Charlotte Louise Taylor #40 I'm a gym girlie now. That’s ok! Only take my kids out if I don’t pay.

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Wow those stories. I’m starting to feel sorry for her, she really needs to find a job or to go out and do some volunteering / make some real life friends. Crying on Instagram and talking to strangers is absolutely bonkers.
She’s the most pathetic person I’ve seen online.
I get a dog dying is upsetting but this is ridiculous.
If she does a tribute on YouTube or even any video about grief again i will have to restrain myself commenting that it’s all for content.

And for the amount she sits at that desk editing we don’t see much content apart from the odd refilling reel.
Reactions: 15
'Go and find Grandad for me.'!!!
Fucking hell, she needs some help. She is seriously lacking in any kind of emotional resilience.
Her grandad was an old, unwell man. And dogs do not live to an old age. Both of these events are just the natural order of life. She would do well to reflect on why she acts the way she does when these life events happen. If she had a job or just mixed with adult company on a regular basis, she might get the wake up call she could do with if she got her head out of her arse and realised the tragic life events lots of people have suffered.
Reactions: 16
her responses really aren't normal are they? I think she's completely lacking in self awareness and has no idea how utterly pathetic and desperate she seems!

I also think she's maybe needing to go back on the anti depressants!!! Yes it's very sad when a pet dies but major over reactions like this signal someone who is struggling to cope with day to day life!

'Go find grandad for me' - oh just f*ck off Charlotte
Reactions: 17
Bloody hell, she really is in a bad way. She thinks her behaviour is completely normal, why on earth don’t her family say anything to her? I’d be ripped to shreds if I posted videos of me crying on instagram, I’m embarrassed for her and I can’t stand her, frank must surely be mortified?! Also, since when do they call billiam billy? Sharky, fatty, Billy, day and wanny.
Reactions: 11
I tell you what's sad. Having to take your own dad who was at the time dying and extremely unwell to take his own dog, his companion,to get put to sleep. And seeing your dad who you knew was going to die soon absolutely heartbroken. That's sad. Not that it's a competition but as his daughter I helped and supported and was brave
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She reminds me of that clip of JLo being all delusional about growing up in the bronx, like her life is one big performance. I can’t imagine picking up a phone to make crying stories to thousands of people because of something that only your family would care about 🫠
Reactions: 9
I feel like a lot of her behaviour is for attention. Of course it’s sad when a pet dies(although it wasn’t her pet and she didn’t do her growing up with it or whatever she said, she was 21) but if you are sad why wouldn’t you deal with that in private and chat with your husband or friend? Why would you film yourself crying on Instagram stories unless you want a load of messages from people? It’s the same with the bizarre post yesterday with the OTT caption, she knows people will comment and offer sympathy and in turn It will boost her engagement figures.

Funny how her younger brother hasn’t posted about the dog and is off adventuring in Bali with his wife and it looks bloody amazing. If they have a baby we will see a lot more attention seeking from her.
Reactions: 22
She does need professional help…not crying online to strangers for attention. She needs to get back to work, make friends & stop living in this delusional state of the world revolving around her. I doubt Frank is very supportive & no friends in real life so crying online is all she has. Which is very sad for a woman of her age. Time to grow up Charl!
Reactions: 8
She’s fucking PATHETIC. Get a grip of your life you silly fucking tit!! Act like the fully grown woman you are instead of the little girl you pretend to be. DICKHEAD!
Reactions: 10
The crying online is truly pathetic. She hasn't spoken on stories for while has she? But manipulative Charl chooses today to do so! She could've just refilmed her stories. Pulled herself together before speaking. Thought to herself I feel upset today, so I won't talk. Any of the aforementioned. But no, this is attention seeking Charl we are witnessing. All for likes and comments from STRANGERS!
Reactions: 15
She’s really really making a tit of herself ! She has sooo little emotional resilience! Life is really sad sometimes and it’s not bad to be expressive of your emotions and feeling down but honestly the amount of attention seeking just reeks of narcissism!!!! She is seriously in need of help!
Reactions: 14
Sorry quoting myself, but the post has almost 1200 likes and over 60 comments. She barely gets any engagement with a few hundred likes on most posts.
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Sorry quoting myself, but the post has almost 1200 likes and over 60 comments. She barely gets any engagement with a few hundred likes on most posts.
People who don’t really follow her much will assume it was her pet dog that died rather than her parents dog. She’ll be wetting her Primark thong about that number of likes though.
Looking back at her posts the last one to get over 1000 likes was Marks marathon and the one before that her grandads funeral so not anything she has actually created and done herself. Look how pitiful the likes are on her recent ads., not even 200 likes on her Very/Shark ad and the same with the Tesco one.
Reactions: 12
Wow I had about 40 pages to catch up on from last thread. Really do not understand the cooking separate meals, it’s double work, double cost, double times and double dishwasher loading. What a bizarre way of doing. Do you think it’s because she keeps the expensive ingredients for her and Shark? And do we think Shark knows about Tattle? Surely if he knew people were chatting about him and the kids in here he’d be saying to her enough is enough?
Reactions: 7
My dog died last year my actual dog who i had since a child and I was utterly utterly devastated cried the day he died and again when I got his ashes not once did I write a big stupid long post about it or cry to a bunch of random people online for a wee bit of attention. She's a whack job
Reactions: 12
She must be utterly draining as a friend and that’s why doesn’t really have any because no one can put up with her. I don’t think anyone normal would put all that online about their parents dead dog would they?
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