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Well-known member
I fundamentally believe that Carrie is incapable of putting another being above herself, including her own child. I don't think she's even capable of grasping what it means to put someone else's needs above your own. She'll stay up with a grumpy baby maybe once, rant about how much of a martyr she is with a thinly veiled undertone of distain and then carry on doing the bare minimum while someone else takes over.
Carrie couldn't even quit caffeine for the baby, not saying you have to, but she thought it would be good to do but couldn't stop thinking of herself enough to get over the withdrawal headaches! She will never ever put baby above her own needs!
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What does she have to offer any audience, apart from snarky clapbacks?
she has literally nothing to offer anyone 😂 but I could almost understand adults who grew up watching Carrie and were superfans as teens still watching her to this day, and still being fans for loyalty and nostalgia purposes.

Given how utterly scathing and disdainful most teenagers are of anyone over the age of 25 anyway and how easily they turn on anyone who shows any kind of problematic behaviour, it’s astonishing they have such a blind spot with Carrie.
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right I've done some actual googling/research and it looks like the singer Katie Melua took her three month old on a European tour.

I don't know how intensive Katie's tour was, nevertheless assuming it did happen, the precedent for having a very young baby with you on a tour is already set.

That all said, if Carrie does turn Peanut into a prop and take her out on stage during the show, or expose her to excessive noise/heat for what will still be a babe in arms, or expose her to hundreds of the grimy public at stage door or in meet and greets - I shall revert to being unimpressed.
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VIP Member
How’s she planning to tour when she’s going to have a kid soon? Is she expecting Joel to ditch Hamilton to go with her or stay at home
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I just need to know if Danny With A Bad Angle is going with, or are they hiring a proper photographer this time?
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Active member
I totally agree as someone who is autistic and to be honest, even if she is on the spectrum she probably wouldn’t know or have even considered it due to the huge amounts of misinformation surrounding female autism
That's why I was only diagnosed aged 33!
Don’t be silly y’all, thanks to Simon B-C and his extremely helpful ‘extreme male brain’ theory we know that only boys can ever possibly be autistic 🙃

(A gentle virtual hug to you both and congrats on the diagnoses!) ❤
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Omg, maybe he's finally learning that he doesn't need to reshare 150 stories every time his bird does literally anything 🥹🤞
Or maybe he’s finally learned that his role in all this is merely assisting Carrie in ticking off her life list. She doesn’t care what he thinks (or does).
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She does realise she doesn't need to do ridiculously long videos on YouTube right?
This is not specific to Carrie since she does everything poorly and with the least amount of work possible, but even short videos require hours of work to get done between filming, editing etc. She wouldn’t be willing to put in the effort. All she’d be willing to do is shout in front of a camera and talk about shit no one cares about (which is what her YouTube presence has been all about for years), but she probably noticed people no longer fall for that crap and actually expect content creators to be creative. And she doesn’t have one creative bone in her body.
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Well-known member
Maybe I’m an old fart 👵but I genuinely don’t understand what teenagers in 2023 see in Carrie.

10 years ago Carrie, I see it. She was young, pretty, usually had a handsome boyfriend in tow, uploaded regular YouTube vlogs of her very enviable job (Eponine is a peak “theatre obsessed teenage girl” dream role”) as well as other cute YT videos of her singing or chatting about books, and occasionally showed her very famous brother whose band most of her viewers were fans of. Plus, even though she showed occasional signs of a shitty attitude back then, she was generally a likeable and positive presence.

Now…she hasn’t had an enviable theatre role since Heathers, she looks frumpy and prematurely middle aged, has a husband who looks like Shrek and behaves like a cringy Karen, her voice is damaged, she barely shows her famous brother (who was famous way before the time of the current batch of teens anyway), she is utterly rude and her attitude fucking sucks 90% of the time.

I genuinely don’t get it…the current batch of obsessed teenage superfans were too young to like or appreciate her 10 years ago, so they must be recent fans of hers. What the hell do they see in this current version of Carrie?! What does she have to offer a teenage audience?

It honestly baffles me.
I often wonder about this, too. She has also deleted/privated a lot of her old youtube videos, so although there are still some available to watch, the really interesting ones are long gone. I get the Addams/Heather's stuff but even they were a few years ago now.

I guess I can comprehend the fans from.way back in the day who have stuck with her throughout, but new fans... baffling!
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It's definitely her BMI that is making her high risk. She looks quite short and stout? Probably 35 BMI which is considered obese.
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Well-known member
“She’s not neurodiverse, she’s just a dick”.

She can be both. The two are not mutually exclusive.

I am ADHD and possibly autistic and I see a LOT of traits in her. The hyperfocus, the RSD and defenciveness whenever she’s criticised, and the emotional disregulation. However, she is also a spoilt brat who has been raised to think she’s never wrong and to never take accountability for herself.

So whilst the rest of us ND folks also feel attacked and disproportionally upset when we’re criticised or wronged, like Carrie does, we recognise this is a trait of our ND and work through it ourselves, or chat to a trusted person. We don’t respond by word vomiting our displeasure and pounding our chests about how wronged we are to the entire world. We learn quickly at a young age that people tend to not appreciate this. She does do this, because she’s a spoilt bitch who has had her every emotion pandered to her whole life and it wouldn’t even occur to her that her reaction is disproportionate.

The emotional disregulation aspect of ND means that most of us with it can feel intense anger easily, like Carrie does. But we learn from a young age that going around expressing this outwardly will not get us very far in life. She’s never had to learn this. She has never needed to worry that she’d be fired for being rude, the way she’s rude to her fans and colleagues, like the rest of us do.

Yes, she’s a dick. Undoubtedly. But she can be neurodiverse whilst also being a dick.
I so agree! I’m hesitant to put any labels on it as I’m not sure that’s appropriate but I see a lot of traits (the main one that sells it to me is the hyperfixations that never last other than 1 or 2 specials ones like Disney, but also the disproportionate reactions, her loudness, her talking about herself more/interrupting etc) that scream of disorders such as ADHD. I think you’re bang on that she may exhibit these symptoms (even if she isn’t fully on any spectrum) and has never had to mask them as other ND people have
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Chatty Member
I'm almost thinking she'll bring the baby out onto the stage for a couple of shows, if she's awake and not crying. As a sort of finale to the theme of love and to create a few headlines.
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VIP Member
I’m a doctor. I do take bloods, even in an outpatient setting. But usually if it’s an appointment simply for bloods then it will be a nurse, healthcare assistant or phlebotomist will do them.

ETA: I had also thought that she just assumed the person taking the bloods was a doctor because they were male. Hard to hate on Carrie for that because it happens all the bloody time. (As well as people assuming I’m a nurse because I’m female).
I’m also a dr but I’ve never taken bloods in an outpatient setting. Occasionally on wards maybe but never during clinic time. There’s always designated nurses/ phlebotomists there for that. Who has the time?! 😂

I’ve also been mistaken for a nurse/ a student loads of times because I’m female so I feel you there.
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This exact wording on a few questions feels like Crabbie could be the one behind them...🤡🤷‍♀️🤡
But would she want to draw attention to the fact that she has cultivated such a toxic culture of fear amongst her fans, that they are scared to ask her a question.
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Well-known member
Just had a browse at Carrie’s tour tickets (out of curiosity about the prices) and realised that the seats close to the stage in the stalls are the mega pricey meet and greet seats. No wonder she has no anxiety, any eye contact she makes with the audience will be all of her beloved Sonder society who will be hanging on to her every word.

It also annoys me cos I’m a shorty and I always book front of the stalls and sometimes they can be a cheap seat with a good view especially on front row. She’s capitalising on people wanting to be as close to her as possible 🤢
Yeah, it was the same with An Open Book. I always try to get tickets for the first few rows of stalls but I didn't want to pay a premium for a meet n greet with Carrie-on-grifting!
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VIP Member
Fucking hell, I get anxiety at the thought of having to take my 6 month old away for one night! She’s definitely not thought this through cause feeding an under 1 is such a faff! If they’re bottle fed she’ll need to be sterilising bottles and then making the formula bottles if she feeds that way, or have her boobs constantly demanded if she breast feeds! 100% rather her than me. I’m so invested in how it’s going to look when she’s a mum cause she’s showing she’s got no idea!
I should imagine it’s very easy to ‘be a mum’ with 24 hour outside support
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