think she should do anymore, I think she would only be able to get bigger with the PED's which I think would ruin her. They have already fucked her voice and her face looks much more manly than it did a few years ago.
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Just watched her rant about the YouTube Underground... Did anyone see what was said about Illona? She says over and over she doesn't care the Yabba or anyone else thinks about the way she looks.... but she makes this point so often that I fear it does really bother her.
I can't keep up with all the gorl world drama but Yabba tweeted a photo of Ilona saying she'd rather be fat than look like a man or something. I honestly cba with any of that lot.
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Has anyone noticed in her last videos about Ana glitter & lasers, Ilona sounds extremely bitter when talking about Ozempic, in every single one she calls it fat loss injections which it is not, Ana claims she’s lost weight (idk how much or if any for that matter) and ilona sounds so bitter oh gosh, she says it’s all because of the “ fat loss injections” although you have to be in a caloric deficit while on those injections. Ilona might be into fitness, but in her videos you can see how little she knows about being overweight
Omg the irony: she's spreading misinformation. :ROFLMAO: You're right, calling Ozempic a "fat loss injection" is a total mischaracterization of the drug and how it works. Weight loss wasn't even the original purpose of the drug.
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I think she wants the full package and she already looks after her dogs on her own, but I think her best bet would be to try to find a man with kids already or maybe freezing her eggs. Personally, I don't want to be a parent in my 40's tho, but to each their own.
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Millennial Pink

VIP Member
She’s got a new man again 🤣 this time he’s married…. She met him when she used to live on the seaside in Bulgaria 2 years ago and he kept messaging her but she never did anything with him because he was married, apparently they’ve been in a relationship for 2 weeks now and he’s getting a divorce soon…. And in her recent video she literally said she’s planning to get pregnant this year 💀
Well he sounds like a keeper 🧐
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She started seeing him 4-5 weeks ago, you know how desperate she is.

I can’t believe she has lived in Bulgaria for 3 years… and has not integrated at all… in her last video she’s chatting rubbish again saying that you cannot pay your bills using direct debit??? I’m Bulgarian, even though I live in the U.K., most of the people in Bulgaria that I know, pay their bills by direct debit …… like why is she saying those things 😂😂😂😂 I don’t understand.

and one more think I’ve noticed she talks a lot about health and fitness, but honestly she drinks quite often, i don’t think that’s a bad thing necessarily but is not very healthy tho.
she often talks about vodka helping her sleep, when I was a member of her channel she would have livestreams where she would drink quite often. HEALTH QUEEN

I think a lot of health nuts probably substitute a lot of foods for other more harmful things, it's crazy.
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Just watching her new video. She's single again? Did she say anything about the breakup previously?
Interesting she just mentioned it in passing that she is single again and wants to stay single awhile? Wonder how long that will last. I give it 2 weeks. Did she give her members a full explanation?
Also I noticed that little dig about how Romania wasn't fun this time because she had to pay for another person. Sorry is she complaining her mother came to support her? If her mother flew from Sweden to watch her compete and now Chikara is pissed she had to pay for a few meals that is petty. I doubt her mother showed up unexpectedly and expected Ilona to pay for everything... Just seemed really mean to say.
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She made a point in previous videos of saying that she never took testosterone but in yesterday's upload she talks about her blood results and says that her testosterone levels are in 'normal' ranges which she is surprised about and concludes that what she was taking over the years must have been crap. So, she just admitted taking testosterone for years and presumably in some dodgy, unregulated form if she doesn't even know the quality/potency. That's scary.
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I think her idea was to do this competition and then try and have a baby but now she doesn't have a boyfriend, I think she'll throw the baby idea out and keep going until she gets the pro card.
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Does anyone watch her channel?

I'll admit, she has some valid points in her reaction/commentary videos and she is very knowledgable about nutrition, exercise, etc. And, I agree with many of her analyses of other youtubers and their eating habits. She is also "nicer" and less aggressive about calling people out than other reaction channels, which I can appreciate.

...Which is also why I really DO NOT understand why she's into bodybuilding...

It's totally illogical. It's so bizarre and hypocritical because she, herself, has admitted that she knows bodybuilding is unhealthy. And she also mentions how she uses "performance enhancers" and even lost her monthly cycle because of how extreme her training methods are. She even mentions how she doesn't enjoy the process a lot of the time. Nothing about this is healthy. But she continues to promote it by posing for the camera and showing people how she preps and trains.

So basically: Illona is a person with an eating disorder and promoting her eating disorder/body dysmorphia issues ... and yet she is commenting on other people with eating disorders/body dysmorphia issues.

She's just full of contradictions and, at the end of the day, is just as problematic as the people she's critiquing.

Also, on slightly off-topic, more petty note: She needs to stop walking her dogs off-leash. It doesn't matter how well-trained she thinks her dogs are, it's dangerous for both humans and the dogs (for several reasons). Safety aside, it's also just rude to do that in public places (and, depending on location, it can literally be illegal).
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I think her physique is outstanding but maybe sometimes she needs to just accept she is not good enough (as per their standards) they told her she’s not conditioned enough and she needs to put more size which I mean I don’t know I think this is too much and she needs to let it go
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View attachment 2993213Did you guys see this? She looks absolutely nothing like she did before. Yeah people grow up and age and blablabla but there's not a trace of this face anymore, she's really screwed up her face with all the botox, filler and PEDs
Wow, I knew she had lip filler as her lips are massive and knew the PEDs would have made her face more masculine and they have really fucked with her voice but wow what a difference.
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