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The Q&As have dropped. I'll wait for some more and upload them. So far, she's banging on about having a girl and wanting gender selection but they can't afford it and Pob won't let her and they're getting married in 2025 and want a five day wedding in the South of France or Ibeefa! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ·šŸ·ā„ā„

Pob said his kidney stones are down to dehydration booze in other words (although he doesn't drink does he?) I'm sure drinking last night will help his recovery!! šŸ¤”
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This is the funniest thing I've read for ages!

"is now pursuing a career in comedy".

You ain't funny at all and it'll never happen. šŸ¤”

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Noah doesnā€™t need that gob stopper,Noah shouldnā€™t be still taking a dump in nappies.
Noah should be sleeping in his own room,Noah should really not be living with parents like these.
She really favours Judy more,itā€™s so obvious who is her favourite child.
Poor brat Noah pushed aside like one of old chazzas Griffted gifts,maybe sell him on vinted chazz.
Fucking reject of a woman.šŸ·
I have a feeling Chonka might turn out to be one of those mothers who only likes the kids when they are baby babies.
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Chatty Member
Who even fucking does this? OMG what disgusting, grief-thieving, money-grabbing cunts. šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬

Utterly vile. šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬

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I understand that there are no recent photos of Mo given the fact she was so ill with dementia. I wouldnā€™t want my ill relative plastered all over some crappy socials for bot likes & comments.

However thisā€¦ what in the actual - in any kind of normal sane mind - possessed them to post this insensitive gurning shit. Funeral ready - you pair of bungalows - itā€™s disgusting & disrespectful x
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Her content is SO shite. How does she think she could ever have a TV show?

Poor Noah is clearly feeling very rejected. As soon as she starts talking to Jude, he runs over and demands the attention goes to back him. She just ignores the behaviour. Why doesn't Noah go football on a Saturday morning any more? This would be perfect for him to burn some of that suger addiction energy off and give them a chilled afternoon.

Also, doesn't look like she's toilet training this weekend as she said she was going to, still in nappies! Poor lad. He'll be shitting himself at school and being picked on if she doesn't sort it soon.
When sheā€™s talking to Jude and making a fuss of him, Noah always runs over and starts baby talking to him himself.
Chazza thinks this is because Noahā€™s a brilliant big brother and really loves little Jude!
She hasnā€™t the sense to realise thatā€™s not the reason heā€™s doing it, heā€™s actually doing it because if he is talking to Jude and fussing over him then Charlotte isnā€™t doing, he doesnā€™t really want to interact with the baby, he just wants to make sure that his mum isnā€™t doing so.
Classic sign of jealousy in a toddler.
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Chatty Member
Havenā€™t posted for ages here but her putting the pick of Noah on the potty pissed me right off. When will these fuckwits learn
a not everyone viewing their pages is a fellow mum looking for reassurance that their kid is at the same stage
b no one other than the pervs wants to see a pic of a kid on a potty

Take it down Charlotte you twat.
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Chatty Member
So sheā€™s filmed herself, filming herself, still looking like a smelly lump, then flings used nappies off the bed. Changing babies nappies in your bed is next level laziness šŸ¤¢
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our trace

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From that Facebook post Sammy Shitstains posted, she is too. I really hope she didn't leave them anything.

I might watch the funeral to see if the three scumbags turn up. The code and link is on the post.
Iā€™m going to the funeral itā€™s not far from me,yes shitstain said that mo could slap glen around his face when she gets there,what a bitch.
The man killed him self because of her and her overspending ways.
They will be at the front Iā€™m telling you now,all tears blah blah,shitface saying she cared for mo and she lived with them,ummmm porky pies.
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Tootle Pip Wiz

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Hmmmmm would you say that's a tad overpriced for 7 used (how many are 'new' as she doesn't say?) babygrows with the name Jude emblazoned on them? šŸ¤”
With added buyer protection and postage on top it comes to nearly Ā£25.

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So sheā€™s weighed herself and it came in at 12 stone, then re-weighs nude and is 11 stone 11, Iā€™m not believing those thin silky pyjamas weighed 3lbsā€¦ā€¦.
I'm not having she's 12 stone tbf....she couldn't get in those size 14/16 dresses and looked alot
bigger. I know weight and size don't always correlate but she's got to be blagging it surely. How tall is she?
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Utterly disgusting gold-digging cunts. šŸ¤¬ WTF are they are wearing, especially Sammy Shitstains. She looks like a fucking tramp and a morbidly obese one at that. I see the Belleh Blaster is working for her?

No Pob either. They're all cunts, the whole lot of them. There isn't ONE up-to-date photo of any of them with Mo. Not one. šŸ¤¬

Chazza, you should hang your head in shame. You couldn't even be bothered to let Mo meet Noah. šŸ¤¬

Utter scumbags.

View attachment 2698291
Look at those tramps šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ’€
Is it a funeral? Or a trip out for a cup of tea at the local garden centres Canteen?
Bets she's been guffawing , traceh taking snaps on her phone , wearing their best sad-faced boats while itching to get at the grub and booze at lunchtime.......

No pob but he's dumped minipob off quick-sharp ; round making whoopee with one of her ' bestehs' , no doubt.
Gawd , to have that pumping away on top of you , those trainers lighting up with each thrust šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
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Hello all. Iā€™ve just wandered into this thread and read the wiki. Why does she say ā€œbellehā€ and ā€œsexehā€? Why does she gurn like her dad? Sheā€™s not funny. Why does she think sheā€™s something?

I knew she was a dick and this has confirmed it.
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Iā€™ve also noticed Noah putting his full hand /fist in his own mouth multiple timesā€¦ he does it to Charlotte and Judeā€¦ itā€™s a weird habitā€¦ that boy is truly feral.. no fault of his own he is quite literally that expression ā€œbeing dragged upā€
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That lazy cow making out she loves the Xmas decorations so sheā€™s keeping them up for longer ā€¦ no slobā€¦ youā€™re waiting for some poor lackey to come and take them all down for you !
That's why all the scamfluencers have their trees up so early too - if you aint paying you have to fit around the company who supply you. If you pay, you are the priority.
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Reality Celebs who are still making money & have shows - if you like them / agree or not - used their five minutes to springboard to other projects. Many others theyā€™ve gone back to their previous careers as there was no interest or project. I know a previous Love Island contestant- back doing their previous job & well - healthy & thriving with a great experience under their belt.

Bagpuss has created a situation here where there is a claim to fame with Chazza with no apparent skill or business acumen to make a continued long term success of whatever project she does and she finds herself in a ā€œno fan landā€

And if youā€™re reading this Chazza - Iā€™m soley basing this on the content that is put out & the projects you are choosing to involve yourself with over the last few years.

Kids arenā€™t content. X
Cannot stand reality tv, thatā€™s what started this shit hunfluencers taking over Instagram, a bunch of talentless nobodies who shag on tele and expect to make millions, mostly on advertisements where people are literally scammed trying to keep up with the latest trends. What happened to becoming famous because of a genuine talent? Theyā€™re just fame hungry attention seekers.

I would never want one of my kids to grow up being one of these shit stains on society, canā€™t wait until this little #ad phase is well and truly over with and they all have to start contributing to society like normal people instead of scamming the general public with their shit advertisements on all the things they are ā€˜genuinely OBSESSED guysssā€™ with.

Chazza needs to do what Trace never did and ensure her kids grow up without having to grift and scam their way through life like she has.
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Mo's funeral god bless her. Will consist of:
Chazza and her chavvy clan.
Said chavvy clan dressed up like god knows what- im thinking the feathers will feature heavily. šŸŖ¶
Place set for cardboard Les.
Chaz carting kids to wake til daft o' clock, with Noah being the star of the show - 'shakey shakey'.
All in memory of 'our Mo' who has barely (never?) Met Chazzas kids but Will no doubt have a cardboard cut out of her in laundry room.
As you were belters šŸ˜˜
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Everything about her screams ā€˜mean girlā€™. Iā€™m sure someone mentioned here many threads back that she was a nasty bully in school and I can totally see it.
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our trace

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Stop gifting to these cunts folks,seriously stop it.
Making mugs of these companies.
Why not give to charity chazza you dick,oh yes thatā€™s right you are the Charity.
Absolute scum
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