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C - Card board cut out
H - Half price belly blaster sale
A - Always on the piss
R - Really shit Mum
L - Les Dawsons my dad didn't you know?
O - Orange
T - Trollzzz
T - Traceeeeeeey the benefit fraudster
E - Embarrassment

That's filled 2 minutes of my life... Happy Saturday everyone
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Just be glad she hasn’t got him on the party juice yet, wouldn’t put anything past her 😂
"Guys it was a shandehhh! It had lemonade in it so chuff off I'm doing my best"

Kiss arses in comments like "Babe I used to give mine jagerbombs to get em to sleep ignore da haterz we've all dun it 🥴
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Hi everyone. I’m a long time lurker on other threads but finally breaking my silence after Charlotte pointed me in the direction of her thread in her video from yesterday. Used to really like her aswell but she’s always the victim nowadays and never takes responsibility for any of her actions. I also thought that her receiving a text from SS was odd and thought maybe that someone she knew was messing with her but after reading a few comments, it seems it might genuinely be SS.

Anyways, happy to finally be part of a thread on here lol
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never knew les dawson as he’s not from my generation but my young mum friends all follow charlotte. wasn’t going to say anything until after i’d finished work the other day but i’d gone home&fell asleep&forgot. anyway i’m a uni student and whilst it’s summer i’ve taken up hospitality agency work. i’ve been working at all the races since about may (york/chester/haydock as well as concerts and a few festivals). usually on race days we get assigned about 3 tables each to serve. we do get briefed beforehand to ‘look after’ people in the public eye (basically be at their beck&call) & charlotte’s table wasn’t assigned to me but as the day gets busy, management stop caring & tell you to just serve whoever needs it. the pics on her insta from the other day were all took by waiting on staff&there was no thanks when she did. on the other hand i’ve met saffiyah vorajee twice (met her in june at chester races) and she is very lovely&quite meek but probably not feeling quite herself due to Azaylia’s 2nd birthday being days away. anyway i did end up bringing drinks over to the table full of people that charlotte was on&she was very easy to spot. very vulgar&loud, lots of swearing. there was a specific ticketing system in order for drinks as some table’s bar tab was covered & some not which means we needed to print reciepts to make sure all drinks served were accounted for, paid or not. charlotte asked where her drink she requested was, i asked her what it was as i didn’t take the order & she said ‘well if i can just go up to the bar i’ll wait’. i said it’s no problem and let her know the person who put the drinks through may be on a break or in the loo, she said ‘it’s fine because i ordered my drink separate to the table’ and then shrugged&laughed. i told the whole table i’ll find out what’s going on & they all just ignored me which i understand because to them i’m just a peasant but it was just a bit disheartening 🤣but anyway
Considering you actually work for a living rather than pimping your child out, flogging a sham of a weight loss programme, behaving like an absolute fool and looking like a total twat whilst your other half cheats on you in the process I’d say you are doing a hell of a lot better than that gross, flabby arsed thing is.

Charlotte being reading here again. So glad we all helped Noah get to a playground
My thoughts exactly! How about the Zoo next Chazza? He likes animals? Or maybe swimming? You could do some swimming cozzie #ads in the mirrors whilst getting ready. Chuffin this n chuffin that etc etc
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The fact social services had her number implies it’s a hospital referral or someone who knows her…
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The fake accounts and messages of abuse etc are disgusting. That’s online bullying and isn’t acceptable.
I think what a lot of people don’t realise is this is a forum to discuss the i social media pages and people who run them (choose to put their whole life out there for judgement)

I personally haven’t ever left a nasty comment regarding her appearance or anything just to be nasty. I think most of the comment on here are genuinely shocked by the amount of times her little boy is out late at night around drunk people, hardly ever seems to be out of a wet nappy and always snacking on crisps etc. I do think since the incident where he ended up in hospital she’s not show him out as late.
If she read through this thread she would realise people don’t want to hurt her or anything bad to happen. They just want her to wake up and realise life changes after having a baby, they need a stable home and routine, meals and bedtime.
The problem is Charlotte is a liar who completely lacks self awareness.

No, people should never message her and the person who is doing that obviously has a big grudge. Personally, the reason I use tattle is to vent here rather than to her directly. I can't see any benefit to messaging her directly at all.

The other day she infuriated me with pulling the Joey face twice, I came here and vented.

Charlotte has a lot of issues:
The bollox about her dad and that silly statue/cardboard cut out is just nuts.

She does not do her best by Noah - He IS regularly out late while they are off their trollies. He has no routine, he is sent off to nursery knackered. He lives on beige food eaten off of pub tables, she shows us this almost daily, she regularly shows his private parts be this in the bath or because of the drenched nappy. She is not doing her best for him.

She uses 8 month old photos to advertise her belly blaster calorie counting scam.

She uses filters to advertise both the tan and make-up scams.

- Charlotte may not like the truth, but it is HER who is showing people what is happening in her life. SHE is responsible for her own criticism.

She's been lucky this time and SS did not continue with the complaint. Charlotte would do well to take this as a big warning, either shape up or remove your child from SM. The choice is hers.
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Did she seriously let her toddler run into a car park/road while she just holds her phone chasing after him saying a half arsed “no” 🙃 She is as dumb as dog shit - and she wonders why people slate her parenting.

I just rewatched it and it’s definitely a car park. Anyone could come speeding up, she literally just allowed him to run straight out. She is an absolute fucking disgrace of a mother.
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She’s a bad mum but honestly since when was putting a kid in pull-ups an indicator of that?! They perform in the exact same way as a tab side but are easier. You want her to have the hassle for what? To prove she’s not a lazy mum? Are Mums lazy then for not using reusables?
I know, I know “It’S nOt MuMs NeT” but having a go at using something many parents of toddles use, not just when potty training because they didn’t work for you is and saying she’s ‘the type’ a a whole new brand of mum shaming I’ve not heard before
Obviously we are all here for the same reason, none of us like Charlotte ,some really hate her but my god, I agree, there are some right nit pickers
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It blows my mind when the suicide card comes out. Literally all these losers need to do to make it go away is delete their Instagram. If something is genuinely giving me anxiety or depression, I cut it out my life. It’s as simple as that. There’s always going to be psychos on the internet that take it too far.
What the actual fuk is wrong with all these instahuns? They are that addicted to getting validation off strangers, it becomes more important to them than protecting their mental health and their families. Bizarre
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Cilla Slack

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Also she said her dads widow - again shows how uneducated she is. Her dad was the widow. She doesn’t even now how to term her other side of family which is tragic in itself.

I noted that she called Meg his "ex-wife" at first, then quickly corrected herself. You just know that's what her and her mother refer to her as.
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Trolls, im going lytham next week with the kiddos. Visiting les' statue was not on my to do list, but itd be rude not to me thinks🤣
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All for sympathy. The fake cry got me. Everything that social services said is what you have shown us. We didn’t take the kid out partying. You did. You do come across as a bad
Mother. It does seem like you are on drugs sometimes. You don’t change your sons nappy. Do you not realise that everything mentioned is what you show is. Whoever contacted ss has not told a lie. It’s the truth. So the cardboard cut out has been removed as social services have seen that it is just plain weird and not right to have your child interacting with a dead man on a cardboard cutout. If you don’t like all this trolling then don’t show us the stuff that you do, and don’t read here. It’s simple. Ss are of your back now so get on with it. You Aldo’s had to get in suicide didn’t you. No one has told you to kill yourself, you are bringing that up for sympathy. What we say on here is what we see. We don’t tell you to kill yourself , we say you should look after your child. Enjoy those sympathy likes Charlotte, it’s come at a time when your likes are lower than ever . These likes that are coming are pity . Start being a better mother and stop sharing stuff that you don’t want comments on. See the cheating wasn’t mentioned as we all know it’s true and so do you. Stay with him he’s the only one that will put up with you. As for this website. Have a go shutting it down. There will be another and you chose to read it
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I don’t understand how this is a bad thing? I have always called my mum by her first name. She gave me a choice when I was younger and I choice to call her by her name. I know she’s my mum and she knows I’m her daughter? I have also gave my children the choice too and whichever they want to call me they can. I know it’s not the norm to call your parents by their first name but I don’t see how this has anything to do with her bad parenting?!
Wow now that’s just fucking nuts 🤣🤣
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I don't think people insult him ? He was a comedian of his time and his humour would not be tolerated these days. I agree that if he was still around he would be cancelled. Her unhealthy obsession is nothing to do with keeping his memory alive , it's to do with the fact she has zero to offer herself so she plays on the memory him in order to be relevant and to make money!

Like a parasite clinging on for dear life.
Just such a shame Noah is now being indoctrinated into the cult of 3 ...poor little bugger.
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She’s a bad mum but honestly since when was putting a kid in pull-ups an indicator of that?! They perform in the exact same way as a tab side but are easier. You want her to have the hassle for what? To prove she’s not a lazy mum? Are Mums lazy then for not using reusables?
I know, I know “It’S nOt MuMs NeT” but having a go at using something many parents of toddles use, not just when potty training because they didn’t work for you is and saying she’s ‘the type’ a a whole new brand of mum shaming I’ve not heard before
Totally agree
I've a 14 month old and use pull ups because theyre easier to get on whilst she rolls away 🙃 😅
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Filming Noah and Pob sharing a moment that she is not included in. She's so jealous, she has call him to take his attention back to her. Then she turns the TV over to kids TV even though he was really interested in the birds😡.

Doing your best are you Charlotte? Best for whom?
This has knocked me sick, whys she calling him?
Let them have a moment, let him look at the birds.
She really is an attention whore.
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What an absolute joke that video was!

“Using photos of me before my belly blaster” the fuck you still look the same but with skinny legs!

telling people to be kind yet you’re a bully and a racist?

Matt is cheating on you, no one is trying to split you up you’re both doing that yourselves.

“always drunk” you both are ALWAYS drunk and you both post it everywhere? That’s true,100% plus drugs AND you co sleep with your child. You’re not trying to be a good mum at all, you’re acting like a single person without any cares or worries.

noah always IS injured in your care. He was taking to hospital and you’re too busy getting drunk and then taking selfies with him. That’s not being a good mum!

I don’t agree with telling someone to k- themselves nor the profile pic of the gravestone but not a single person on here has said anything like that. You’re just a shitty person who makes shitty selfish choices and we all agree Noah deserves better care and better parents.

the crocodile tears are cringe, grow up.

SS should’ve taken a look at your SM and seen the drunk coked up person you really are. It’s a shame it was dropped.

if you don’t care why did you make a 10 min video begging for sympathy from your ‘friends’ who behave just as disgusting as you do.

ugh this women is vile 🙄
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