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Absolutely ran here when I saw her latest post 😳😳😳 ran so fast an old man told me I was an inspiration
Same! I am mortified for her. How do these things continually happen to her. I’ve been going to the gym regularly for the past 25 years and I have never had anything like that happen to me, or heard anyone say that to anyone else for that matter. And then to describe her finishing her workout with the “ease of a unicorn floating on a cloud” seriously? Nobody will convince me she’s not still on some sort of meds.
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Does she forget that sha literally shares everything she buys! She might buy those types of crisps for her and Mark every now and again but the kids don’t get them! They get the junkiest and cheapest available.
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Why doesn’t she change her dress?
In a real job anyone would do this if could - she’s at home with a wardrobe full of overly tight dresses to pick from
And she uses curry powder oh my
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It’s amazing how she went months without mentioning Palestine and now it’s every other story. It comes across as so disingenuous, especially from someone like Charlotte. I can almost guarantee that she hasn’t donated a penny herself to any charity, while sharing links for her followers to donate 🙄
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Yet another invasion of privacy filming the nan's house and THE PHOTOS ON THE WALL!!!! I bet the poor woman won't have a clue her granddaughter puts it on the internet. Dreadful invasion of privacy and such a breach of trust. Awful.
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I think she thinks she comes across as a Disney esque princess who is in tune with both animal and human , is loved and universally adored by all , but actually she comes across as an emotionally and developmentally stunted !!!! She’s a 36 year old woman sat on her daughter’s bedroom floor , crying over a skinny rat and complaining that she’s had a lot to deal with !!! She’s a fucking huge disgrace of a woman
Hope all goes well lovely x

Jesus fucking Christ what have I watched?! My SIL is a vet and I asked her opinion - she said if it was her she would have advised to keep an eye and given the age of the rat it's sometimes just one of those things. She reckons charl's vet has either 1) been pressured to give treatment or 2) is unethical and just taking the easy money. Either way - unnecessary treatment and a ridiculous drama over nothing!

Charlotte needs to get herself back on anti depressants pronto, she's clearly not coping with the everyday stresses of life! I also reckon she should get herself investigated/treated for peri menopause, these mood swings are so abnormal!

Not that it's a competition - but I've just been given a life changing/threatening diagnosis, I'm preparing for urgent surgery in the next week or so. And I've just fucking got on with it!!! Took a few hours off work after the consultant appointment to reflect/research as it's an extremely rare condition, but then straight back to work and family life. She needs to build up her emotional resilience and realise how abnormal her reactions are!!!
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Chatty Member
She just doesn’t have a place at the moment in the mumfluencer world. Generally in that genre I’m either following relatable (to me) frazzled working mums, stylish but realistic fashion mums or giving me ideas for my kids mums (healthy easy meals, fun places to go etc.) She doesn’t fit into any of these for me any more.

I really think if she went for it with the diet and exercise (for her and the kids) she could carve something out there. I think she’s too lazy for it though
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Nana Chewsday gives me the 🤢🤢. How old is she? And don’t get me started on her fake giggle/laugh.
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God that story of Mark taking a photo of them together - how does she not make herself cringe?! Bill is going to be massively taken the piss out of as he gets older with the shit she shares
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She must be utterly draining as a friend and that’s why doesn’t really have any because no one can put up with her. I don’t think anyone normal would put all that online about their parents dead dog would they?
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What a bullshit lie. Stanley knows fuck all! Golden birthday, stay on tiktok if your coming up with that shit Charlotte. And why lie and say Stan said it??
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The rat chat and filming herself crying!! :rolleyes:
What does she expect? Rats only have a lifespan of 2 or so years! JFC she really needs to build up her emotional resilience.
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Chatty Member
Fucking hell she’s getting worse by the day! I would be really confused and quite frankly irritated if someone stopped me mid run on the treadmill to tell me I was an inspiration. I mean..why??? Going to the gym to use 1 machine? Well done fatty you are an inspiration just by walking through the gym doors!! You must be so proud!

You’d really think she’d be a bit more careful what she posts on her grid now Bill is at secondary school. Awful toilet 🤢 selfie with the utter drivel she has written yet again. He must be getting the absolute piss ripped out of him.
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