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Hi, yes that's the girl thanx to Ieva had her photo book done but that's all i know because through photos+stories+videos then she didn't let us know more what happened later between them and if kept a business(and personal)contact, Ieva never updated about it anymore about their business together or can be that I missed some informations but I don't think so because till now I saw every video and post+stories on ig, so we have to ask the other girls if they know better/more than me because I have a life outside here ;-) and I dedicate this forum and Ieva's life only some minutes during the day, which is only around this time in the evening when I'm finally home free from work which keeps me away from internet connection all day (bc we're not allowed to go on internet /use callphones/computers)

Me too I think this u say will be surely the location she/they will like to choose for their wedding. Hopefully it will be this year, this summer, because Ieva let us understand that she was in a hurry and seemed very much intentionated to get married very soon this year. Time will tell (us) ;-)

Hopefully for us she won't have this mood crash and that she will enjoy also the relationship+their story together of a couple after the wedding/ enjoy their years together that will follow after the wedding date and not base all their story together only remembering and giving importance to the wedding date feeling nostalgic and missing all the beautiful things of the preparation and of THE day itself. A marriage has to be beautiful and important more for the life then together if it lasts and not only for the fun of the preparation and for the emotions that they experience on the wedding date. I don't know if u girls get what I mean because my English is so bad and I don't know how to express then what I mean. I'm sorry.

*Hopefully for HER.

She's ALWAYS late ;-)
Oh I'm so bad! My irony and jokes suck so bad ;-)
Remember I like Ieva (with all her flaws) and when I make jokes and irony about her they're done always with respect just to have a g and are not with wickedness
Hi, yes that's the girl thanx to Ieva had her photo book done but that's all i know because through photos+stories+videos then she didn't let us know more what happened later between them and if kept a business(and personal)contact, Ieva never updated about it anymore about their business together or can be that I missed some informations but I don't think so because till now I saw every video and post+stories on ig, so we have to ask the other girls if they know better/more than me because I have a life outside here ;-) and I dedicate this forum and Ieva's life only some minutes during the day, which is only around this time in the evening when I'm finally home free from work which keeps me away from internet connection all day (bc we're not allowed to go on internet /use callphones/computers)

Me too I think this u say will be surely the location she/they will like to choose for their wedding. Hopefully it will be this year, this summer, because Ieva let us understand that she was in a hurry and seemed very much intentionated to get married very soon this year. Time will tell (us) ;-)

Hopefully for us she won't have this mood crash and that she will enjoy also the relationship+their story together of a couple after the wedding/ enjoy their years together that will follow after the wedding date and not base all their story together only remembering and giving importance to the wedding date feeling nostalgic and missing all the beautiful things of the preparation and of THE day itself. A marriage has to be beautiful and important more for the life then together if it lasts and not only for the fun of the preparation and for the emotions that they experience on the wedding date. I don't know if u girls get what I mean because my English is so bad and I don't know how to express then what I mean. I'm sorry.

*Hopefully for HER.

She's ALWAYS late ;-)
Oh I'm so bad! My irony and jokes suck so bad ;-)

Remember I like Ieva (with all her flaws) and when I make jokes and irony about her they're done always with respect just to have a good/a positive fun and not with wickedness
I also vote for the wedding in 2022.

regarding her work ethics, I know for sure that when she had agreements with Olesias studio, she never fulfilled them 100% and was always late.
She's ALWAYS late ;-)
Oh I'm so bad! My irony and jokes suck so bad ;-)

P.S. Remember I like Ieva (with all her flaws) and when I make jokes and irony about her they're done always with respect just to have a good/a positive fun and are not made with wickedness from me


VIP Member
I still don't get it.

And here are some recent images of Ieva. I mean, it's great that she is feeling good and loving her life, but she seems to no longer care how she looks, she is almost embracing an ugliness trend.
Also, her lips look weird. Has she been getting fillers?

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VIP Member
I think having her hair down would have looked fine with the dress. But I really don't like the veil.




Well-known member
Aukse's vlog from a few months ago showed up on my YouTube suggested page... the difference is so striking, Aukse puts in energy and commentary into her vlogs without trying to advertise something.

It feels much more chill and authentic when she's out with her friends, they are there to enjoy each others company. Compared to Ieva, I feel like every outing she makes into a photoshoot and whilst I enjoy taking photos when I'm out (it's important for memories) but it's also important to be in the moment.

Ieva barely shows any excitement in her vlogs. Sometimes I hope that she changes but honestly, it has to come within herself and unfortunately she doesn't seem to listen to people even when they're being nice trying to give her constructive advice.



Active member
Ieva's summer vlog ii looks like it has been edited by a chicken, and it's only 480p. She puts more effort into selling her overpriced fast-fashion rejects on Depop than into her videos. Everything is so half-assed with her these days. She probably thinks she has accomplished everything she needs to, now that she is married.
I think that is because people can see less how she actually looks.
Remember when arif gifted her a new canon for filming, she dis not use it because it was too hd😀


Yep! I just noticed the same. Not that I would have normally have to say something about that if i saw that happening to a friend/within us common people but I felt I noticed and felt to comment about her only because she's a public person and an influencer and she'd had to take more care and attention how she appears to give a good impression. And her hair, here, look oily, greasy (and darker than the lengths? Or is just me seeing that?) I thought that the reason why she, for once(since she's always cared SO much for her hair)she appeared with not so perfect hairdo is because maybe she hadn't enough time to look after it and to give it the care it needed and that she was always used to care about it ( maybe hence her wedding preparations.. although I don't understand it since she has marriage in many months.. I know weddings give you many things to do and occupy your time a lot but she has so much time/still many months to be on time to prepare herself for it and organize it) .... or maybe because she's just too busy to be having to take her dog for walks ;-) Oh my God I'm so bad at irony! 😄
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New member
Hello there guys ...and girls :), I am just a random watcher/follower of Ieavs Channel over the past couple years - shaking my head about the path cshe chose in recent years ...downward, downward, the little bit personality she possessed vanished completely, now its like watching a stagnant vacuum pretending and mainly convincing herself she's 'living' ...hence, no longer interest in watching her but still chekc from time to time here since I find esopecially Dandelion's posts always very intelligent and enlightening.. BUT, guys ...just read in the other forum ...if tehre's only a GRAIn of truth in that statement, which we cannot know of course ...that would be ...I have no words, so, will just copy the text here and yes, the mentioning of Ieva being a lesbian seems the most exaggerated and not really believable stretch to me, but ...who knows ! Rokas on the other end struck me as obviously gay from the forst glimpse at him ...not only the style, which we could blame on the odd metrosexual thing still going ...but the ....sorry ...thick butt and the way he is walking ecetera ...ayya ...ha ! But now, here's what someone named Alfie777 and apparently friend with Simona Burbaite claims:
'' Hallo girls, I'm from Vilnius, sorry my English sucks, i apologise, I well know Eve and i am a friend of Simona Burbaite and I'm here to tell u to warn/ to be careful she's lying and she's not engaged to Rokas and that she's/they're only staging this engagement with him and the marriage to put an end to all this rumoured about her. The truth is that she's lesbian and so not engaged to Rokas with whom she's very friend with, with mutualfriends together with Tetervinas and his fiancee, Rokas is also gay and all this was created to put an end to Ieva's rumoured condition and they all were in a deal to stage a story/ a love romance/ a marriage to make you dream and make money. I came here to tell you to not believe everything u see on line but to understand things with your own brain and to open your mind and not to believe everything to what it is given to your eyes. People are very smart and they stage their lives, they make you believe what they want to be able to make money and success by making u believe what they want. Be careful guys!! Thank u. ''
Now, make of it what you want would explain Ievas appearance NOT being deeply in love or enamored but more 'buddy buddy' with Rokas as well ...but, maybe someone just has made up a story here for personal reasons and motives we don't know :) ...Happy weekend everyone !


No, the wedding will be July 2 in Vilnius. Its announced online, because the lists of people getting married must be public by the law in Lithuania.
Oh thank uuuuu, i didnt know it since im not lithuanian and i had not seen it anywhere on line. Thank u for letting us know. Chanelette could have told that to us instead of u, instead of she making a secret of it to us keeping us in the waiting. How stupid and bad she is. Thank u for the information @Whoamii 😚😚

I don't see them on the list



11 di mattina. SLAVOMIR BALIUKEVIČ 30 maggio 1979 e ANDŽELIKA MATAČINA 1996-09-09

1 pm. BOGDAN MASEVIČ 21-06-1991 e MARIJA PESECKAJA 04-11-1992

2:30 del pomeriggio. VILMANTAS ŽIGUTIS 1995-09-27 e EVELINA ŠČIUKAITĖ 1995-04-16

Si sposeranno il 02-07-2022

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Off-topic, please, administrators, is there a way to delete my 2last posts, since I feel I wrote too personal things and I don't want to leave them public? Thank u very much for your help.


Hi girls! I've been Ieva's follower from the START. I've been here for like 10 years, and I myself don't understand why I got so attached to this girl, but even though I find her incredibly boring these days, I still like to follow up here & there and see what's new with her. I find her life of ''nothingness'' fascinating.. maybe that's why I keep coming back to her profile. 😅

I'd love to write a lot about Ieva's style, lack of any originality, life during Arif era where she didn't socialize with anyone, focusing her life on one guy/person and literally morphing into them (Arif, Leka, Rokas, Aukse, Jurjius...) BUT today, I wanted to share some of my ''investigations'' which I did when she just started dating Rokas. I haven't seen anyone here talking about it so let's start.
So, back when she started dating Rokas I was curious about him and went to his IG.
He had a lot of old pictures of traveling and hanging out together with Aurimas and Karolinas. But under tagged pictures on his IG I found this one - with his family and a blonde girl: / (this was posted on his sister's account Rasa Matukaityte)

I was curious because I guess that this was his ex - she was on summer vacation with his family, so I thought they must have been together. So I went to her profile as a true stalker. :D And I found a lot of pictures of Rokas, Karolinas & Aurimas with her. Check it out here and go through all the old photos: & IG Story highlights - esp those from NYC + there are no new stories with Karolinas/Aurimas since early 2020. And before they were regular.

WHAT is really weird to me is that I guess they were all best friends, and I guess she and Rokas dated. I find it very interesting that they kind of had the same dynamic that they now have with Ieva - almost as if she is now their replacement for her. They went on a lot of trips together, even to NYC, and seemed inseparable. I guess something happened between all of them - or Rokas & her broke off, so they stopped hanging out with her. But again, I find it so weird to see now Ieva posting them 3 (Rokas, Aurimas, Karolinas) all the time together, constantly calling them BFFs, my boys etc .... almost exactly like this girl did. Its like they have continued all the same, just with Ieva as a replacement. 😄 And its almost like Ieva tries to copy how this girl was with them.. kind of weird

Rokas and his sister don't follow her anymore on Ig and she doesn't follow them so they are not related as in family. (I first thought she is maybe his cousin or something, but I don't think she would unfollow her then)
BUT Aurimas and Karolinas still follow her on Ig and she follows them back - I can't help to wonder if they're still in contact and how does that make Ieva feel - that they are on good terms with Rokas ex which kind of led the life Ieva is living now with all of them..
Here are some pictures 😄

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It's nice to see this but as the same as much scary to see how it all now it repeats itself just the same with Ieva. It almost gives the creeps. It seems just like if the company group of those three necessarily by all costs needs a blond girl as fourth which has to be the girlfriend to Rokas. It really gives the creeps.


There is nothing special written on that card, basically, be prepared and wait for a call. We will help you to say goodbye to the days “before the marriage”…and they went for a brunch😀 I mean, we should not be suprised, just Daiva is her good friend, other two are just random girls, not friends for life or anything, just fun girls to hangout. Why would they bother to create something special? And it shows that only ieva thinks their friendship is really deep. Ok😀
Thank u very much, u were very kind to translate that to me.

She looks like a girl in a brothel, waiting for a customer.
@Lionsden you're reminding me of these days 😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I think she would look marvellous with short hair

Thank u very much, u were very kind to translate that to me.

@Lionsden you're reminding me of these days 😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sorry, I meant to post the serious/normal photo of Ieva in a new post with this text
"I think she'd look great with short hair" but it accidentally went in the previous post with that other picture that was totally about other topic.

Sorry, it happened again.. Don't know why.. I meant to post the picture in a totally other and post but doesn't work. I'm sorry.


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