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VIP Member
I've just read a horrifying article about 3 Iceland employees, being injected with HIV infected needles, they now have the virus. Apparantly the perpetrators were shoplifters.
As horrifying as this is, I can't help feeling that this is another tactic to get people to shop on line. Because the end result will be shops having to close permanently, because of the lawlessness in our streets.
So a few unhinged shoplifters are now trying to close all shops? Not much In it for them if shops close. Jesus christ I've read some rubbish but this is up there.
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It's becoming a regular occurrence to be stuck behind someone struggling to pay for food,ticket or petrol because of some problem with their phone. And them not having any other form of payment. Wtf is wrong with people, it's been people of all ages as well. It actually turns my stomach seeing people pay by their phones.
There are more and more places that are card only . I boycott them. Someone told me easyjet flights are card only.
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The pub story has made me absolutely livid.

All the while cash is still considered legal tender, anyone who does anything like this should get in serious trouble.
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Chatty Member
I am all in for cashless at home but when I am abroad (outside Euro zone) it's a killer. All the couple cents here and there the bank charges on each transaction, on top of the low currency exchange rate... it's a killer!
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VIP Member
Even worse in Australia than here.

The big 4 banks aren't limiting withdrawals just yet. I just checked and I can withdraw up to $1,000 per day from an ATM per day and I use one of the big 4. One bank, Commonwealth, is trialling cashless in Sydney. There are 95 banks and over 40 building societies in Australia.
Honestly not being rude but did you watch this before you posted?
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I don't tend to use cash myself but I'm always surprised by how much cash we take daily working in a supermarket. I just kind of assumed that nobody really paid by cash except old people anymore but it's very much abundant and I dread to think how we'd actually cope without it. I was also surprised to see quite a lot of card-only bars in Manchester recently. So many places are stopping accepting cash.

Realistically if the power goes then we can't buy anything. That seems incredibly dangerous to me.
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At work the in-house cafe outlet and canteen is now permanently card only. My colleage keeps going to buy food and forgets they don’t accept cash, and she’s left her card at home. I’ve had to bail her out with my card a couple of times :eek: But, they should accept cash rather than have food plated up only to find the customer hasn’t got their card…
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Also could put homeless people at a disadvantage if they only have cash to pay for certain things.

As convenient as cards/contactless is, I don't think going completely cashless is a good thing.
I think this generally when I see homeless people, I would usually give a bit of money but rarely have change with me anymore.
Personally, I noticed that once I got a contactless card (which I didn't want but there was no other option) my spending went up just because of small things like a coffee here, a chocolate bar there because you almost don't notice you're paying. I was much better at budgeting when I paid cash for most things. That said, there are still a few food shops near me that don't take cards, only cash
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Wheee on
Boris is being open about it now. Get shut of cash so everything you ever buy is on a card. But if you do things bad for the environment like buy too much meat, buy too many plane tickets, buy too much petrol for your car in a short space of time etc it would be red flagged at their end and your card with access to your own money will be able to be switched off.

where on earth did you get the idea they’d switch your money off for buying things bad for the environment? 😂 that’s not what the press release says in any way
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
I use cash only. I never pay with a bank card or with a mobile phone. 🤢 Even as far back as 2019, I signed a petition to protect the right to use cash and keep printing notes and coins. I like to pay with actual money, not virtual money.

I have refused to give "cashless" businesses my custom and told them what I think.

Another part of this is the NWO/WEF are pushing for a cashless society so that they can instill a social credit system and tyranny.

People are rebelling. I find the queues for the ATMs are getting longer and see more and more people paying with cash. It's a delight to see. We have the power.
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I like the convenience of contactless card however, I do worry that if internet goes down noone can pay anything or access money. Makes me worry about the future and the safety of our savings, etc.
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Rockin' Robin

VIP Member
I went into my bank today to pay a bill. The first thing I noticed was half the row of cashiers tills, had be partitioned off, and will not be used anymore. I also noticed that one of the cash machines had disappeared.
As soon as I got the opportunity, I asked a member of staff, when the branch was closing. She tried to reaasure me that the branch would not be closing, but I wasn't convinced. She said that demand for a full compliment of staff wasn't there anymore. The same can be applied, to the cash machine that was removed. I said to her, that not everyone wants to use credit cards, some of us would still like the choice.
The branch that I used today, is the only remaining brach in the locality all the others have now closed. This is the future if we don't start speaking up, and fighting for our right to choose, our choice will be taken away for good. It is time to stop sleepwalking into a cashless society.
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
I went to a tourist attraction recently and that was card only. Although it reduces the need for them to have an abundance of change onsite , I wonder what happens on school trips and children having spending money.
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Rockin' Robin

VIP Member
I have noticed in my local Tesco store, that all of the cash only self sevice points, are "out of order." Roughly translated, it means that the card only points, will be the only ones in use from now on.
Incidently, have you heard any of the cashiers in your local supermarket, ask if you would like any cash back lately? I didn't think so!
I know there are so many other important problems to deal with at the moment, but I urge those of you that don't want a casless society to fight this. We don't have to accept this.
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Apparently the use of cash is increasing Cash makes a comeback as average spender withdrew £1,500 last year ( Some of this is due to the cost of living crisis. It's easier to budget when you have cold hard cash in your hand. Also the savings pots that people are starting for different treats also encourages people to use cash. I know that you can set up online pots but it just isn't the same as actually counting out your cash
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VIP Member
The clip below seems relevant. At least Mr Corbyn is doing something.

"But you didn't do anything. Did you walk out. Did you write letters of complaint? Did you shop elsewhere? No you huffed and you puffed, but you put up with it. Now all those women are gone"

To those mocking and clearly blind to implications of having a cashless society, what exactly ARE you doing?

I always have trouble with the Halifax banking app. It's always down because of "technical issues". It means I can't access my accounts, even when I need to pay someone.

What if it was a prolonged? How will YOU pay for food if the computer is down and says no?
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I'd be changing my bank account. Why give them the custom? I'm with nationwide and I've never had an issue with the app.
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VIP Member
I have to admit with Covid around I haven't used cash that much, I've used the self service tills with a £20 note to get some change a couple of times because I do like some change lurking in my pocket just in case. I always carry at least £30 in my wallet, this is just in case I have to pay for my fuel with cash. It's rare but there has been times when either my card doesn't work or the terminal is down, always good to have a backup.
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