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Hinchy’s Tamagotchi

Well-known member
Those messages are awful, but I’m not altogether surprised someone sent them to her. Her fixation on these murder cases is unbelievably grim, and she must be stupid if she doesn’t realise it’s going to be rubbing some people up the wrong way.

That is assuming they’re real messages of course, she wouldn’t be the first influencer to make up her own ‘troll’ messages. She’s certainly getting some milage out of it, 20+ stories & counting!
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New member
It's all a bit far fetched isn't it. I can remember her posting a couple of years ago for mental health day that she had a personality disorder and that was it. Seems to think people won't notice or remember these things.
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VIP Member
Hahahaha I’m creasing at her STILL going on her feminist rant but then referring to women as “female” 😐😭
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Well-known member
Remember she done the go fund me to move? 😂 I unfollowed back then because she’s constantly just lying around flaring up and using a wheelchair when she is not disabled
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She seems to have got a bee in her bonnet about the comment about her home being dusty this time.
I notice she starts her latest grid post with ‘recently I was told my home is awful, dusty’. I have to disagree with this, no-one on here is ‘telling’ her anything. If she wants to come here to seek out negative comments about herself she’s entitled to do so, but it’s not the same as being ‘told’. Not in my opinion anyway.

If you do I’ll be straight over. There’s a few things about her that don’t sit right with me.
I definitely will too .
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Well-known member
I'm a long term follower and I'm near certain she posted years ago it was her brother who sa'd her 🤔. I only remember because something came out about a friends brother at the same time so it stuck in my mind.
I'm also sure she has posted before about how only MEN have sa'd her yet now she's saying women too. I wonder if she believes her own lies.
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Chatty Member
don’t be silly, she has visited the US and therefore this is all about her, like every little bandwagon she gets on 🤣
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VIP Member
I can't and won't pity her.
When Hinch first starting gaining followers and the hate followed Serene was the first in anyone's inbox sticking up for her, and she was vile about it. She'd then use her mental health if she was called out.
She harps on that klarna and clear pay are bad and it's something she would never promote, and in the next breath she will promote it if she has a aff link to go along side it.
Shes fabricated the story about her "ex's" suicide that much, I don't even believe she knows the truth about it anymore. She wasn't with Tams, she pushed Tams to her young end.
She latches on to anyone she can and she sucks the life out of them, why is she still calling her Ex's mother mum?
If there's a crisis, you can bet your arse it's happened to her? SA? Miscarriage? She's been there done that and she's had it worse than anyone.
Just before covid she was planning on getting pregnant with her bestie, who funnily enough we never hear of now. How can she possibly have a baby when she's confessed to spending weeks upon weeks in bed? She can't care for herself physically nor mentally never mind an innocent child.
She expects everything for nothing, when she first moved out of Tams mums, it was only possible because she blagged a deposit out of her followers with a go fund me.
She has more disposable income than most, yet she always wants more, and wants it free.
No pity here. I think she's a manipulative calculating narcissistic little witch. Who looks like she needs a good wash.
She’s posted today about Tams saying it was out of the blue- is that true? Or did she really push her to do it? I followed her first of years ago when she was posting about Tams and felt sorry for her for the pain of having to lose a loved one. But something has always just seemed off about it to me, the way she talks about it is strange and the way she calls Tams’ mum, mum also is weird to me? I then feel bad for judging or thinking she’s lying about it or changing the narrative but….. she lies about so much.
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Active member
Hahaha hahaha sharing where she got her tatts. Basically shared the ones that females did but refused to share the others as men did them. How pathetic. She's so fucking weird.
She really is a fuck wit and really needs to stop man bashing!! If she chipped a tooth and a male dentist fixed it and it looked like good work would she refuse to show it or endorse him!?
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Well-known member
Love how she openly says she HATES men. Yet has a crusade against men who ( she says) hate women.

She is so contradictory it's unbelievable. Hating men is also disgusting and sexist, same as hating women would be.

She needs to just get in the bin and go back to moping around being sad about her ex and her dead dogs.
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Chatty Member
Of course it’s on TheNurseMum’s post, she’s been piggybacking on her trauma for years
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Active member
She’s back. Been having a hard time mental health wise apparently. Obviously didn’t have any functions of days out to go to so she’s taken to her bed.
However, she did manage to get up at some point and break her foot AND sprain her ankle - I wonder if this will be a break like Hinch’s which is just never mentioned again, or will it be the start of some terrible health problem which will spiral downwards and mean she ends up with yet another chronic illness to add to her extensive list of reasons why she can’t get a job or do anything for herself unless it’s a nice holiday or a day out.
Yes, here we go again 😂her sprained ankle will have to have specialist treatment and of course she will be able to afford to shell out on expensive therapies and yet more" supplements"!!
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Active member
The religious trauma had me howling the other day.
Every aspect of her life is apparently traumatic
Me too!! Pure comedy! She wasn't locked away in a Victorian convent in the middle of the countryside. I was waiting for a #metoo story with regard to nuns and priests !

I have trauma for the fact she's never worked a day in her life and despite not having a job or kids she still somehow constantly looks like she needs a really good scrub in a dettol bath
Yes, or elderly parents or relatives to look out for or keep an eye on. She doesn't even do any charity work. Surely she could help at a food bank or charity shop ?
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Chatty Member
She's literally cherry picked what she's seen other people saying and posted it all as her own thoughts. Silly Samantha 🙄
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VIP Member
Who the hell nominted her for some made up “Shero” award? What has she ever done that’s remotely heroic?! Lazing about pretending to be ill, endlessly shilling sex toys and banging on about how absolutely everything traumatises her because of her oh so traumatic upbringing and earlier life?
how very heroic 🙄
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VIP Member
I wondered where she gets her money. Bet she never declares her gifted items & ads. I couldn’t afford to splurge like that & I am killing myself working a full time job with many of the same ailments she claims to have.
Literally. She always bangs on about being “poor folk”, then can drop that amount of money in one go????
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VIP Member
It amazes me, she's posted on her book account that the fatigue is consuming yet she's able to read a book.

When my chronic fatigue is bad I don't have the mental energy to read the time never mind a book.

She's so full of shit, she's deceiving her owers and it's pissing me off now how she's pretending to have chronic fatigue. No wonder people label us lazy good for nothing idiots.
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