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Chatty Member
So much for “I’m going to keep this super personal and I’m not going to show it to you”. Fair enough people change their outlooks but when it’s something like this it just feels like she made a big deal out of it when she got it so that people would be cuprous but not really caring that much, forgot she did that and now we have this. I know this might seem picky given that we have seen it generally in photos before and this question was connected to it but just seems weird when her big deal about not showing it was at the beginning of this year not like two years ago


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I watched an instagram live with Jodie Steele and Jennifer Tierney and during the Q&A part they were talking about being a good company member. Jodie said she's always told students "your reputation is in the room before you are".

Jennifer agreed and said the first thing creatives do nowadays is go on social media to see how you represent yourself/interact.

Neither of them mentioned Carrie obviously but she was who came to mind straight away.
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The impression her attitude towards Pete gives off in that video is that she was interested in Oliver and Pete could sense it and was uncomfortable about it. Then she was perhaps gaslighting him that he was paranoid and it’s “just her job” all the while taunting him and toying with him, not to mention publicly humiliating him. If true, a much more cruel and heartless version of how she toys with her followers. Just my personal guess.
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I'm not entirely sure how to quote and respond to a post, but regarding the one just above this saying Oliver looks completely bored... I agree. Even Oliver's videos seem to be him just agreeing and saying "yeah" as Carrie goes on and on about what she wants to talk about and her experiences. Oliver gets a word in every now and then, but it feels more like she's instinctively taking the center. I used to do that sometimes when I was younger, but I've become more aware of the fact that enthusiasm and excitement to speak often comes across as self-centered and conceited.
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Ripley Rose Kat

VIP Member
I am all for her being honest and saying the relationship wasn't as perfect as she protrayed it to be.

However, I agree with the previous comment, there are two sides to this story. We've not heard Pete's version of events and I doubt we ever will, but we're not owed that.
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As usual Carrie acts like the first person who ever lost a document she was working on. Seriously, if that’s the biggest problem she has at the moment then she’s doing pretty well. 10000 words of her crappy writing isn’t the end of world. So what does she do? A Q&A! And interestingly at the very same time the rest of the Heathers cast are trying to fundraisee. Coincidence much? 🤔 She can’t bear to have the spotlight on anyone else for two minutes.
oh hell, this is totally not on! I’ve unfollowed her on everything long time ago so I didn’t know. So not only she didn’t join the Heathers fundraising, didn’t help promote it, she did her own stuff, doing the exact same thing, on the same platform, and at the same time???

that’s just vile. A new level of nastiness even for her. 🤮
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Does Carrie really have interesting real life stories to tell anyway. She has pretty much been handed everything due to her social media fame and above average talent. She hasnt struggled so she isnt relatable.
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I felt that there was a massive power imbalance in that situation. She has hundreds of thousands of followers - a huge platform - and implying Pete is an abuser in a trivial, offhand manner was not right. She liked comments that people wrote asking if it was Pete knowing full well they’d go after him on socials. He had no comeback and he probably wasn’t even aware of what she was saying straightaway. If there was abuse in the relationship, there are ways of dealing with that and reporting it in a mature way without dragging someone’s name through the mud on YouTube. Can you imagine the meltdown she’d have if an ex boyfriend did something similar to her?
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Her response to someone asking why she does her live streams when lots of people are at work is just typical Carrie. Literally rolled my eyes and scoffed out loud
'Because I am not working...!'. At least you've acknowledged the shite videos and fanfiction drivel you put minimal effort into isn't work.
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Yes, I agree with the above.

She probably also realises she needs to promo herself for Cinderella. She may have even been prompted.

Also - Colleen Ballinger is similar to Carrie in that her Netflix show was almost similar to her "uni" experience - she left her husband for her co star and the parallels are uncanny. But that's all I will say on her. Wrong place. Wrong thread. Haha
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I actually thought this was a relatively nice picture until the comments came up. Why does every reply always sound so condescending? 🙈 Like I don't doubt that's why she's included the 'Haha!' (twice) to make it seem more jovial but it just doesn't ever feel like she's laughing with you 😅
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Chatty Member
She was on the cover of that mindfulness magazine talking about her anxiety and I sent her a insta question asking if she had been diagnosed with anxiety. That was when she blocked me from her stories.
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Ripley Rose Kat

VIP Member
Carrie has had opportunities to be productive during lockdown. She even admitted herself that she ignored an email offering her work to do.

She's one of those annoying people who keeps going on and on about how busy they are but evidently, isn't doing an awful lot.

However, if her content and books aren't getting the same traffic, she may not be hitting big figures right now. I'm not sure how it works so please correct me if I'm wrong 😊

It is possible that things can be a bit tense with Oliver. I'm in lockdown with my boyfriend and it's definitely tested our relationship. We've had way more arguments than what we would normally as we are the only people we've seen apart from the general public.

It's very easy to put on a front in a video that everything is okay too so I wouldn't rule it out.

I'm not saying that they are having problems, I could be completely wrong but I definitely wouldn't be so certain of that. We all know she's super jealous of Oliver getting the Hans role. That's very apparent.
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Can’t believe this is the one time I’d have to say Carrie’s singing is okay but the song is just bad. The lyrics, the melody, the arrangement.. they’re just all.. bad, no other ways to say it. There’s nothing interesting or witty or catchy at all in there. It’s actually amazing how spectacularly meh it is.
Yeah, especially since I'm assuming this is either an opening or a central song. I'm not super knowledgeable about musicals but I can still tell when I've heard a good/moving piece of musical theatre and this just... provokes nothing. Except maybe feeling underwhelmed.
Context might improve it but it seems very 'tell not show'.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if she is having money/work anxiety. She’s probably still got more income than a lot of people right now (me included, thanks to my tourism career), but she’s also got a flat and now a house with major renovations to pay for and no solid job.
That’s possibly the reason for her mentioning her declining numbers, because less views/followers means less income. Her book sales might be lacking as well, which would be stressful for her.

It’s pretty much the definition of first world problems, but that doesn’t make it any less valid for her to be down and anxious about. I agree that vague booking is annoying, but she’s still a person with feelings who might be going through a rough patch
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Ripley Rose Kat

VIP Member
No, it’s a ‘being a bit famous thing’. People who are famous, regardless of their age, end up living in a bubble where the people in their lives become yes men and do nothing but praise them. This on top of having lots of adoring fans. You then start to believe your own hype and your ego inflates and you change. It is then hard for them to take any criticism, anything that isn’t the echo chamber of praise that they’re used to is seen as ‘hate’ and they block it so they can continue to live in their praise bubble.

It might seem like it’s an age thing because these influencers are mostly in this age bracket. But it comes with being famous. Carrie’s not as famous as she thinks but she behaves this way cause she believes she’s the shit.
Amen to that!

I still believe that's why we've such a big shift in her personality during the Addams rehearsals.

If you compare to what she was like before, she was still very mellow and down to earth. She was likeable and engaged well with her audience. She brought something refreshing to YouTube as well. I adored her original songs and Dear Tom, and Gi videos. Even the ones where she'd just chat about random things or the vlogs at Les Mis, etc. I would go on but, you get where I'm going with this. (Also, I know she was patronising to Pete and most people but let's ignore that for the sake of my rant, haha!)

I think had Carrie continued to obtain smaller roles, I think she would still be humble like Oliver. I think her first book did very well but then she did a few more in very quick succession.

Getting the role of Wednesday, more book deals and then being stunt casted (even though she continues to deny it) as Veronica, in my opinion at least, caused her ego to explode. She became a victim of her own hype. So many yes men and getting these roles seemingly easing despite her only major talent on stage being her voice. If no one is saying no to you or constantly telling you how amazing you are, it will effect you and this is why she responses so terribly to any kind of critism.

If you compare her to Jodie Steele (for example) they are absolutely in a different league to her. Jodie is multi talented and in my opinion, is far more deserving of success as she is very good at what she does. She also continues to work on her craft and continues to work during the pandemic, from what I can tell at least.

I think with Carrie, her intentions were good and she was humble at one point. I genuinely believe that. However, if you are surrounded by people constantly praising you and adoring you, and someone dares critises you, you don't want to hear it. Hence the blocking and snippy attitude. Also, getting her fans to gang up is like a bully mentality.

This is why we see lazy content from her. No more original video ideas or her own songs.

She feels she doesn't need to to as she's so "successful" without all that. She's not had to work hard like Oliver to get a part. It's all being handed to her far too easily. I can imagine that really winding other people up in the industry especially people she works with so closely.

I am under no inclusion that she hasn't worked hard, but Carrie doesn't do anything to fight for work. She doesn't make any effort to better herself or anything. She is very, very fortunate to be in the position she's in and it annoys me seeing her be so lazy and not put any effort in.

Ultimately, she can do what she likes but I just think it's a pity as she has a wonderful voice. If she put in the effort with dancing and acting, she could be utterly fabulous but she doesn't even try.

Her content is very dull now. I really miss Letters to Autumn and her proper chatty videos. It's really a shame she's become a victim of her own hype.

Sorry for long rant! 😂
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