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Desperately wants to be the “cool mum” and all her kids mates love her..seeking validation from 12 year old boys is a new low even for her!
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Chatty Member
An inspiration?! I think you’ll find the old man was basically calling you a whale, Charl. What an Inspiration that a great big fatty boom boom like you is at the gym 🤣
Omg she’s not right in the head this one.
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Iv not commented on this in forever but felt compelled, this is hands down the most pathetic thing iv ever seen on instagram. This woman has serious issues and zero resillience. Im so angry that she has posted this when the world is how it is. Crying about a rat theyve had what less than a year cos its got a respiratory tract infection - my child has had one and iv not been on instagram wailing. She needs serious help shes absolutely pathetic!!!
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Such an exciting holiday 🐑 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑
It’s all right the kids will be back on their screens once she has her Instagram content.
I feel like if you are doing a caravan holiday in the U.K. you need to have plans while there, either the on-site stuff like the pool or activities or days out in the local area. We’ve done loads of these kinds of breaks but are up and out and busy all the time, last time we hired bikes, the kids did kayaking, we went on day trips, spent a day on the beach, swam every day and then out in the evenings and back to the van for board games and hot chocolates to calm down before bed. It sounds a bit twattish but my kids don’t even take their tablets away with us.
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Crazy frog

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Charl looks like a drag queen in latest pic ...such a self obsessed cow , normally mothers put their children's needs before their own not this pig
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Not just sweets and teeth she needs to worry about, there are links between processed meat and bowel cancer. All that ham, pepperami, bacon etc it's setting their gut up for a world of disease in later life. There's no nutrition, no fibre to get their gut moving and keeping it healthy. She should be teaching them about eating a variety of foods and about nutrition dense foodstuffs, not rip off the plastic lid and put it on a platter food
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Omg sending Bill to high school with his cooking ingredients in a toddler little dish meal bag. Fuck me the kid is just asking to be bullied!!! She hasn’t a clue has she?!?!?
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Why can't the kids just pick their clothes out of a wardrobe and their coat off a peg. She is doing them no favours at all. We need to encourage independence from as early as possible! And why can't he do anything? The messages those kids are getting are so mixed up. And again...we know Billiam has friends. We don't need to know everytime they come round. She is seriously lacking in adult stimulation
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'Go and find Grandad for me.'!!! :oops:
Fucking hell, she needs some help. She is seriously lacking in any kind of emotional resilience.
Her grandad was an old, unwell man. And dogs do not live to an old age. Both of these events are just the natural order of life. She would do well to reflect on why she acts the way she does when these life events happen. If she had a job or just mixed with adult company on a regular basis, she might get the wake up call she could do with if she got her head out of her arse and realised the tragic life events lots of people have suffered.
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I tell you what's sad. Having to take your own dad who was at the time dying and extremely unwell to take his own dog, his companion,to get put to sleep. And seeing your dad who you knew was going to die soon absolutely heartbroken. That's sad. Not that it's a competition but as his daughter I helped and supported and was brave
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The big fat fucker inspires me to keep working hard in my normal job so I don’t end up sharing absolute shite on the internet.
I can’t believe she’s just shared that an old man thinks she’s that fat that she’s an inspiration for doing less than an hour at the gym 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Truth be told , mark took a half day primarily to watch the football , but charl thinks it was primarily to have a lunch date with her 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Too right it was for the footie and was most definitely not to spend time with her. He was just taking her out as a reason to pre sesh before the game 😂 This is the same man who never takes an annual leave day unless it benefits him.
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Guys I’m really upset.

I had a day off so I decided I’d go walk into town to go grab stuff for supper, rather than asking my OH to grab shit on the way home (I could have not left the house all day and just read my smutty fantasy book all day. Yes, I’m sure you’re all really impressed with me.) I was leaving the house when an older person I “know”, because they live very far down the road, passed by and joked about my squeaky door. We’re both walking into town so no audiobook for me 🙄. I asked about her dog (she’s fine) and she asked about my kids (they’re fine). I added the witty story of breaking my wrist tripping over my kitten and she was suitably “oh you 👏” and “hope you’re ok”. Then we parted ways at the high street.

Guys….not once did she say she was proud of me.
…she WAS in shock that I’ve lived here 10 years and don’t feel the itch to move. We also agreed for us to meet up with my good doggo with her new, slightly reactive new rescue doggo (old rescue doggo died) as my girl is super respectful. Still forgot to share phone numbers so fuck knows when that’ll happen.

I would have gone and dropped my number at hers to arrange a walk, but she didn’t tell me how proud she was of me so fuck her. Am I right???
You need to get yourself to Aldi and make yourself a new best friend with one of the shop staff by asking then about one of the middle aisle items that isn’t in stock. Then have a chat with a random elderly person in the queue and then jog home through the park and everyone will be cheering you on because you are a runner now. Don’t forget to share it all on Instagram.
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Charl you allow 100s of thousands of strangers/peados to look and watch your children. You have given away their childhood for money, pimped them out. People in war zones do everything they can to keep their children safe whilst you, you sit there willingly putting them in front of danger. Family floggers know and have known for years the danger of who’s looking at your children, you all come online regularly crying because someone said hurty words about you and yet you expose your children without a second thought! Shame on you and your weak willed husband who allows it.
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Why is she crying on the internet AGAIN?!?!

It’s so attention seeking. I HATE crying in front of anyone, I’d never film it and put it on a public instagram. Jeez
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JFC what have I just witnessed??? An adult woman sitting on her daughter’s bedroom floor during the working day, crying into her phone about a fucking RAT with a sniffle. She is off the charts mad as a pack of frogs. I don’t use such language flippantly. CHARLOTTE, YOU MIDSIZE WEIRDO, GET HELP.

If she hadn’t blocked me I would honestly be messaging her to tell her to ring a professional. And not a vet for the fucking rat, you idiot.
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Eh? Why
According to her post they came home early because Bill was “fretting” about revising… he’s in Year 7 for fuck sake 🤣 more like she’d had enough of spending time with her kids in such a close proximity, obviously couldn’t wait to get home and shove them up to their bedrooms so she can spend time with the man she loves so, so much 😂
Eh? Why didn’t Bill (the devoted scholar) take his stuff and then he could have “revised” quietly in the caravan whilst they went out for a few hours?! Would his younger siblings missing half a day if their holiday so Bill could get home early to revise really have made a material difference to his results?!

Someone really needs to help Bill manage his anxiety and his time (couldn’t he have done extra at the weekend rather than…um….going on the phone that seems surgically attached to his hand) better. Along with helping him understand that he is part of a family and that means sometimes doing things that are not his preference - eg soft play! He could sit there on his blasted phone and eat crap with mid-size. It would be just like being at home so what’s the problem?!
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