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I get so annoyed when she keeps commenting about what children should eat… this lady all the kids would serve them fruits and ilona would be like “well this is not ideal” fruit and veg are so important, like does she think she will feed her children like she does herself- steak, cottage cheese with raw egg whites and protein powder lol
I don't know if she won't acknowledge or isn't aware but she clearly has very serious issues around food. I don't want to diagnose or anything but she seems border line eating disorder, and she puts that on everyone she reacts to.
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It must be hard coming out of a situation like divorce and going straight into dating tho...sounds like the guy wants to be single for a while. I don't blame him. I think she's desperate for kids & not willing to wait around anymore but I feel like a decent relationship takes years of hard work and commitment before kids come into the picture. It must for sure be sad and scary for her.
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I can see you were discussing her “performance enhancers”. I honestly think she believes that she is using a small amount because she is in Bulgaria. This is an epidemic there, most guys I think there was every third guy aged 18-35 who goes to the gym takes some sort of steroids or other drugs. Even normal looking guys.

it’s very easy to buy them there.. there are literally 5-10 very popular online stores for that kind of stuff (obviously selling those things is illegal).

she’s Probably comparing herself to the people she meets in the gym.

I also watched her video from yesterday, she’s so obsessed with men and having a boyfriend.
Honestly in Bulgaria the standard for men is very muscular and for women is SKINNY (not slim, skinny-think early 2000s) and short. I think she doesn’t have much luck on tinder because men don’t often see women like her and perceive her as more of like a fetish if that makes sense. Unfortunately women from Western Europe are perceived as “easy” women so all of the weirdos automatically try to flirt with them, just to get sex

I honestly agree with you her body type isn't normal she needs to cut back some time and go back to a normal shape imo if she wants to get serious about having babies etc, she's also said in the past people look at her in public

I don't blame them though she is so odd-looking but she can go back to looking prettier again if she stops now imo
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Has anyone noticed in her last videos about Ana glitter & lasers, Ilona sounds extremely bitter when talking about Ozempic, in every single one she calls it fat loss injections which it is not, Ana claims she’s lost weight (idk how much or if any for that matter) and ilona sounds so bitter oh gosh, she says it’s all because of the “ fat loss injections” although you have to be in a caloric deficit while on those injections. Ilona might be into fitness, but in her videos you can see how little she knows about being overweight
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I also find it interesting she says she doesn't like to be mean but on the other hand she listens to YABA (The Youtube Underground) who mainly does livestreams on Chantal, I don't know if it's just me but it rubs me the wrong way about Ilona.
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HAHA yeahh girl, same here, I'm glad you did! I love there's someone else out there who can see through some her own BS as well.

Do you think she actually wants to be trans? I know she's said in the past people have confused her for a male or said she looks like a shemale or something like that? I think she would make a good mother health-wise but I def feel she would need to stop with the ridiculous bodybuilding shows and such. It can't be a totally normal influence for the children. She also said she has become quite isolated, girl needs more real-world experiences, values for sure...

I can see if your parents were abusive to you why you wouldn't wanna look back. But honey, some of us have normal folks and strong connections we want to cherish for as long as they're on this earth. Sometimes it's bigger than what your black and white brain thinks. I'm not saying her parents were like that but I thought it was just such a strange comment to make without your audience ever actually having met your parents or knowing what they are like. She seemed dead set on her opinion too. It would kinda suck to see if she were ever forced to go back home and see how she likes/ feels about it then.

Omg yes yes yes. For such a smart woman she really lacks being open-minded or situationally aware, I think she's one of those people who found something they like to do (bodybuilding) at a very young age and never really ventured out of their comfort zone/experienced new things.

I thought the break up was so weird. She claimed they were in love and it was likely her best relationship. Fuck sakes I'd be crushed, or is she devoid of any human emotions? Sorry but if it was 'love' as you say then you would feel something about the breakup and not just sit stoic about it on the internet. It's also a strange excuse to want to break up with somebody. You don't like dogs?? Tough luck. I'm also confused about this as it seems something you would discuss very early on in the relationship.
Yeah, I think she very much lives in a bubble of bodybuilding. Even her ex seemed to be into fitness, etc so her whole life seems to revolve around it.

Regarding her gender "identity": Eh, I hesitate to come to specific conclusions because, at the end of the day, I don't know her. I just brought it up as something she may need to explore because it seems like it might play a role in all of this. But I don't know for sure. 🤷‍♀️ I could be wrong.

I do, however, think she should see a therapist and "unpack" her thought processes with them. At the very least, it seems to be an eating disorder and body dysmorphia. I just wonder what the root cause of this specific type of body dysmorphia why is she doing this? Surely it's not just competitiveness, right?

Plus there's something a bit dishonest, in my opinion, about how she claims she uses "performance enhancers" but she still acts like it's all just "hard work" and "focus." Like that takes away any sportsmanship, in my opinion (even though she's honest about taking them).
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She’s got a new man again 🤣 this time he’s married…. She met him when she used to live on the seaside in Bulgaria 2 years ago and he kept messaging her but she never did anything with him because he was married, apparently they’ve been in a relationship for 2 weeks now and he’s getting a divorce soon…. And in her recent video she literally said she’s planning to get pregnant this year 💀
She is such a disaster omg. Get some self-respect and at least wait until he's divorced, Ilona, lol! 🤦‍♀️ Also, if he'll cheat with her he'll cheat on her. Red flags everywhere.

Ngl, it pisses me off how cavalier she is about having a child. She's being so selfish. It's as if she doesn't care who the father is (apparently any guy will do at this point), she doesn't care how toxic the situation is, and she doesn't care that her body is not in a healthy state for carrying children yet. She's putting her desire to have a kid over the emotional and physical well-being of the kid. Sorry but, in my opinion, she's already being a bad parent.
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I don’t even believe her when she says she wants kids, tbh.

She keeps making life decisions that don’t align with starting a family, and she’s in her late 30s (I think?). If she truly wanted kids she wouldn’t be destroying her body with “performance enhancers,” bodybuilding, and dating incompatible men.

It seems like she’s lying to herself about what she really wants. She keeps creating roadblocks for herself and doing self-destructive behaviors.
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Omg she’s so annoying and bitter with the “I’m so healthy”.

I’ve been all the way from class 3 obese to underweight on the BMI scale my blood work has always been great throughout, this does not mean you are healthy. Human beings are not just numbers and doctors don’t treat lab results.. she clearly needs a mental health professional ..
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Honestly I think it’s because of her age, she’s 38 this year is just desperate for a child at this point.. but she wasted so many years competing for that pro-card without success this must be weigh in on her.
I’m embarrassed to admit but I stalked her bf’s insta, she had tagged him somewhere and he had his Facebook profile linked.. he posts lots of photos there and one of the recent ones was of him in the gym and his guy friends were commenting in he’s buff and how he has time to get ready for the summer and he replied “the benefits of being single” 💀 💀 💀
She’s just putting all that effort into these random guys who don’t care about her at all… she drives 400 km to go and see him it’s just ridiculous at this point
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I don't know if she won't acknowledge or isn't aware but she clearly has very serious issues around food. I don't want to diagnose or anything but she seems border line eating disorder, and she puts that on everyone she reacts to.
She's really open about the fact that she was bulimic but I think she's just gone from one disorder to another.

Also totally agree with how annoying it is when she says she can't be bothered and spends 40% of the video yawning - it's so rude!
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Omg she’s so annoying and bitter with the “I’m so healthy”.

I’ve been all the way from class 3 obese to underweight on the BMI scale my blood work has always been great throughout, this does not mean you are healthy. Human beings are not just numbers and doctors don’t treat lab results.. she clearly needs a mental health professional ..
She's always the first one to say that normal blood results for obese people don't mean they're healthy too 🙄

She might be healthy, I dunno. But I can't with the hypocricy.
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Millennial Pink

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Ugh, having 'I can't get pregnant' in a video is such insensitive clickbait. The doctor literally told her she CAN get pregnant (as long as she stops prepping).

Also, when did this new bf Chris come into the picture?
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I get so annoyed when she keeps commenting about what children should eat… this lady all the kids would serve them fruits and ilona would be like “well this is not ideal” fruit and veg are so important, like does she think she will feed her children like she does herself- steak, cottage cheese with raw egg whites and protein powder lol
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Millennial Pink

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I dunno the specifics of what she's been taking over the years, but her physique has certainly become more masculine, particularly over the last 12 months or so. I imagine if she's not being upfront about what's she's taking it's due to trying to protect whoever it is she's getting it from.
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Oh it's in a video, sorry. I'll go look. Clearly I can't read.
Okay, so it's 4 mins into the Amber video uploaded on 24 June. My opinion is that she's joking. The joke being that she's shown proof of normal testosterone levels, so anyone accusing her of using testosterone has been proven wrong, "so it must be really shit testosterone" i.e. It's so shit there's no trace or evidence of it in her blood work. So she obvs hasn't been using it.

Just my take. For all of Ilonas faults I actually don't think she's a liar at all.
Here's what she said she was taking 3 months ago. There are absolutely loads of enhancements bodybuilders can chose from. There's just 0 reason to take testosterone specifically unless you really want to. (Disclaimer: none of this shit will be good for you either, obvs it's caused noticeable voice and structural changes to her face).
You're maybe right and I didn't get the joke! Anyway, we don't need blood results to know her hormones have been messed-up. She looks and sounds like a man. She hasn't even got the pro card she was aiming for but might be left with permanent damage. Only she can say if its been worth it.

She seems to think her health will always bounce back but at her age it might not especially the fertility aspect.
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I’ve noticed she’s not very bright and has not educated herself about the drugs she talks about…. Actually when you take testosterone injections and stop the testosterone levels drop and people usually end up having really low testosterone.
I’ve also heard in her amber video her talking about semaglutide which she insists on calling “fat loss injection” so she was asking in her video “does semaglutide reduce blood sugar, Idk” WHICH IS THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THIS DRUG.. like she’s so uneducated on the things she insists talking about
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