Charlotte Louise Taylor #40 I'm a gym girlie now. That’s ok! Only take my kids out if I don’t pay.

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She's loving this! Another sob story she can instagram the fuck out of. Absolutely giddy in her latest stories with the attention she's no doubt getting. Any excuse for a pizza eh Charl. Also, who leaves medication lying around in a child's bedroom with 2 under 10 running around. Incredibly irresponsible
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Sounds like the rat has a respiratory infection & will just be given some antibiotics.. very very common & minor
You called it.
All this drama over a rat! Of course the kids will only get pizza now!!! Why though? A single trip to the vets during 6+ hours of childfree time, and they're getting a frozen dinner. Lazy bitch.
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Jesus fucking Christ what have I watched?! My SIL is a vet and I asked her opinion - she said if it was her she would have advised to keep an eye and given the age of the rat it's sometimes just one of those things. She reckons charl's vet has either 1) been pressured to give treatment or 2) is unethical and just taking the easy money. Either way - unnecessary treatment and a ridiculous drama over nothing!

Charlotte needs to get herself back on anti depressants pronto, she's clearly not coping with the everyday stresses of life! I also reckon she should get herself investigated/treated for peri menopause, these mood swings are so abnormal!

Not that it's a competition - but I've just been given a life changing/threatening diagnosis, I'm preparing for urgent surgery in the next week or so. And I've just fucking got on with it!!! Took a few hours off work after the consultant appointment to reflect/research as it's an extremely rare condition, but then straight back to work and family life. She needs to build up her emotional resilience and realise how abnormal her reactions are!!!
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She is ridiculous. I’ve never known a grown woman like her! Good luck with your surgery.
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So sorry to hear you’re facing a challenging time. Wishing you luck with your surgery & a speedy recovery. I hope you have lots of support around you & if you feel up to it, please let us know you’re doing ok. 🤍
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I am actually speechless WTF!!!! Getting that emotional sitting by the rats cage. I LOVE animals and yes, it’s sad when they depart or they are ill but come on to fuck. She needs a swift reality check.
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I think she thinks she comes across as a Disney esque princess who is in tune with both animal and human , is loved and universally adored by all , but actually she comes across as an emotionally and developmentally stunted !!!! She’s a 36 year old woman sat on her daughter’s bedroom floor , crying over a skinny rat and complaining that she’s had a lot to deal with !!! She’s a fucking huge disgrace of a woman
Hope all goes well lovely x

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I feel a bit bad that I was laughing at loud at her stories today because I feel like she needs some kind of help.

She’s embarrassing herself. I love animals too (l don’t most people like animals?) and was a bit stressed when our pet had a bad infection but did I film myself crying for social media? No, because I’m not a 13 year old girl who is desperate for any attention that I can get. It’s actually kind of sad that she needs that attention from random people online because she clearly feels that her husband/family isn’t enough.

I don’t mind rats(wouldn’t want one but don’t dislike them) but seeing it in her hair with its tail hanging down made me feel a bit ill.

Good luck with your surgery @feefifofum
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@feefifofum lots of positive vibes for you.

As for the rats - even they get processed crap - a kids fruit pouch!! If it needs it due to illness, then give it to one and not both rats…anything for content, now manifesting poor pets
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Just when you think Charl can’t get any more pathetic she goes and outdoes herself!
I love animals! But I don’t go on social media crying to all that a pet rat is sick!
The thing seemed fine anyway.

and if you don’t want your kids to be “gutted” when a pet dies then don’t get pets and certainly not pets with such short lives. Maybe it’s not a bad thing that they experience the circle of life and death with a pet and help them get some resilience for when they’re older which Charl does not have!! She’s pathetic.

how giddy she was as well when she got home. Her emotions are all over the place.

Crazy rat lady…
Muffy the big emotional rat


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“Muffy the big emotional rat” ! I’m crying laughing at this!!
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JFC what have I just witnessed??? An adult woman sitting on her daughter’s bedroom floor during the working day, crying into her phone about a fucking RAT with a sniffle. She is off the charts mad as a pack of frogs. I don’t use such language flippantly. CHARLOTTE, YOU MIDSIZE WEIRDO, GET HELP.

If she hadn’t blocked me I would honestly be messaging her to tell her to ring a professional. And not a vet for the fucking rat, you idiot.
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The fucking rat carrier on the kitchen worktop!
We should start calling her Muffy the Resilience Lacker.
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Mental health nurse over here, I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again Charlotte has a personality disorder. Her attention seeking knows no limits, that performance for instagram made my toes curl with second hand embarrassment.
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The real reason she's crying is that she's had to pay for a vet appointment + medication #tightarsetaylors
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I hope these load in order, but just in case -
Charl says, in the same breath, that her mum is concerned and wants to be kept in the loop, and that it’s lucky she can take the rat to the vet at 2.30 because she’d usually have the school run.

Now, I don’t know about the rest of you, but my mum lives further away than hers (40/45 mins) and chicken, cat or dog would come and sit with my kids/collect them if I had to take them to the vet. Better yet my other half would work from home (because like Frank, we have that flexibility)
That being said I’d notice my pets were unwell before they were emaciated as I don’t only care performatively. Rat is really skinny but there’s no food in their bowl in the video of them eating the fruit pouch. I wonder how often they get forgotten about…?!
If she’d noticed earlier than she wouldn’t have had to take up a rare same day appointment, and should have booked for the next day.


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I think she’d really benefit from volunteering her time somewhere, at least then she’d have other people to chat to rather than crying on the internet. Her ads seem to have dramatically reduced from last year so she must have loads of free time on her hands really if her kids are at school all day and she’s doing less ads.
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