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it's taken me all week to catch up with the recent threads. I get to reward myself by commenting!

I was a fan of Carrie in her Alex/Pete days when I was a teenager... and since extremely passively followed her on instagram. Until I saw a story of her and Joel snogging outside hamilton theatre and I was like wit??? 😲 Googled something like carrie hope fletcher PDA forum just to see if anyone else thought it was weird. Lurking here ever since.

I wonder how many other people who were only reminded of her very existence because of her ridiculous posts and end up down the rabbit hole here 😂
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Just leaving this here...

ELEVEN ❤?!?!?! Desperate much to get noticed by your gorgeous gorgeous wifey to be Mr Montague?! 😂🤡😂
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I think he just had enough of being spoken to like shit 🤷‍♀️ we saw how she spoke to Pete, and she seemed dismissive to Oliver in the GMW videos
I can see this. Especially with the insider who told us that Carrie said they were having a ‘normal argument over nothing’ and he just suddenly got up packed his bags and left. Sounds like a straw that broke the camels back type of thing.

Look at the way Carrie talks to her followers or people she’s annoyed with online, so I can only imagine what she’s like with her romantic partners in arguments. I bet it’s exhausting to be on the receiving end of that.

Oliver isn’t perfect, no one is. But I’ve grown to rate him because of how he’s chosen to conduct himself publicly with this break up. You could say oh well it’s easier when you’re the dumper, but Carrie was awful in how she dealt with the Pete situation.

I don’t really care about people being somewhat problematic or making mistakes - that’s part of being human. It’s how they choose to frame it moving forward. That’s what put me off Carrie and also why I dislike Joel so much. I don’t like bratty people who always seem themselves as the hard done by person in every scenario.
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Okay, 4pm - finally caught up. People had the audacity to keep talking to me at work today!

I have no words after reading all that and those "Q&A's" - I have asked Carrie many back in the day - good thought provoking ones about MT and her career, never ONCE have any been answered - yet she answers the same ones over and over again - and, of course, her own questions to control her narrative (hence the 6 accounts she's bloody running at the moment!)

I hope Instagram does her dirty and starts showing the usernames of questions submitted - watch her Q&A's change then!!

Carrie and Joel, when you read this, go step on some Lego barefoot.
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Ohmygod!! Completely agree that this comment was way out of line but holy fuck, of course Carrie had to share it to everyone to get sympathy 😬

View attachment 1732018
I disagree with the execution and the felt entitlement (it's clearly none of the commentators business to broach this opinion to Carrie, or Joel personally) ..but do have to side with the overall evaluation. They genuinely do look terrible - both of them. Sure there are roles that do not require an astounding beauty, or lean figure, but she is still going for the lead role and is then surprised why she doesn't get picked. Pursue an occupation that does not heavily rely on your appearance ..same counts for being an "influencer"- they don't exactly "inspire" me to do anything other than to delete my instagram app and drown my phone.
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My boyfriend and I started dating right at the start of covid. We moved really fast through some things, like moving in together because of it, and we talked about getting married pretty early. We're still not engaged because we're grown adults who knows that life changes. Since that discussion we've navigated major job changes, moving house, returning to education, career changes. I'm still sure I'm going to marry him, but I'm so glad that as we've grown as people we're lucky enough that we've grown in similar ways. We could've grown in totally different ways so thank god there wasn't a ring involved! I can't believe honestly thinking that you're not going to change at all from your 6 months of dating. Career changes etc are all on the horizon for them!
My husband and I were together for 10 years before we got married, he proposed after 8 and a half years not because we didn’t know we wanted to get married right from the start but we wanted to navigate through life together first and make sure it happened at the right time. We had full career changes, new houses, lots of health problems, bereavements and all sorts before we got married - now we’ve been married for 7 and a half years and the whirlwind of ups and downs has continued but we know we’re absolutely solid enough to cope. Carrie and Joel have navigated nothing together bar her going to war on holiday but yet they’re rushing ahead - try walking before you can run!
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Interesting- those comments on a post by the official Hamilton account discussing Joel's off-putting social media use have disappeared. Clearly the higher ups have seen them then, wonder if they'll be having a word with Shrek?
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This couple page is going to be so mundane, not even going to tell us about the wedding but want us all to be invested in their boring daily lives anyway 🙄
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Everytime they talk about how 'their engagement announcement was stolen from them' by the meanies at DM, I get annoyed. So, I've gone back and built a little timeline of the obvious posts that they leaked themselves, way before the DM got hold of it.

I only skimmed through looking for pics so I may have missed some. But you get the idea. They leaked it themselves. Not the DM.

Oct 22 - Engagement balloon is spotted on Joel's story while Carrie is opening some underwhelming Hocus Pocus dolls

Someone commented 'congrats on your engagement'. It wasn't deleted.

Carrie then posts this, saying she is overwhelmed and obviously alluding to a big ol' secret

Oct 23 - Carrie shares this video of her at the airport. Ring in full view

Another insta post where you can see at least the band of the ring

Oct 24 - Carrie posts 'this has been the best weekend of my life'. I know she was at WDW with Scott, but she got engaged on the Saturday sooo

Another shot of the ring

Oct 25 -More shots of the ring on *that* finger

To my despair, my mother is an avid Daily Mail reader and can't help but scroll through the news on there aimlessly, despite being reminded that it's not exactly top notch journalism. While we were on the phone a few days ago I mentionned this entire mess. She had no idea who Carrie was. I went the typical link of "It's Tom from McFly's little sister" since I was a McFly fan in my preteens, she still didn't see who it was exactly. She hadn't seen the article despite scrolling several times a day on the homepage and lurking.

Carrie, Joel, even people who regularly consume DM don't actually care and they probably wouldn't have found it if you two hadn't:
1. Shared all the info YOURSELVES prior to the article going online (see above)
2. Prattled on about it once it did launch

Anyway, I glossed over this entire thing and my mother was absolutely shocked about... everything. I was saying about the 12 days of gifts and she already found that unhinged, I then mentionned the Disney shirts and she said exactly what we've all said - that he probably thought he'd be getting an invite. I can't explain the noise she made of pure disgust / hilarity / shock when I confirmed that he also bought himself a shirt and shared photoshopped pics with him in them.
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I’m very confused by this answer on the Q&A - who answered it? I thought it was Joel answering it but then it said “Carrie was on the phone to Joel” why not say “on the phone to me” instead?
Am I looking too much into this?
Carrie was answering all the questions as Joel was driving, for some reason she decided to write them in 3rd person.
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Chatty Member
Carrie, listen to yourself from 10 years ago.

“Personally I’m someone who falls in love very quickly, because I’m very emotional and very passionate and as soon as I find someone I really like and have a lot in common with and want to share experiences with, I suddenly get attached to that person and part of that just becomes falling in love with them. However when I look back at the times I’ve said “I love you” to someone, the phrase “I love you” in hindsight I have said it without meaning it. I’ve said it because I love them in that moment but as soon as that moments faded I suddenly realize what I’ve said has been quite extreme and quite intense and that I didn’t actually mean it long term, I just meant it in that moment…that’s quiet a big thing to admit…especially to the people I’ve said it to, I’m sure people have said it to me and felt exactly the same way so it works both ways I guess”
It’s sad how much the pain of her heartbreak has caused Carrie to regress emotionally this year. She was never perfect, always prone to black and white thinking and petulance. But she did seem to attempt self reflection atleast occasionally. It feels like she’s just decided to double down on all of her worst impulses now.
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Nothing I love more than my break on night shift, than to sit and read CHF's thread and cringe at what's gone on. That Joel is a fucking weirdo
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At this point I really question Carrie's mental wellbeing, especially with how dirty her house is. I really don't want to be a bitch about cleaning, as I know when I am depressed it is the first thing that goes for me, I find it impossible to keep on top of even the smallest jobs. Perhaps it's an insight into how much she is struggling, as beyond a bit of clutter, I've never actually seen so much dirt in her pictures before. She must be ashamed if she cropped it out.
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I suppose you do have to be SUPER organised to micro manage and control a whole other person, isn't that right Joel?
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I had to go back to work on Tuesday and I’ve only just managed to re-catch up today 😩

she totally lost me on the q&a saying she doesn’t like all eyes on Her - you literally perform on a stage where all eyes are on you as your chosen job but ok.

personally, I think her ring is ugly but it’s a very personal thing and I’m sure people wouldn’t like mine but if you don’t know your gf well enough to choose the ring yourself would you not ask her for ideas instead of a friend? Especially as they talked at length about it and he knew she wouldn’t say no?

I don’t understand the curved band at all like what’s the point in it and you’re just making getting a wedding ring harder because you’ll need one made to the same shape?
I don’t really understand the mould story either because the jeweller that did my ring just softened the metal and then made it the shape it needed to be by filing etc and I certainly didn’t go and meet him after we got engaged.

I don’t understand ANY of it at all, the relationship, the Instagram, none of it. But I just can’t look away.
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More shit to clutter the house up with. View attachment 1727921
Wasn't Oliver's nickname PUMPKIN?!?!?!?! 😂😂😂😂 Awkward much?!? have many many pumpkins around your house with random dates on which have nothing to do with pumpkins season or Autumn...Like a first date which happened in May or the birth of their hypothetical kids for exemple?! It is just plain weird 😂😂😂 You are right Carrie 👀👋 You are definitely not like other girls 😂🤦😂

Also is this printing random dates on pumpkins business one of Joel many new businesses for once is career with MT is over? Because you know is wifey to be loves the Spooky season and all that?!...😂🤷😂
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