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as I said before I’m a Bulgarian living abroad but I still go back to bulgaria and have lots of friends there.. she always spreads misinformation about the social life there, culture, even laws.
Dogs being aggressive is a problem there it happens often, you would often hear dogs attacking children and that’s why the government has placed restrictions on dogs over 5-7kgs(can’t remember 5or 7)they should be muzzled and on a leash in all public places.. including parks outside of the fenced areas designed for dogs.. so the man was right and technically she can be fined.
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I know this sounds dumb but I wish shed stop the reaction videos, they're too long she pauses every second word to nitpick, if she listened to a whole sentence she'd realise they're saying exactly what she interrupts with, her dogs and cat take up most of her attention it's just boring. I don't know what it is, I used to enjoy her content but not for the past year or two. You can tell she doesn't want to do them either. And I think her lack of understanding of what causes others to be the way they are is so evident in the way she picks these people apart. Some of the people she reacts to aren't good people I'll admit but I don't get why she basically makes the same videos over and over saying the exact same thing. Sorry rant over
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Millennial Pink

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This... will not end well.

Why does she feel the need to include these brand new men in her vlog anyway. Give it a few months at least, better yet- keep it private.
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Jooooo boy her lasted video reacting to April is just full of her being snarky and rude, and a lot of comments on how her diet is healthier, and how she's not ashamed of her body and face, for someone unashamed of either she sure mentions it a lot. Seems to me she really does struggle and she's trying to convince herself as well as us that she is happy right now
Yeah she really does cherry pick with her diet. I'm not sure a lot of the powders and additives and fake low calorie "hacks" are great for a lot of people either. It's still processed.

No one is a fucking saint when it comes to food, you pick your poisons the same as anyone else. Even if they're 0 cal.
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I just think she desperate for a relationship and to have someone to call “her man” and “her boyfriend” in the first 2-3weeks of their “relationship” she had a photo of herself by the pool and some weirdo left a comment saying that the photos were not appropriate for social media and disrespectful to her partner and maybe she should keep them private, it was essentially a photo of her butt in a bikini.

then she replied with “my man likes to show me off” and a lot more which I find weird saying that “he likes to show you off” when you’ve been dating for like 2 weeks …. 😂😂😂 idk I could accept it if they were together for let’s say a few months or more… but someone “showing you off” when that’s your 4th date girl pls relax 😂
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Millennial Pink

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Finally a thread! I was considering doing one a while back but wasn't sure how much interest there'd be on here. I do mostly like Ilona but there's a few things...

1. The men. I have absolutely no idea why Ilona feels the need to share the minutiae of her dating life to the entire internet. If she didn't say anything, then I wouldn't have an opinion about it. Her ex-husband seemed like a misogynistic tosser. I remember him walking up to her in the kitchen on one vlog and he just started rubbing her tit. She looked really uncomfortable then she left it in the footage for the world to see. There was New Years Eve dude. She was really excited about him then she dumped him because he stood her up or something? Then there was Mr Allergic to Dogs. They couldn't have been together more than about three months and she seemed ready to marry the guy. Now she's complaining about the fact that they only ended up going on three dates? I could see that break up coming a mile off. I think she's going for guys that want a more traditional home/wifey set up because she's kidded herself into thinking that she wants the traditional nuclear family. I think the issue is that she's not traditional in the slightest and (good for her) can't be controlled by every dudebro that she dates.

2. The dogs. I love that she loves her dogs so much, but she's not exactly responsible with them. Always walking them off lead, always feeding them human food. Screaming at them during filming because they're barking. I would hate to live in that apartment complex with her.

3. Video quality. She's always putting stuff out that needs to be edited properly or has sound issues or something. I don't care if you have 'prep brain', this is your job.

4. Reaction content. Don't get me wrong, I'd watch Ilona react to April all day long, but she has a habit of being mean and unconstructive. She can't see very far beyond her own experience and is constantly talking about things that she knows fuck all about. She was saying that she didn't know anything about running in one of the April reacts, but then still went on to talk about how running training should go. Her reactions to Eugenia I think are just outright unethical.

5. Bodybuilding. I hope she does get a pro card in the physique category. She does work hard and she deserves it. I like how she's open about the PEDs and doesn't sugar coat the effort that's needed. I can guarantee that if she was still with Mr Allergic to Dogs she wouldn't have competed again.
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Wow I'm genuinely shocked she didn't do well! And equally as shocked the way she seemed to have handled it...just be proud of yourself Ilona, geez.. I thought the girl who walked on stage before her was so pretty..

Ilona did honestly stand out at the competition it's quite disappointing to hear of her results, but I thought she was a 'classy' lady who wouldn't let it get under her skin that way :ROFLMAO: maybe karma for all the reaction content she puts out??

There is something odd about her relationships and it's like she always breaks up with the men after getting in too deep with them or it has progressed so far..and usually a stupid reason will follow. She is either too committed to her lifestyle or she isn't actually ready to settle, which good for her if it's the latter.

I think too many ppl these days settle down because it's what everyone else is doing then come to find out later on it wasn't actually what they want/wanted at the time.
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Did you guys see this? She looks absolutely nothing like she did before. Yeah people grow up and age and blablabla but there's not a trace of this face anymore, she's really screwed up her face with all the botox, filler and PEDs
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I guess she read here:

Chikara Transformations
1 day ago
Hey All, I filmed the Q&A yesterday but I will remove any mention of my boyfriend in that video or other videos going forward. Frankly getting sick and tired of people trying to perpetuate that he is a cheater and loser when he is not. He was separated and moved out, when he got in contact with me and is now divorced. There has been many unfortunate events from both health and financial perspective + the distance and us both having dogs making it harder to see each other. I don't want to have to defend him every single vlog so I will just not mention him at all anymore Sad that people can't see that sometimes the right people can meet at the wrong time. I was also married to the wrong person - it happens. Being divorced does not make you damaged goods and getting in another relationship does not make you necessarily a rebound or "sloppy seconds". I guess some people can't understand what it's like to meet somebody where there is a deeper connection, maybe they never experienced it and I also thought it was not possible. What matters is how I feel, how he makes me feel and the potential I see in him and our future. Whether you agree or not is irrelevant. But I just can't be arsed to deal with the comments every time talking poorly about him when you don't know what is going on. You only know what I chose to share and going forward that will not be much I will just vlog my fitness journey going forward and nothing else. What will be, will be
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Wow I'm surprised to see there IS actually a thread about her. I have noticed some similar inconsistencies in her content and some things she even says are just as ridiculous as some of the people she's critiquing.

First of all, I do like her and her extreme dedication to health and fitness but truthfully she's a bit of a know-it-all and probably a bit snobby irl imo. Frankly, I would not want to be in a relationship with her and I think she has issues of her own to work towards. No, I am not lesbian, just talking in a hypothetical sense and it seems she wants children very badly at this stage too, lol.

Secondly, she always brags about how she starts off her day at 3-4am because she finds it better and if she sleeps in after 6am (very big IF, on her part, might I emphasise) then she feels most of her day is gone. I'm sorry Ilona it just seems to me you want to get your yt videos out of the way during that time so you don't need to worry about it for the rest of your day. Does that mean you have a slight dislike for doing youtube videos? maybe. That's how I see it anyway. Plus, it's actually ridiculous and sort of unhealthy to me to be starting your day so early when most of your REM sleep should be covered during those early morning peak hours. I also believe her youtube channel is just solely a way of promoting her own business/coaching really. She's just dumb on some things and comes off very ignorant/arrogant/know-it-all BS type lady.

It also rubbed me the wrong way when she was all high and mighty about a Eugenia Cooney reaction she was doing and how Eugenia was still living at home at age 28. Maybe you, ILONA, do not have a strong relationship with your parents but some people may not have a choice. I have been looking after my deathly ill father for the past three years in my early 30's and it's honestly matured me a lot more and taught me about the most important thing in/about life. It has also given me skills on how to actually take care of someone instead of abandoning them "just because" and I'm sure you could do with some of these experiences as you often whine about how much you want children already even though you've damaged your body to the point of becoming infertile. Yep, makes a lot of sense. Just shut your mouth at some points please when you have no idea what you're talking about. I have noticed a lot of hypocrites like her will usually say one thing while doing the complete opposite is because they just want to come across as relatable when it's in fact not what they really believe. (In her case, bodybuilding).

Lastly, I really wanted her to do more Foodie Beauty reaction videos but she says she doesn't want to do more reactions on her as her channel will solely be FB content. She has a good selection and variety of reaction videos imo and I'm not sure why she would pass up the opportunity to provide actual healthy advice on some of Foodie's ridiculous notions seeing as she is a transformations coach. She is just bizarre and stupid sometimes.

It was also a big ICK for me when a long time ago she bought her partner into two reactions she was doing one time. In which she came off pretty mean btw, I just don't don't understand why yt'ers would bring in their partners to critique somebody on the internet for loads of people to see. First off, I would NOT want my partners to engage with that sort of behaviour with me. When you talk about other people you will most likely ALWAYS talk about your friend/boyfriend/husband/relative whatever behind their backs also. It's not a good look. Plus, it makes for an awkward and uncomfortable video. THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE MEAN TO SOMEBODY WITH YOU SO STOP FORCING THEM AND MAKING OUT THAT YOU'RE A HAPPY COUPLE BY DOING IT.

Sorry for the giant post about her. I had a lot to rant about. Rant over, lmao.
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Millennial Pink

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The irony from this woman who discusses other people's videos and lives all day. She's becoming a bit thin skinned, and yeah, keep your personal life personal, what a notion.
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She started seeing him 4-5 weeks ago, you know how desperate she is.

I can’t believe she has lived in Bulgaria for 3 years… and has not integrated at all… in her last video she’s chatting rubbish again saying that you cannot pay your bills using direct debit??? I’m Bulgarian, even though I live in the U.K., most of the people in Bulgaria that I know, pay their bills by direct debit …… like why is she saying those things 😂😂😂😂 I don’t understand.

and one more think I’ve noticed she talks a lot about health and fitness, but honestly she drinks quite often, i don’t think that’s a bad thing necessarily but is not very healthy tho.
she often talks about vodka helping her sleep, when I was a member of her channel she would have livestreams where she would drink quite often. HEALTH QUEEN
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About 4 mins in she says "I must have been using really rubbish testosterone all these years..."
Oh it's in a video, sorry. I'll go look. Clearly I can't read.
Okay, so it's 4 mins into the Amber video uploaded on 24 June. My opinion is that she's joking. The joke being that she's shown proof of normal testosterone levels, so anyone accusing her of using testosterone has been proven wrong, "so it must be really shit testosterone" i.e. It's so shit there's no trace or evidence of it in her blood work. So she obvs hasn't been using it.

Just my take. For all of Ilonas faults I actually don't think she's a liar at all.
Here's what she said she was taking 3 months ago. There are absolutely loads of enhancements bodybuilders can chose from. There's just 0 reason to take testosterone specifically unless you really want to. (Disclaimer: none of this shit will be good for you either, obvs it's caused noticeable voice and structural changes to her face).


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Well it is good she got out before it became too messy and complicated. Seems like she ends up being the one to make all the effort in her relationships, so I hope they next guy is maybe in the same city and wiling to put in as much as she does. I know she is a very traditional woman in a lot of ways but there is no reason she has to give up on being a mother if that is what she truly wants. You don't have to have a man in your life for that. Would it be better? Sure. But she is so self efficient I think she would be perfectly fine being a single mom if being a mom is what she really wants.
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She came in second-to-last/last in her competition... 😬

I'm conflicted about this. On one hand, I do feel bad for her because she worked hard and the judging system seemed odd. However, I also think it was a bit weird and unprofessional how she was complaining about it at the competition, complained in the parking lot with her coach, and complained again in her apartment.

Screenshot 2023-07-15 at 12.06.12 AM.png

And back to her whole breakup thing again, it's just a weird thing to consider to be a deal breaker. People are normally like oh he cheated on me, has to move to another state, can't get away from work..and then there's Ilona, my partner didn't like dogs....lmao. If your reasoning was that shallow perhaps it was best you were never in that relationship to begin with.
Yeah I agree, it seems a bit random. Especially since she was talking about potentially having kids with this guy, once she stops competing.

Also, if the dog thing was a deal breaker for her, then why did she even date him to begin with? Surely this came up at the beginning of the relationship, and she just ignored it/thought he would change his mind. It seems almost like self-sabotage to willingly waste time in a relationship that you know won't work out.

Maybe there's more we don't know about?
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Millennial Pink

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I hate the low effort editing, drinking/eating while filming, etc. Also...she doesn't really say much! Sometimes during a "critique" video, it'll just be her sitting in a chair drinking coffee while watching someone else's youtube vid LOL. The dead air time can get awkward sometimes during those review videos, are you actually going to comment on something, Ilona?! :LOL:
Oh, you've reminded me of the lip smacking she does! I can't bear it when people eat on camera.

Some of the reactions she does she'll just veer off topic and start talking about herself. What is the point?
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Lol …… she’s so desperate
OMG. This guy is a misogynistic pig, and no amount of roses will erase that.

Also I had to laugh at when she said she has "boundaries" and "I do not accept being spoken to like that."

She clearly has zero boundaries and she does accept being spoken to like that because she took him back! 🤦‍♀️ Boundaries only work when you enforce them. He called her bluff, she didn't hold her ground and took him back, and now she's in a worse off position because he knows he can get away with this. How does she not see that?! She is her own worst enemy.
a guy who not only called her a ~whore~ and not to mention ~worse!~ than a whore to be her love & he also sounds mentally unwell
Yeah what he said was unacceptable, and she should not have given him a second chance. They BOTH seem mentally unwell tbh.
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