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Chazza, no one cares how much you weigh. Means nothing. You look like absolute dog shit, you eat like absolute dog shit, you are horribly unhealthy, you have the figure of Gru from Despicable Me and you will probably be in an early grave due to clogged arteries. Numbers on the scales are the least of your worries hun.

Also - that mark on Feral’s face has never gone away. It’s quite obviously a scar and she photoshops/filters it out or faces the camera away from it. It is definitely not a bite. I’ve mentioned my spider bite before (no major scar) and again, my friend was bitten by a white tail spider a few weeks ago and literally had a gaping hole in his leg - it hasn’t fully healed and STILL doesn’t look as red or noticeable as that thing on Noah’s face. It is a ciggy/lighter burn 100%.
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Frankly Mr Shankly

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Just want to say thank you whoever mentioned the Alpha child the other day, my boy can be 'boisterous' (despite my continually saying 'no' and reminding him to be gentle) so I looked it up and recognised he's become Alpha due to his anxiety (he has anxiety as I have cancer, we've worked a lot on his anxiety but this has been the missing piece). I've made some changes in my approach and already I can see a difference!
To stay on topic Charlotte Dawson is a mess and a disgrace, her fella needs to pull his (built up) socks up and her mother needs to apologise to Les and Megs kids, to society in general and slink off with her tail between her legs.
Sorry, off topic but I'll be quick.
My son was 8 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
If you need a chat anytime or need to offload go to our Belters page and we can natter!
Btw, Chazza is a clown 🤡🤣
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And she thinks that’s funny.
Wow 😮 what a god awful parent.
She is one bell end cunt.
When you think she can't get any worse she goes and proves us wrong
She doesn't deserve those kids - she needs to wake the fuck up get her arse out of bed - wash- dress then feed herself and her kids like normal adults do - absolute disgusting human being lounging round in manky pjs daily 🤬
Cunt is not strong enough a word on this occasion 😒
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Honestly, there's going to be an accident soon. Why is she letting Nowhere be so rough with him? It's not a nice watch. Made me feel uneasy tbh.

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It is very nervy watching. She clearly favours Jude and Noah knows. We said she'd have problems and fuck me she really does.

I wish she'd stop filming him in his nappies, she really should be making an effort now. I don't believe he isn't ready, she'd dine fuck all this weekend, he could have been out of them by now - and what happened to Santa taking the dummy?
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I was a bit lazy food shopping on weekend (also my local shop was sparse as New Year’s Eve 😳) and bought some ready meals but I’ve been having like 200/300g veg every night with them. She’d be better buying meal prep stuff with vege unless she’s allergic to veg 😂
You never see this cretin cook - EVER, let alone a piece of veg pass her over-inflated sausage lips. We're talking about a twat who attempted to cook a pizza in the oven on a plastic chopping board and put chocolate cereal cakes in the oven!!! 🤡

It's the same mind numbing meals on this scam plan.

Ready meals: Lasagne, Chicken Arrabiatta
Breakfasts: Omelette, Dippeh Eggs or Crumpets, Poached Eggs, Spinach.
Snacks: Skips, Dairylea Dunkers

Drives me fucking nuts.

I won't even start on those pathetic work-outs. 😬
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I have a feeling Chonka might turn out to be one of those mothers who only likes the kids when they are baby babies.
Exactly this, she favours Jude now because he’s a pretty easy going lovely baby, but without the parenting he’ll turn into Feral2 and they’ll both be as bad as each other with competitiveness for attention, especially if she does have another baby….
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Urgh, thicko Pob voice grates on me.
Did anyone hear him say at the end, "he's shaking the tail as well".
Vile, just vile.
Oh that is repulsive. Reminds me of the time he said something equally vile about his private bits when chazza took his nappy off.
In the clip of Noah trying to put his hands in judes mouth - she stops him saying "jude will have to go hospital if you do that" if you listen carefully Noah says "and the police will get me" so she obviously uses that when hes naughty
It is such a pet peeve of mine when parents say ‘the police will get you’ parents should not be teaching their children that the police are bad or to be feared because if they are ever in a situation where they need the police they will be to afraid to go to them for help.
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Maybe Pob should cut back on the ❄❄❄ before he does permanent damage to his kidneys ..
Well, he obviously doesn't give a shit. Just turmed 30, no gallbladder, drinkinh alcohol within days of kidney surgery. His insides are dead.

Dehydration the doctors said..... That just screams massive drug and alcohol abuse.

She'll be dead early too. I'll be surprised if they both make late 40's. Nowhere will be in drug rehab somewhere. No hope for those kids.
Fucking hell, just going through this shitfest of videos to upload and her filter slipped. Chazza love, you look 15yrs older than what you are. 😂😂👍

What a rough looking ugly, greasy cunt. Look at that manky tan line near her greasy hairline.

Fucking rough- chav. I bet she stinks. 🤢🤢🤢🤢

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So I've just tested it out on my bathroom scales. I stood on it with one leg and leant on that leg (if that makes sense) and I was a good stone less than my actual weight..she's full of shit.
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Off to Fairhaven Lake again. Honestly, Noah's teeth look shocking. She's got to mention 'Grandad Les' again hasn't she? 🙄

If you actually listen to the clip, Nowhere can say Grandad Les instead of Grandad 'Yesss'. He always could. She says so many lies she can't keep up with herself!

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Charming child. 🤢

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Our Trace is well gone! 🤪

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That dummy is totally unnecessary. Get rid of it ffs.

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His puzzled face at the green things on his plate
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Hahahahaha as if she was satisfied by that plate of salmon and avocado, bet she went the chippeh straight after it 😂
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our trace

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Noah doesn’t need that gob stopper,Noah shouldn’t be still taking a dump in nappies.
Noah should be sleeping in his own room,Noah should really not be living with parents like these.
She really favours Judy more,it’s so obvious who is her favourite child.
Poor brat Noah pushed aside like one of old chazzas Griffted gifts,maybe sell him on vinted chazz.
Fucking reject of a woman.🐷
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She’s just a twat and people are starting to wake up to it. 2024 is your year chazza 🤣🤣🤣 BUSY she’s BUSY honestly that is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. Does she forget that she shows every minute detail of her boring life where she’s hungover in her pajamas all day. Maybe put the drink down and focus on your kids
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In the words of Noahhh, Fuk of Chazza hanging on the coat tails of Les & Mo. Unlike them you have zero talent. Throwing your udders isn’t in the slightest bit funny it’s cringe. Absolutely shameless behaviour yesterday at a funeral selling to the highest bidder & posing like your Miss world. Seriously get yourself a life, instead of looking to exploit every little thing in your life for money & likes. I find it credibility sad that we live in a world where everything these people do is for The Gram at the expense of their children’s privacy.
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No wonder Noah still up at all hours, they probably don't get up until all hours. That kid should be taken to the park, run ragged so he will go to bed early. Isn't it obvious? If this was "Sandra, from the council estate" she would be hauled over the coals by other mums, yet this one is called relatable??
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our trace

VIP Member
Fucks sake,mo was an old woman who chazza hasn’t seen for nearly three years,fuck of with the pity posts you sly bitch.
And sammy shit face can do one as well.
Attention seeking yet again from another death,the macabre of this family.😂
Bet they have rinsed that dead woman’s room for her belongings.
Cunty family they are.
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