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He’s so brave, even being willing to be arrested for the cause. As if hundreds of cases of covid being transmitted due to a show is ok providing he is arrested

Oh god, please tell me you’re joking? Child abuse cases soared, kids were cut off from free school meals until it was sorted, seriously ill children had care cancelled and hospice stays stopped, people couldn’t say goodbye to their loved ones, care home residents and vulnerable couldn’t see their family, domestic violence rose so much train companies were giving free tickets to escape and yet Carrie and ALW were hardest hit! 😡😡😡😡😡
Oh yeah its a joke but also I can see it happening based on their behaviour during the pandemic. Let's not forget she used the eye roll emoji in relation to people dieing
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....I can’t believe I’ve missed out on 19 pages of goss. I was waiting for a notification to say someone had said something on the last thread without realising another had been made 🤦‍♀️ N E WAY some things I want to shout into the void:

1. I can’t wait for Cinderella to be over and done with. I’m so tired of hearing about it I feel like it’s been going on for f*cking ages and I can’t wait for it to come out, do terribly and die. Bah.

2. I feel like she’s been?? Slightly??? Quieter on Instagram lately? Or I could just be taking less notice. I think she’s finally doing a decent job of keeping her relationship private now (finally)

3. Completely unsurprised she’s haemorrhaging followers

4. Also completely unsurprised she’s documented her l o v e l y p e r s o n a l i t y

Also, genuinely wondering- she hasn’t posted on YouTube in a month... I wonder if in a couple/few years she’ll lose so many followers & receive so much backlash she’ll stop posting completely...?
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After being cast as a lead in Cinderella any secondary role such as Janis would be a step back career wise it’d be Cady or nothing I’m afraid. She’s been lobbying hard for Audrey in Little Shop also like forever. That’s not gonna happen - ok she can ‘belt the shit out of’ Suddenly Seymour in a concert but let’s be real, she doesn’t have the acting or comedy chops for fragile Audrey.

It’ll be interesting what comes next for her...
Beetle juice was in talks to come over and she never shut up about playing Barbara - but again it’s a comedy
Oh god no to little shop. Audrey needs a fragility and innocence to her, plus she needs to be funny. Carrie can't do any of that. Although I don't agree, I could possibly see her as Nancy (even though she could never act it well enough). Honestly I think she is reaching the end of her theatre career. She is aging out of young roles and she isn't a good enough actress for the character roles
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But of course he’s going to sue the government if they can’t open 🙄🙄🙄
ALW and Carrie on fro the page of the Mail saying how Covid has unfairly targeted them and that they are its biggest victims
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I'm more intrigued if Cinderella does badly and ends where she goes from there and how long it takes. October (end of booking available for Cinderella) isn't that long after everything reopens after Covid so idk if a lot of places would be looking for more cast. IF they were whether they would take a high profile after an embarassing flop?
Madame Thénadier
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Chatty Member
That cash probably paid for the sweets. Not everyone can afford to pay out of pocket for a whole cast to have an essentially free tuck shop. On the surface what Carrie is doing seems nice but when you look beyond that it’s basically Carrie going ‘look, I can afford to pay for all of these drinks and snacks for the rest of the cast. Aren’t I nice?’
No Carrie you are making yourself look superior to the rest of the cast when you are supposed to be equals. If I were on the other side of that, I would insist on giving money towards paying for the tuck shop.
I must admit though, I wouldn’t be surprised if Carrie mainly used freebies eg donuts to make it seem like she was doing a nice thing when really it requires no effort on her part!
Christy Altimore used to do something similar in her dressing room during Anastasia, you can see how she used to have candy and snacks in her Anastasia vlogs, the difference is that people geniuly liked her and wanted to hang out with her, the younger Anastasias actresses were always hanging there.
Carrie is trying so hard to have people over to show how good of a person she is with the books, coffee, hot chocolate and now this.
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Yeah it’s got a lil bontempi organ beat behind it

That’s what I don’t understand?
Why haven’t her employers who employ her for her ‘following’ sussed this yet?

It’s all kicking off on Twitter ...wonder if she’ll reply or remove the original post supporting another ‘female in showbiz’
Well she can’t pretend she won’t see it, it’s probably the only Twitter interaction she’s had all day 😂 Feel kinda bad for that person. Looks like they’re having a bit of a breakdown?
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Is she too young to play Mrs Lovett in Sweeney Todd? I always feel like that's one of the 'big' roles she wants to play at some point in her career, as well as Nancy. I could see her as either of them though I know nothing about vocal ranges and ability.
She can’t act though.
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Don’t think she realises that she can’t just be good at singing. She needs to work on her acting. Really badly. All she needs to do is ask one question: would she be any good in a non-musical play? (And no, she would be atrocious. She tries to hard and ends up over-acting, can’t do accents, and has about three facial expressions.) She gets cast in musicals because she can carry a tune but she can’t act for shit. She is just too much. She’s not a natural. In Heathers, she was so full on in the Dead Girl Walking sex scene. And she still acts like she is a high school drama student. And that’s even a stretch.
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Being ALW’s poster girl at a time like this is not going to do her career any favours. Before the pandemic? Probably would have helped her career. Now, with ALW’s out-of-touch and thoughtless take on social distancing and how poor old him and his multi-millions of pounds are suffering? ☹ Yeah, not going to do her any favours.
Also she really needs to see a chiropodist. That’s one hell of a bunion.
He remortgaged his townhouse in Belgravia. Fucking hell, he’s even richer now! That must be worth tens of millions. 😮
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She really is amazing in not a good way 😂 but also why would you broadcast that, if people really are comparing you it's not exactly a massive compliment
By bringing this up everyone is unnecessarily mean to the Icelandic girl :( who is, by the way, currently 6 months pregnant.
Starting from Carrie herself, obviously.
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I just realised she’s probably the kind of person who’s formal signature is the same as her autograph 😂😂 I would so not be surprised if that were the case. Real Sharpay Evans vibes.
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I think she’ll get to an age where she won’t be able to play Fantine or Eponine anymore and will have to wait a decade or so to be considered for Madame T. So it’s interesting to think about who she could play in that in-between stage, when she’s not guaranteed a Les Mis job. I also don’t know if she’s funny enough to play Madame T anyway unfortunately. That role is played by actresses who excel in comedic acting.

I think she still has loads of roles she could get. She could perhaps play Miss Honey in Matilda? She’s got that sort of teacher look. Baker’s Wife in Into the Woods, Nancy in Oliver? Anything doesn’t involve her god awful attempt at an American accent.

I remember her saying they had accent coaches and that she had a different accent when she played Veronica to when she played Wednesday. I saw both shows (when I was still a fan of her) and her accents were exactly the same and stood out as the worst amongst the casts.

This is why I am a strong believer in understudies being just as good, or often better, in a role. I’ve seen a lot of shows and therefore a lot of understudies playing lead roles and I have never ever been disappointed and a lot of my favourite performances have been from understudies. Carrie has airs and graces from ‘never being an ensemble member or an understudy’ but that doesn’t mean she’s the better actress, quite the opposite in my opinion.
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Wonder if she has a padlock and chain ready to lock up the mini fridge so that other people can't get in to it when the alternate or understudy are using the dressing room on her off days :)
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We all know Carrie reads here so if she is still ok with Scott she’ll probably post something about him soon to try and prove us all wrong 😂
Do you also know the Lotto numbers or are your gifts limited to Carrie's (totally unpredictable) behavior? 😂
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Do we know what dates she is performing in Cinderella? I’d quite like to see the show but tbh would rather see it with the alternate Cinderella.
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Cindermehlla sounds absolutely terrible to me - badly thought out, messy, poor songs, and the whole "i'M nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrls" rhetoric really is grating on me.
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