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I’ve never known anyone be apparently told so often that they’re an old or wonderful parent! People just get on with parenting, we don’t need to be told regularly we’re doing well, if I was regularly told that, I’d be concerned they’re saying it to cover up how shit I was. It’s not normal. I can’t imagine being so desperate for validation
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She treats the dog like the cats. The dog needs walking love!! He’s probably sat there waiting for u to walk him you lazy cow. Sad really. Also those scrawny looking kids of hers are 100 percent going to end up overweight like her when they’re older as they’ve been restricted proper meals and nutrition. They will have no idea how to portion and listen to hunger cues so will end up bingeing . Maybe that’s why she’s like she is because her mother was like it with her.
When she was sitting outside in the car and she said the dog was looking at her! Yeah maybe instead of constantly going over to your bloody grandparents house instead just take your dog out for a good long walk. Why did she drive to her grandparents - they live close enough that she walks the kids around there every Friday evening in their nightwear so it can’t be that far, did she need to take the car? She is so unbelievably lazy. Why get a dog when you have zero interest in it, and zero intention of properly looking after it? Having a dog and letting it sit indoors all day everyday is NOT looking after it properly. They don’t enjoy the dog - having one is a lifestyle change, particularly a large energetic dog like that - you get them and you adapt your way of living to meet the needs of the dog that YOU DECIDED TO BUY. You don’t just take it home and let it sit around the house day in day out. What’s the point?
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So she waddles around homesense filming herself fingering candles, then sticks the footage together on an app on her phone with some simperimg waffly and reckons that’s ‘work.’ The world is gone absolutely MAD.
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This silly bitch is acting like Stan has been sent to war and she’s never going to see him again. “Thank you for four years of brilliant memories, buddy.” No more memories beyond this point then, it seems.

The only thing she will miss, is the Wednesday trip to Costa. The poor lad is probably glad to be at school!

She’ll be on stories in the week, saying she’s lost and doesn’t have anything to do - when before, she was always moaning she was really busy and had loads to do.
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Omg I am actually shocked. Even the watermelon looks like the pre-sliced stuff. Must have taken her roughly one minute to put that together, can't cut into mummy's precious wine time.

Her grocery haul as well, 6 apples to last 5 people a week and yet 12 different types of processed, sugary, prepackaged snacks "for the kids" 😉😉😉 aye right
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Fuck off did they say that. And if they did, shame on her for passing her guilt and emotions onto the kids.
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I strongly suspect there’s a mental health problem present.

Seemingly one sided relationship, avoidance of leaving the house, over the top cleaning, shopping, sorting and thinking the house is a state, avoiding being fully present with the children, avoidance of true size/weight, avoidance of family, not providing proper nourishing meals, shooting others down when they question you and speaking to a camera as if it’s an actual person complete with constant laughter.

I sympathise.

It’s a little sad and worrying that it’s all played out to the public with children involved.
Mental health? Her problem is that she's a self-absorbed, vacuous, narcissistic twat. It's actually offensive to those who actually suffer from mental health problems for people to suggest shit like this. She's not mentally unwell, she's wrapped up in her cyber-world and being a selfish cow.
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Omg her stories at the moment!! She talks like a fucking toddler. She’s getting even worse if that’s possible. Making a huge deal about having to beep at someone god give me strength!! Is this because she rarely leaves that bloody house and costa. Also, was working replying to comments!!!!!!! FFS!!!!!!
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That whole reel made me squirm out loud. My son is moving into year 4, and my daughter is the same age as Stan and also starting reception this week. I really doubt I will shed a tear, I am so excited for her. She has been in full time nursery (because we both work, shocking!!!) for the past 2 years and has been so ready for reception such a long time. Such a shame that it's all for content.
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She is unhinged. She isn’t feeling out of sorts because Stan is in school, it’s because it makes things more precarious with work. These instamums need kids for their content and it’s much easier to do that when you’ve got little ones at home. She’s not creative at all so she’s probably feeling lost about content creation.
She did nothing with Stan when he was home, didn’t make the most of those years at all, I’m convinced it’s job security that she’s sad about losing, not time with him.

also I consider myself a sentimental mum, my kids have made me soft 😅 but writing about Stan like he’s died and she’s mourning the last days of his life is too much even for me. Her sadness is so self-centred.

I am still holding out hope that the school comes down on her hard for having a child with obvious special needs that haven’t been met and also for half starving her kids.

I really can’t stand her
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Meatloaf is absolutely loving herself!!! Zooms into her bulbous can tell now I have green eyes, flutter, flutter. I can’t cope. How can someone be that self obsessed.
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She 'smashed' today guys because she cleaned the house and made frozen pizzas and put one portion of veg on the table alongside a pack of yoghurts 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏 fucking hell, her bar is set so fucking low.

She doesn't read here. She just doesn't. She can't. She doesn't mend her ways.

Why the fuck is Bill drinking from a toddler cup and eating off a plastic plate. For fuck sake.
So she purposely went out today to buy 'emergency' pizzas for her kids' dinner and yet her and Frank are eating separately later. I bet they won't be eating pizzas! Why not buy a roast chicken you could bung in the oven, chuck in some jacket potatoes and get a bag of salad and all eat together off proper plates!!!! Piss poor effort as per.
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She had 4 years with him at home. You'd think, having gone back to work when William was 6 weeks old, she might have some sort of awareness of the position of absolute privilege she's been in to have 4 whole years. Admittedly she wasted most of it, which if she got her head out of her bum she might be realising now.
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She likes making mire work for herself by cooking 2 dinners doesn't she. She weird
What she gives the kids isn’t cooking. It’s warming something up in the oven for 15minutes. Even the kids packed lunches are absolute shit. I’m embarrassed for Bill that he gets sent to school with yoghurt pouches and animal shaped biscuits all separate in a box, like his 5 year old brother. It’s embarrassing. A whole bagel, a whole packet of crisps and a couple of bits of whole
Fruit (apple/banana) and a full pot of yogurt is what Bill should be getting, not a toddler lunch. Poor kid.
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Of course I always cut grass in a long dress and bare feet. Doesn't everyone?

She just gets weirder. And sturdier.
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Hi, everywun. Hope you’re having aaaa loveLLLeee day. Can’t beLLLieve Stanners has the audacity to start school, LLLike who am I going to exploit now? Maaaark has gone to Manchester, because he’s basicaLLLy a drip and doesn’t help with the kids… this that and the other. MurrrLLLin is still depressed but I’ll stiLLL be at Costafortune because it helps maintain my size 13 figure. Hope you’re all weLLL and I’ll see U LLLater. Byeeee *silly wave*
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Stan and Bill look NOTHING like each other and what a boring story about the bike pedal. That’s just every day life, she’s really got fuck all to do or say now Stan’s in school has she, dull as dishwater.
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My Grandad was a very private man, he would get a windfall/promotion/health disgnosis and he kept it to him and a close inner circle, yet he and my Nanna had the most solid marriage ive ever known. True soulmates and fantastic parents/grandparents. He used to say all the time "an empty tin can makes the most noise" and said this also applied to relationships. The ones posting couple selfies, sickly essays about their other half or professes to love their kids every single day on socials are usually the ones to watch later on
If Mark isn’t in the closet gay I will eat my hat.
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Another night out in Manchester… filming unsuspecting strangers trying to enjoy their Saturday night. Home by 8pm, stuffing her face with pork scratchings on the train, after just eating a 3-course meal. #standard
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