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Hope there’s no romance schmooshy stuff in this one. Still can’t get the terrified eyes of Jamie Muscato out of my head when she pinned him to the stage
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Completely agree with you!

So many things about Carrie wind me up but that post was so mild. The people getting offended by it really need to examine why fat people not hating themselves makes you feel so threatened.
Ok no no. I brought up this post and started this whole thing so I’m going to stop this because this post has a gone a bit far and is doing exactly what I’m trying to point out. I didn’t think her post was that big a deal either, I just thought it was interesting. At no point has anyone said fat people hating themselves or they are threatened by this post. And this is the problem - fat people get offended very quickly all about body positivity but it can’t go both ways? (I get it - the media is very anti fat people generally and it’s tough but like I said it can’t become ‘let’s shame others and call it body positivity’.)

I also think it’s really mild but my original post said I don’t think this type of post needs to be said at all. It invalidates wanting to lose weight for summer if that’s what you CHOOSE to do because it’s okay to want to feel good about yourself in your body for your personal reasons. Weight loss can be a positive thing. I think Carrie is very big on ‘I’m exercising but NOT TO LOSE WEIGHT’ as if that invalidates her body positivity thing she has going on. It’s ok to not want to lose weight and be happy in yourself as you are but also it doesn’t need to be a big thing. Loving your body and losing weight is also body positivity. Body positivity doesn’t ONLY mean being happy with your fatness.

Ok this could go on forever but essentially what I was saying originally was I’m all for body positivity but I’d rather it didn’t shut down the idea of weight loss to make others feel bad. Body positivity should make everyone feel valid and beautiful. Weight loss posts shouldn’t target fat people and vice versa.

(Again I’m the same size as Carrie, currently bigger cause I’m pregnant. So OP I’m not attacking anyone from a different perspective. I’m also not attacking, I just thought it was an interesting point and it’s my opinion on things.)

(Also I’m non binary. Accepting my own body goes a lot beyond ‘I’m fat and I’m ok with that’ but that’s a whole different kettle of fish.)
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Trust Carrie to sing over the original Fantine and Eponine - gotta be the loudest! 🙄

Belleville books???? Carrie I’m sure the cast don’t need you to ‘donate’ books to them. They’re quite capable of sourcing books themselves.
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I mean this just says it all tbh, classic ‘look at me my face is around London, didn’t think it was there!!’ :rolleyes: Also I feel like alw just wants to recreate wicked cus the whole map of Belleville gives off the same vibe as emerald city
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I really hope the girl on Twitter is ok. I hope I’m not going off topic but her tweets reminded me of something so I did some scrolling and found this. This really rubbed me the wrong way at the time because if you were announcing you were taking a nap why on earth would you take a photo of your waist? Just strange and attention seeking in my opinion.


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I’m sorry, but that TikTok story today was so pathetic and attention seeking. She’s making out like the video about her was saying all these horrible things, but it wasn’t. I actually didn’t see anything in it that wasn’t true. Besides, it didn’t even mention her by name. Get over yourself Carrie.

She always bangs on about how horrible people are to her online, but they really aren’t? I’m a sensitive person, and she is too, so I do empathise, but the level of nastiness she gets compared to other influencers/public figures really isn’t comparable imo.
I also find that at lot of the reaction is in response to something she has said or done, so most of the time is in response to her actions!

I can’t imagine what it must be like to read shitty things about yourself all the time, but she doesn’t even seem to take a step back and think ‘why does this keep happening and what do I need to acknowledge about myself to improve the way I treat people’
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I’ve got a feeling that if the new Addams cast do a cast recording, she’s going to be so angry. I remember she got cross when she didn’t get to perform at the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony (because her and her brother wrote a song for the mascots). She feels so entitled to things.
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Ripley Rose Kat

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I own my house but I had help off my parents. I don't deny my privilege and open that I did have the help otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do it.

Carrie never recognises her privilege. The fact she didn't work a retail or waitressing job before she even got cast as eponine speaks volumes. As soon as I was coming to to leaving school, my dad was pushing me to get a part time job so I could understand the value of money, get experience, etc.
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I would say, for anyone in doubt as to who to trust on weight gain/weight loss ignore social media posts by musical theatre actresses and instead listen to a person who has trained for 7 long hard years to become an actual doctor? There is so much ‘noise’ on social media about this issue. A doctor is medically trained and has taken a ‘Hippocratic oath’ to treat people to the best of their ability. Their agenda is to heal and educate not to make you feel bad for the sake of it.
For those looking to the BMI is bad argument. Doctors moved away from this a while ago and have started to look at the patient as a whole: health, socio-economic background, medical history.
Carrie shoots from the hip on the body posi issue every time - she sees a catchy post - reacts and posts. It’s telling that this forum has focused on her doughnut habit and her ‘feeding’ her cast mates over the last couple of days then we get the body insta posts.
TBH I started following her for her theatre content the rest is ....YAWN....
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They're rejigging songs so there was a snippet of Far too late being resung soooo fingers crossed that Bad Cinderella will follow suit?
I think that was for the single version of Far Too Late, I don’t think they’ll be re-recording anything else unless there are plans for major changes.
In regards to the offensive lyrics in Bad Cinderella, I do wonder if they are trying to prove a point about bullying words. I hear that song as Cinderella saying ‘these are the words that these people are using to describe me, and by using these words they are proving to be just as bad as “bad Cinderella”. It’s hard to judge because we don’t really know the context of the song at this point. We can’t just erase everything we don’t like because otherwise how would we learn from our mistakes? I wonder if that is the point of the song. Belleville is supposed to be perfect but the residents are essentially bullying one of their own because she won’t conform to their standards. Straight away the song shows the cracks in the otherwise perfect town. Basically I’m on the optimistic side just because of Emerald and I really hope her book pulls through.
Carries vlog though! Standing in front of her face when she is waiting for her taxi… there was a million places she could have stood but she chose there? Idea for next thread is something along the lines of Carrie’s head literally getting bigger and bigger.
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😂 I’m really hoping she doesn’t though, Joseph has a special place in my heart and I feel like she would spent the entire show singing over everyone else again.

How much do I wish that Linzi was the Narrator full time though?!
Or Maria freidman who was the Narrator in the movie version!!
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Carrie just continues to let me down. When she preaches kindness, she only means for herself. She bends over backwards to prove on social media how kind and altruistic she is, but if she were genuinely kind it would come across in her character. Which isn't to say she needs to be kind, she doesn't! She just needs to stop lying to her audience who is being taught to expect one thing from her and then getting something very different from her instead.
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Went to see Les Mis last Friday and actually preferred the way the seating was. No one either side of me but a seat away
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I feel that, does anyone remember that blog post? she did I think it’s called ‘Promoting Obesity’ I remember reading it and she said something along the lines of ‘my gp said I should take up weightwatchers and I’m overweight according to my bmi’ and that she wasn’t going to listen to him cus she goes to the gym and that the gp was fatshaming her something along those lines and honestly that really upset me I know the bmi scale isn’t accurate on someone’s health but regardless of whether or not I like what my gp is going to say about my health I’m going to listen because they’re a trained professional they’re not some trolls on Instagram that don’t care and are fatshaming, it just aggravated me that she thinks she knows better than her gp.
I don't agree with you. BMI isn't an accurate way to measure weight for individuals, and GPs are sometimes biased/misinformed. Even though, of course, in general, I always listen to my doctor and people should, when it comes to BMI, telling patients like Carrie to lose weight is ridiculous - she is not obese or unhealthily overweight _at all_, she was completely right to disregard what he said in this case.
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I just don’t think she understands what it’s like being a person with a regular job. Her friends are influencers who can advertise a few products and then put a deposit on a house. Her brother did well financially from being in a successful band. She doesn’t seem to understand that isn’t the way for ‘regular’ people. We save for years and years and years, working ourselves to absolute exhaustion to buy somewhere small. I feel like she doesn’t appreciate how easy she has had it. Anybody my age (26) who has bought property has either been given the money from family, has borrowed the money from family, or has saved with a partner (which still takes YEARS but is much easier). Everyone else my age either rents or still lives with their parents. And they all work much harder than most. Nothing wrong with being privileged but just acknowledge and appreciate it, ya know? But Carrie deserves it because she works hard, unlike the rest of us, right? 😂
It really sometimes feels like a slap in the face when she says she’s worked hard throughout her life, like bab you’ve never had to do a job you’ve never wanted to do! You’ve been casted as leading lady/main role in pretty much every show without even going to drama school don’t say you’ve ‘worked hard’ cus yeah it might have been difficult but it could’ve been 10 times harder for you just admit you’re more privileged than most.
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