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Chatty Member
Never known a youngish women with so many ailments. Defo on the hunt for more pills! Anything but a lifestyle change! Turns out being an obese alcoholic who exclusively eats processed food isn't conducive to good health, who knew?
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I'm guessing Daisy is sat to Bill's right so that must be Stan's pint of orange juice 😱 The sugar in that 😖 the near bucket sized hot chocolate for bill and cake at half 9 in a morning. Cannot believe the sheer amount of shite she feeds these kids. What's wrong with toast/crumpets/porridge? Even a toasted teacake would be better. Its not a treat if they have it allll the time. She only takes them to cafes because they will be sat quiet whilst their eating. Lazy cow


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I just honestly cannot get over how much this woman loves herself, it's too much!

And she definitely isn't getting any sex
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How do we know she’d actually had a drink?
Because she was very obviously drunk on her stories. We’ve seen her shitfaced enough times now to know exactly what she looks & sounds like when shes drunk; she slurs her words, repeats herself, her eyes go all half shut and droopy, she swears, and she makes cringey comments either about mark or the kids - last night she must have said “ots because i love them/i just love them” about the kids about 4 times.

she was shitfaced.
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Oh fuck off woman with all the growing up shit. You're two youngest are four and six ffs!! Hardly about to leave home are they while they are still in primary school? They're still little and still need you! If you had a job, or friends or a reason to leave your house and mix with adults, and not the ones in Costa or Home Bargains!! Then you wouldn't have time to think this stuff up, never mind write all this contrived crap down and share it with strangers. #desperateforcontent :sleep::sleep:


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Am I the only one who thinks it’s utterly crazy to give a child who’s still in the being sick stage calpol? Of course his poor tummy hurts. What did she expect from giving him it? Of course he was going to be sick.
Also, as an aside, why did Charlotte (an adult woman) have the bumpers up? I can’t bowl for shit but accept my fate as a gutter rat and my kids love laughing at me.
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Chatty Member
"My wrists are hurting"
"What has caused this?"
"I've been doing lots of painting and screwing, not that kind...get your head out of the gutter doctor, this week"
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What kind of utter looser sits in the dark at 4am prattling on about nothing into their phone like that?!!!!! Shes a weirdo.
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As much as she annoys the shit out of me I hope that nothing serious has happened and her Grandad etc is ok.
Saying that, it really makes you think. Imagine oversharing your life to the point where if you aren't posting within a 12hr period people assume somethings happened 🫣
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Here I am, about to hoover. Can you see my hands? No? Exactly. Wondering where they are? Oh the mystery you create Charlotte.Next I might empty the cat litter, using my covered hands as scoops.


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VIP Member
‘Work.’ Once again, laughing my cotton socks off 🤣🤣🤣🤣

How many times, Charl, you dimwit? Caking on 10kg of make up and standing like a teapot in front of your trip while you unpack another Tesco haul of processed crap (kids) and steak dinners with a side of pork scratchings (you and Frank) and clicking ‘upload’ to the internet IS NOT WORK.

Lazy, self-absorbed idiot.


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84,000 subscribers on YouTube isnt very impressive considering how long shes been at this.

Also she makes out that youtube is more invasive and makes her more vulnerable? How? She is the one in control of what she films & uploads. She goes on instagram talking about periods, her sex life, choice of contraception, shows her husband’s underwear, shows her kids bedrooms, shows every conceivable aspect of her life and their life as a family so the platform has nothing to do with how exposing it is - its HER CHOICE to share what she does.
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VIP Member
So non of you actually know for sure 🙈
Fuckkkkkkkk offfffffffffffff

Obviously none of us were sitting in her kitchen watching her down glasses of Prosecco…. But most of us know a drunk person when we see them especially when weve seen the person in question drunk god knows how many times before.

whats your problem?
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And the hair is curled…not buying it sorry.

Also I feel more sorry for the other families who’s kids attended that birthday party that Stan went to at the weekend given there’s a chance he’s passed on this bug to others.
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VIP Member
Absolutely cringing at those easter bags shes going to do for the kids…. Seriously Bill is nearly going into high school - and she’s making him a babyish easter bag with silly kiddie bits in it…… cut the cord
For fuck Sake
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