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I think another big reason so many places are going completely cashless is because of the bank fees for paying in cash.
We all know why the government would love a cashless society - ultimate control. And they’d just love to do away with people’s ability to earn a little cash in hand, whether that’s £20 or £200. I can also imagine further down the line they’ll make everyone pay tax on anything they privately sell, like things on eBay, Vinted, Facebook marketplace etc 😏
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Piff paff puff

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I very much doubt cash is going anywhere. Technology has moved on and we've adapted to use it. I remember my mum paying all her bills with a cheque or cash. We have other more convenient ways of paying for our shopping and bills and we're using them. The only time I have to withdraw cash is for my dog groomer, I choose to use her and I'm happy to pay her how she likes.
I don't think the state and banks will stop cash, it will be all the the places it's used. ATM we can can go for another option with purchases but for how long? The walls are closing in already in some regions from the comments here.
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At work the in-house cafe outlet and canteen is now permanently card only. My colleage keeps going to buy food and forgets they don’t accept cash, and she’s left her card at home. I’ve had to bail her out with my card a couple of times :eek: But, they should accept cash rather than have food plated up only to find the customer hasn’t got their card…
Food places that only accept card such as a cafe I would absolutely LOVE to see a group of like a dozen walk in, eat their meals and when it comes to payment all put cash on the table. What would a business do? Let them eat for free or accept cash? Their choice. Even better if when the meals come out they need paying and at that point the business either accepts cash or has a dozen meals to chuck in the bin.
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Find this quite interesting.

I work with vulnerable adults and complicated story but we had 2 companies providing support to our clients. Us and another company. The other company came in and changed everyone to online banking and cards. Now we did have concerns about these people carrying too much cash on them and getting mugged. However the financial abuse since putting them all onto online banking and cards is unreal. Its been devastating to see this happen and the main reason I will never be for a cashless society.
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A cashless society to me means the government keeping tabs on absolutely EVERYTHING about you.

Lending ppl money, doing small jobs for cash, babysitting, giving to charity, paying someone to walk your dog whilst on holiday, helping the homeless. Every single thing you buy. Every single transaction traceable.

It’s too intrusive for me
I agree, one of my good friends is german (grew up in east germany) and apparently in germany generally becuase of this they really dislike card payments and prefer cash
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It's been proven that you spend more when you use a debit or credit card vs when you pay cash. With cards banks can charge any kind of fees they want, I watched a documentary where a couple went to two different branches of the same bank asking to open an account. First they pretended to be a poor couple with not much money, then they pretended to be a rich couple at the next branch. Guess who got the most advantageous account with little to no fees?
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Me and I’m in my 30s - shock horror! I have to regularly to pay the takeaway I visit on a Saturday and my barber in cash and it’s not a big deal as I simply go to an Asda and get cash back when I pay for shopping every 4/5 weeks. I also prefer to take it on nights out if I’m drinking rather than my card.
Phones are all well and good but liable to battery running out especially with the drain that is WhatsApp, as I learned a few weeks back when my phone ran out of battery and I couldn’t use it to open the hotel room door.
Same, I always feel nervous relying on technology in case things run out of battery. There are quite a few places near me that still only take cash
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First the BBC now the Daily Mail as MSM I have seen bringing this topic up. There is no way someone is putting a chip in my hand to put over a chip n pin machine to pay contactless without even a bank card.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
Still use cash although never see anyone else using it. Found a few of those special celebration coins after checking through it all :giggle:
It's handy having cash when the internet crashes in shops. I'll never use card only until I'm forced.
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I am a proud cash user. I won't give cashless businesses my custom. I never use my bank card to pay. If you can't train your staff to count coins, what other training are you skipping?
I had a Saturday girl once that literally couldn't work out the change for herself. I said to her but you have a degree, surely you can manage the change out of a £20, nope, her degree was in History so basic maths was beyond her. I honestly despair at the quality of graduates.
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Rockin' Robin

VIP Member
I've had a bit of an overwheming day, regarding the cashless society being forced upon us. Nothing spectacular, or dramatic - infact it was quite subtle.
First incident was when a bus driver wanted to look at my card. I don't have a card, I paid by cash, for a paper ticket. He just assumed that I had a bus card!
Second incident was when I was purchasing a dvd from a well known High Street store. I went to the cash desk, and handed the cashier a £10 note. He looked a little taken aback, because he had pushed the card machine in front of me, expecting me to pay by card.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but not all of us want to live in a cashless society. Some of us would like to be given the choice of paying by cash or card.
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Feel totally vindicated about my love of cash today, came to a popular coffee chain, electricity in whole street gone down, only accepting cash, I was pretty much the only person who came in able to buy anything
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I really don’t mind this. Of course the major elephant in the room is crime- how does one pay for their drugs without cash? (Bitcoin?) if there is no cash there’s no cash- homeless people won’t have it, no (buskers in London already accept contactless!) because there won’t be any to give them.
Pocket money is easily replaced by go Henry etc cards. There isn’t really a valid reason I can see. Elderly people might like cash but presumably they’ve withdrawn it from the bank anyway, they don’t have a cash tree. Instead of withdrawing it they use their debit card.

eta- maybe with the homeless problem it’s time to look realistically at what street sleepers need. Cash just gets you stuff. It’s the stuff you want, not the cash
Granted its rare, but what happens when a shops payment system goes down? I've had this and had to pay by cash.
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I don't think we would go completely cashless, but it's clear there's a move to more electronic based payments. It doesn't bother me, I rarely carry cash and have a few different cards/accounts for different things so if there was an issue with one I would always have a back up option. This year we've been using "paypal money pools" for work related things where everyone contributes a fiver etc for someones birthday or a leaving gift and personally I've found it easier than having to walk ages from my work just to get to a cash machine and then need to break a tenner for change etc. so I hope it stays even when we move back to the office.
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Rockin' Robin

VIP Member
Went to London yesterday to do a few touristy things and NO ONE wants your cash! Seriously, when you ask if somewhere takes cash they look at you with actual disgust! Some reluctantly do, but others flat out refuse.
The way cash has been phased out these last few years is bloody scary. Once it's gone there's no going back 😕
This is the reason why those of us who do not want to live in a cashless society, must speak out. I can't believe how people are just letting this happen.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
I wonder if it’s because they can’t be bothered cashing up and going to the bank to deposit the coins :unsure: I think all businesses should accept both methods of payments. Not everyone likes to use cards.
Yes. Less work for them, less time consumed, so that makes sense.
I was happy to hear that a local event taking place has informed people it will be cash only used for purchases and there will be an ATM available there. Most likely slow WiFi as it's rural.
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
Feel totally vindicated about my love of cash today, came to a popular coffee chain, electricity in whole street gone down, only accepting cash, I was pretty much the only person who came in able to buy anything
Cash crusaders are growing strong. Cash is King.

I'm in Central London so this is really disruptive!
I love London but these cashless sheep businesses really annoy me, and they seem to be rampant in Central London. Although, I always tell them that cash is the way forward.
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