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Of course not, lol. I love how it's possible to guess where everyone is from just from their language settings on screenshots. 😁
I didn't know it was possible to get to know it, im not very able with phones+computers ..I don't even have a computer..I only have an old Samsung.. When u asked me if I was Italian (and u guessed it ,and I felt sort of raped 🤤 although I don't have secrets and I have nothing to hide) I thought YOU WERE the actual and true sleuther, not me 😉😊 I'm no sleuther at all, I've just always liked to go deep and understand the origins of things since I was a very small kid (now I am 53ys old) and I'm not into detective work but only a simple secretary at a simple and old office and I don't think I have these so great detective skills u think I have.. but thank u 😉 Have a great day. I finished my lunch break, I'm logging off and pit my phone back into my bag, I must go back to work 😣 It was nice to speak to you 🌷🌹

This is great! Do you speak Lithuanian, or are you just an excellent sleuth? From your phone you seem to be Italian.
P.s. can u please show me/teach me how to find out the provenance from a photo of someone? Im a total zero in technology. 🤤🤤 thank uuuu

I didn't know it was possible to get to know it, im not very able with phones+computers ..I don't even have a computer..I only have an old Samsung.. When u asked me if I was Italian (and u guessed it ,and I felt sort of raped 🤤 although I don't have secrets and I have nothing to hide) I thought YOU WERE the actual and true sleuther, not me 😉😊 I'm no sleuther at all, I've just always liked to go deep and understand the origins of things, and felt curious about people and to find out who they are, always felt attracted to understand things, always been intellectually curious about everything and to understand and learn since I was a very small kid (now I am 53ys old) and no im not sleuther at all, I'm not into detective work but only a simple secretary at a simple and old office and I don't think I have these so great detective skills u think I have.. but thank u 😉 Have a great day. I finished my lunch break, I'm logging off and put my phone back into my bag, I must go back to work before my principal tells me off 🤤It was nice to speak to you 🌷🌹

P.s. can u please show me/teach me how to find out from a photo the provenance of someone? Im a total zero in technology. 🤤🤤Thank uuuu
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VIP Member
oh my I randomly clicked on this thread not really knowing who and now I know
I used to watch her videos
When she was a uni student submitting her homework and she shows her OOTD in her bedroom in her parents loft/ attic
Her cat
I thought she was kinda pretty and doing her own stuff in her little town quite personable etc

Wow she is still around (online)


Now that I've seen what book* is Rokas currently reading (if that’s the side of the bed where he sleeps) I'm more than ever convinced that he is or was gay (or is bisexual, or at least is interested in homosexuality) *"A little life" by Hanya Yanagihara


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😂😛 It's not a big mystery at all. Everyone usually has their Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, etc. set to the language they use. On the screenshots you posted, it says things like, piace a Rokasmat e altre persone. I only know a few words of Italian but it was enough to guess. If you want to protect your privacy more, you could cut off the parts that reveal your language, or make them illegible in another way. I usually don't mind if people see my language settings (I'm from Germany). I really love the diverse community here and I'm always amazed at how good everyone's English is even though people are from all over the world. x
Oh thank u dear! Thank u for explaining me how to find out more about a profile but no I also just like u don't have any problems if my profile shows my origin, as I said I do not have secrets to hide so I'll just keep on keeping my socials transparent. Yes, same as u i also like to see people 's place of origin because I've always liked other cultures and to meet people from all over the world.
😚 🌷🌷


Well-known member
Arif is probably married to a Turkish woman and has children.
Does anyone can still find his Airbnb flat? I’m wondering if he still has the apartment.

Talking about Juri I’m wondering if sometimes Ieva and him cross their ways since she lives in the same city like him now and they are both friends of Simona.


VIP Member
Is Ieva getting married this weekend? Or are they still testing and prepping? Because she showed some makeup laid out for wedding guests.


New member
Many of your points are valid but not this one. I'm so tired of people forcing babies onto childless women. I'm 38 and I didn't and don't want children, what makes you think that Ieva wants one? Plus you can have a child without marriage. Come on it's 2023, "you cant lie to nature" made me cringe.

Oh and I don't think they are all playing with each other... 🤦🏻‍♀️

you make me cringe with your ZERO knowledge about your own organizm, but i will come back to it later. First, do you know who are we talking about? maybe you are a new follower to her vlog/blog/whatever but trust me, if you would watch only few of her old vlogs/blog posts you would know exactly that she actually planned her wedding long long ago or was talking about at least two kids before she hits 30 or near future, than arif left her and she was maybe not very loud with that but still was talking about having kids. After she married Rokas she mentioned at least few times that they're planning to have a kids in future.

and back to "you cant lie to nature" stuff...
and why you feel like that? im just about to hit 30, never wanted a kid in my life, and it doesn't hurt me when someone says to me "please think again, couse IT IS NATURE and you basically can't get pregnant after menopause. (but ofc you can still have a kid at this age! you can adopt or try in vitro fertilization! ) So it is just statistics that she have about 8-10 years left to carry a baby IN NATURAL WAY. (the in vitro fertilization method is great, but very expensive in Lithuania and also psychologically, because it does not always succeed.) also pregnancy after age 40 is infrequent and considered as a high risk for both moma and child. Noooothing to be angry about homie!

about playing... yea maybe its just my crazy mind, after i saw a photo of rokas kissing that other man one time :D hope youre right girls!
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It looks like Ieva blocked Leka, because Ieva’s likes disappeared from Leka’s pictures but Leka’s likes can still be seen on Ieva’s pictures. Interesting. I’m curious what happened, but I don’t think we will ever get to know.




What I don’t find „super elegant” are the saggy boobs on display…
I wonder how the company liked those pics :/


Hello, trying to catch up with all the posts on here :) Would anyone happen to have some of the older vlogmases by Eva saved on their computer? I used to love rewatching them every winter. So sad there are only 3 vlogmases left from 2011 for example. Ah, good old times...


Active member
But where is she getting her money? From those collabs on IG? Is it really enough or her parents are still supporting her.


Well-known member
I also think another reason could be due to Lithuanian societal pressure to be married as a woman by a certain age. 30 is still young for a woman and many women in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, UK has societal pressures but probably not as harsh as countries in the East. When I was in Lithuania, I saw lots of young married couples pushing prams. Yes, you see that everywhere but I did see enough of it to notice it so I'm thinking there is an expectation to get married relatively young.

Remember when Ieva cut her hair to her shoulders and she excitedly showed her mother? Ieva's mother had a mean reaction to her chopping her locks off? Ieva's mother was angry that her near 30 (at the time) year old daughter cut her hair to how SHE likes it and said "your hair cut does not suit you. It looks ugly". Ieva's smile instantly dropped to an embarrassed and shocked smile and she seemed so put down. Ieva seemed upset and sighed "ugh, my mum keeps ugh, hating on my hair...". To her daughter, so cruel and nasty for what reason?

I think her parents could have been pressuring her and telling her to hurry up and find a partner. Her mother's nasty reaction to what was meant to be a refreshing haircut is so gross and weird. Not normal or nice behaviour. Her parents do seem very supportive of her and I'm glad she's no longer dating creep Arif (wasn't she underage when they met?).

I was in a similar situation and was groomed by a disgusting, abusive, filthy, dumb, egotistical predatory creep when I was 16/7 and he was over 7 years older than me, in his mid-20s. Victims don't realise it at the time, as we were literally minors, teenagers and our brains aren't fully developed yet. So I was want to give Ieva a break for that "relationship". Arif seemed very shady and put her down a lot when he knew Ieva was filming her vlogs. Imagine how emotionally abusive he probably was when her camera wasn't filming. Nobody from my family or friends approved by predators isolate and brainwash their victims against believing the good people who want to help you.

Arif didn't seem physical abusive but him living a double life and stringing Ieva on for nearly a decade is that of a narcissist. Who could do that to someone? Arif also "didn't have social media" and I'm sure that is because he wanted to cover himself. He probably had another girlfriend in Paris or was at least seeing other women when Ieva was in Lithuania. Didn't they only go on a few holidays a year together? He never even bought her nice jewellery, bags or shoes yet he would put Ieva down for buying "cheap" fast fashion. How about support your girlfriend and help her out? I felt bad for Ieva in that aspect.

I think Ieva's parents never liked Arif. They are probably very happy that Ieva has met a good man after years of a probable nightmare for them. My parents love my partner, he's such a kind and moral person. I think Rokas seems the same. Her attitude seems to have improved lately with Rokas.

Go to minute 9:15 on this video to see:

Nobody from my family or friends approved **but predators isolate and brainwash their victims against believing the good people who want to help you.

Basically, I think that Ieva has finally met a stable guy and her parents really approve of him after Ieva dated a few complete duds, untrustworthy weirdos.

Is anyone here from Lithuania? Is Ieva well-known in the socialite scene of Vilnius?

Jurijus Veklenko seemed untrustworthy too. He was trying to hide Ieva but you could tell Ieva wanted their brief relationship to be shown. He seemed like he played mind games with her. Guys that act hot and cold but still try to lure you in but then act cold again and hard to reach are tiring and immature. Jurijus probably wanted to keep his options open and see multiple other women, hence why he didn't want their hook ups to be public.

It seems like he's also now public with his new girlfriend, Justina Baltušnikaitė.

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Member watching the last video.. wait ehi what!? i dont gwt it! someone please explain me! 4:38 >> 4:52 a home!? their own home? or they were guests at some friends' home? or was it a hotel room they called "home" when coming back from the pizzeria with pizza left overs? or do they own also a house in Copenhagen? if so I don't get it..they own houses everywhere :))))))
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You're right, everything Ieva posts now is one big advertisement... and not actually products she truly loves, trusts and has used for years...

Ieva says she has "no idea, we'll see" if she will be posting Vlogmas this year. Wow, that is what people loved about her channel and would get her the most views... now we can all tell she really doesn't care anymore.

How disappointing... Ieva claims she is a content creator and this is meant to be her "career" as an "influencer", yet she barely puts any effort, energy or excitement into her content. 🙁

View attachment 742523

Yeah it's a shame she's not so often active on her channel . She could have potential, create lots of different and various content and talk about many topics not only about jewelry fashion beauty products as she usually does but deal and talk about many subjects and show many things books things in her house cooking politics her likings about many things as religion philosophy.. she could talk about everything and show everything, not only beauty products or clothes. But she's SO lazy ..she does nothing :-(


LOL Ieva could never be a florist. Not only is it hard work, it is also not exactly a lucrative business, especially right now, as COVID-19 has impacted flower supplies and has made prices on certain blooms skyrocket. It's also a seasonal business - I can't see Ieva working her ass off to make sure she makes enough money to last her the year. Like every other "passion" Ieva has ever had, it'll go away in a few months to a year and we'll never hear about her dreams of being a florist ever again.
I mean and share EVERY word of it 👏👍

girls.. how about from you from your own opinions..about Ieva's latest video (Copenhagen) and the question I asked you about is that apartment one of the many they own around the world or is it just a b&b room?
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This book was one of the most popular books in Lithuania last year. Pretty much everyone who likes reading has read it 🤷🏻‍♀️ My father also read it, as far as I know he’s not gay.
Aw i want to thank u and Lionsden for giving me info about the book, about which i didnt know anything -plot ..nothing.. and im sorry to have given gay people as main interested public to it but it's not my fault, i thought it was a book mostly for interest of gay people because i was told so by a friend of mine last friday. So it's clear to me now, thanks to your explanations, that i knew/that i've heard -from this friend of mine- something wrong about this book. I didnt know it was a bestseller, not here in Italy though. The writer also is unknown here.
Thank u girls for your explanations 😙
Have a lovely night!