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Yeah good for Mark for under 4 hours, he must have been very dedicated to the training. The way she spoke about it was hilarious though, she was glad she could support him because he was very good when her grandad died?! I mean you would expect nothing less than a supportive husband when you have a family loss, no? I don't feel the need to repay my husband for him being supportive.
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Chatty Member
Ooh did she get the colour thing back? What shite did they tell her?
The shade is called ‘i”m so proud of you’ - she’ll buy all the recommended items, but won’t buy the bedding for her daughter.
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The cynic in me would say she has a bigger than normal ad coming up which is why she is doing this. Engagement = ££
This was my exact thought too. She will get loads of engagement from those stories.

I don’t know about any comments/messages she might have had but we know she reads on here, That’s a choice but I guess it’s like an itch that needs to be scratched to see what people are saying about you.
As always I don’t care what size she is, I do care that she contorts, filters and edits herself to appear smaller than she is to her followers, it’s dishonest. I also care that she makes a living by pretending to be peoples friend and then using that trust to sell products that she has no intention of buying or using them again, remember that weird old persons hot drink ad? The Waterdrop stuff? The readily ads. Never seen again. Again it’s dishonest.
I also care that she knows what it is like to be criticised online and says how upsetting it is but she is still happy to put her children online from birth knowing that people will make comments about them particularly knowing that people comment about Stan and if he may have sticklers, Why as a parent would you do that to your child? For that reason I think she is a poor parent(and Mark too) and that’s before you get to the conveyer belt of shit food they get, the way they are always on screens even during meals and the lack of any effort made for them unless it is an ad that she gets paid for. Oh and the tiny matter of putting their home including their bedrooms online for anyone to look at at.
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What a huge invasion of her kids privacy, posting photos with them in their beds!! Their beds should be their safe spaces, but no, Charl has posted it to the world! And why? Because she clearly felt cute in that silly dress with her boobs flapping about.
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Few things I’ve taken from the self indulgent drivel.

1. get a normal job Charl- you’re not cut out to handle the opinions of those out there who don’t agree with you. If it isn’t blowing smoke up your size 13 arse then you can’t cope. you never engage with the nice comments anyway and probably don’t reply to messages.

2. no one was curious about your ridiculous colour thing.

3. When you speak about yourself in the third person it makes you look even more of a dick.

4. you’re always proud of yourself so don’t pretend you’re not. You’re proud of yourself for doing the smallest of things.

5. Damaged your perception of people? Do you mean the random people who cheer you on as you walk/jog/get a taxi/ swim/go to the gym??? For someone who apparently gets cheered on by so many kind random souls, how can you possibly have a damaged perception of people. Heck you even keep Creamers comments on.

finally- 6. The reason people don’t like you Charlotte is because you’re a liar, you share things about your life on social media, we all see it and then you try and convince us you do the opposite.
you have zero regard when it comes to sharing your children’s privacy and use them to make money. You and people like you, are narcissistic frauds! I judge any company who works with you.
Before I realised what she was really like, I messaged her a few times. She never replied 🤷‍♀️
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Imagine making cleaning out random cupboards a job you'd rather do than cooking a homemade meal you can all sit and eat TOGETHER! I can whip up a bolognese in 45 minutes after getting home from work. Yet this lazy bitch, who is home all day, would rather feed the cash cows a crappy chippy tea while her and fun sponge Frank get a home cooked meal!! Their priorities are well and truly fucked.


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Pathetic parent, shite content, but unintentionally hilarious ‘I’ve not been poorly for ages’
So were you lying all the other times 😂 absolute fanny of a woman


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Unbelievable, Mark is off today and Charlotte is spending the day meal planning!!! Poor kids do bugger all in that house, stuck inside all day. Let's be honest it's not a cash flow issue as she must be minted.
What's wrong with something like swimming or the cinema if the weather is poor? All they've done is a trampoline place and a 30 minute walk this week, the rest of the time they've been stuck in the house.
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Lazy cow. Irritates me beyond belief that she does separate meals. I've nothing against a chippy at all, but why not all have one together? Why the need to feed the kids early, it's the Easter hols ffs, then eat separately later as a couple. She can't even stretch to buy them a fish either 😒

She felt she needed some goodness though for her meal. I mean sod the kids hey Charlotte, they must not need the goodness no??!
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I’ve always found it so odd that the kids never have sleepovers at her mums house. My kids love sleepovers at Grandma’s house! My guess would either her mum won’t because of her dogs or Charlotte won’t let them because she is a control freak.
My son loves sleepovers at Grannys! When I ask him what reward he wants if he has good behaviour for that week he always asks for a Granny sleepover.

I just do not get why their family dynamic is so strange. I think there’s definitely truth in the family not liking mark. Her mum only comes round when marks not there or she’s babysitting

Charl, you are a minger.
Flashing a bit of leg for the lads 🤮
Probably think her leg looks skinny or something
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Poor Daisy, her mum can’t give her any privacy even when in A&E and notice about even when it is Daisy in hospital it always comes back to Charlotte and how she feels.

Also what grand plans did she have for today? Filling a jar with sweets? Chasing birds?
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Funny though isn’t it, a grown woman who chooses to put herself online. Opening herself up to opinions she may not like and gets upset over, still goes ahead and puts her children on there too! So no Charlotte, you are the complete opposite of a good mother!
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Chatty Member
How is this fancy? I thought they had this kind of breakfast on the regular?! So easy to do some eggy bread or dippy eggs. Getting protein in their breakfast will really help with their energy levels instead of giving them refined sugar which will make their energy levels plummet after the initial sugar hit. Silly mare
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I know the girl that messaged about Lipodema ( not lymphoedema you twat charl) I saw the message charl wrote back too . She wrote asking if Charlotte had ever heard of it as she hadn’t and thinks she has it! ( as in the girl that wrote it). I know her well and she loved Charlotte and was really upset about being blocked ( I said she’s just a c**t so don’t worry about it!) but it just goes to show how nasty she is. She messaged back along the lines of how dare you ask me that, I’ve worked with lipodema I just have fat legs! And I love them!!! Honestly though I saw the message my friend sent her and it came from such a good place. Charlotte is a bloody liar. There are really vile people out there but she want one of them. She has got called out over blocking and is trying to play the victim.
She is just a fanny that’s been put on a pedestal all her life because she has a syndrome. Charlotte and her kids always have to be front and centre in everything because she’s such a “kind” person meant to be 🙄 But god forbid you question her or you will see the REAL Charlotte! She does have a bit of swelling in her legs though and it does look like lipodema. She has the limbs that present itself in dwarfism which is why people with sticklers often suffer hip dysplasia as it’s all loosely connected. Same as Stan most certainly is presenting with the Marshall syndrome side of sticklers but she just won’t admit it.
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Gosh I wouldn’t be super proud to hear my son talk about someone like that tbh 😬
Good job he’s not your son then, a lot of people here are people’s daughters yet are you commenting on any of their posts when they slate her? Bore off!
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