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Anyone find her instagram caption of her and Celine really weird... "I miss making you laugh" - not I miss having fun together, or I miss you, period, but I AM FUNNY
I found it bizarre but I guess it’s the usual Carrie approach of making it all about MEEEE! 🙄
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100% and I wonder if that's why some of us pick up on stuff vloggers do and say and others dont. if you work in customer service and with the public you develop a sixth sense on peoples behaviour and get good at reading people.
Especially knowing how snotty she can get, for example when some coffee shop got her flat white wrong and she kicked off. Again, I think her intention was to sound like a cool coffee-snob who knows it all. However it just came off as mean, entitled and extremely rude.
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I think your comment is spot on. No one in any production will ever be happy with the main cast getting sick and having to be replaced by an understudy. It’s not just the issue of people’s expectations even.

An understudy normally has considerably less actual rehearsal time with the rest of the cast prior to the premier, so the rhythm of the whole show will be more or less different. they’d be lucky if it turns out well enough and the audience loves it. But when you promote the show with such heavy focus on the “star”, it’s that much harder to sell it without their being in the actual performance.

i admit I didn’t see the show and didn’t watch the video where she talked about this, but from what I’ve seen and heard, I’d say I really don’t think Carrie suits the role. It’s too much of a stretch, vocally and acting ability wise. She tries hard and I can’t blame her for that. The situation is unfortunate.
Absolutely, of course they're going to prefer that she's there and in the show, that's what they're all prepared for and it's what she's being paid for.

As an adult, you need to learn to navigate those situations and advocate for yourself. Your employer is not your friend and is unlikely to be putting your best interests first. It's your responsibility to put your health first and put your foot down and take the time off you need to get better.

I remember my dad telling me this in my first ever job when I'd never called in sick before and I was planning to ask their permission to send me home. Of course they'll say no to that, they needed me. He told me to get a grip and just tell them I was going home!
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The reason she thinks her hair looked so good is because whoever did her hair actually scrunched out the styling products so it looked more like her natural blonde and her curls are actually springy, unlike when she does her own hair and it just looks wet and weighed down. As a fellow curly girl it drives me crazy that she NEVER SCRUNCHES OUT THE PRODUCT ARGHHH!
I remember going to Lush once after Carrie did one of her favourite product thingos, and because I have a similar curl pattern to Carrie I asked the Lush person about some of the products, and then ended up recommending against them because of how heavy and weighed down they can be. Years later after I’ve figured out what products work for me I’ve come to realize that Carrie honestly has no clue, because once she (gets given something for free) starts using something, she just assumes it’s the best thing and never ever tries anything different.
Her hair must be so damn crunchy
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I don’t think Carrie’s lack of involvement in things during lockdown has anything to do with people knowing where she lives. Both her and Oliver have done enough videos from the home during lockdown - she could easily pick one of those locations to set up her camera for an industry event.

I just don’t think she wants to do them and I also think that when she has sung live from home during lockdown it’s not been very good and she’s conscious of that - she even admitted that Into the Unknown was terrible.
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In her new video she actually addresses the pressure she was under by "higher ups" to perform despite being very ill. She doesn't go into massive amounts of detail, but sounds like a nasty situation.
How many more signs does she need that she was stunt cast in that role?! I’d be so embarrassed of how blatant it was if I were her.
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Ripley Rose Kat

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I think she deletes comments on YouTube and Instagram, there never seems to be any negative comments.

How bored must you be to spend time doing that.

Also, negativity gives you the opportunity to grow as a person.

I bet she's just constantly been spoonfed praise for too long and now she can't hack that people (like Oliver) are better than her.

I feel like they probably won't stay together, calling it now.
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Yeah he will be starring alongside one of the sexiest leading ladies of the west end in Sam Barks, with an arguably bigger profile than Carrie who is also someone ALW and Cameron like. She has also played the same role as Carrie not only on stage but in the movie as well.
Yep. I’d even say there’s no “arguably” about it. Sam Barks is definitely the bigger star here. She held her own wonderfully against all A-list Hollywood actors in the movie and even sang at the oscars. Carrie is practically unknown outside the UK.
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I feel like what probably stopped her from taking down the videos is the nature of her relationship with Pete. While it was violent (damaging property and probably expressing anger in an unhealthy way on his part), it was probably never the signs of a hallmark abusive relationship. Probably in Pete's case, he was struggling with suppressed anger (for whatever reason) and wrongfully took it out on someone else. Personally, I relate to this. While I have never caused property damage or laid my hands on someone I love, I have struggled with expressing anger in a healthy way. This is especially a struggle for men. What Carrie described is actually a subtle sign of an abusive relationship.

This article describes it perfectly:
'My partner isn’t violent all the time – they love me'
"Your violent partner may act loving towards you at other times and may truly feel sorry for their horrible behaviour. So, it might be hard to stay angry and upset with them. However, there is quite a high chance that their violent behaviour will continue. Abusers can be incredibly charming people, especially if they’re trying to make you or others see them in a good light."

I had a relationship much like this one. To everyone else in my life, the guy that I was dating was the perfect match: handsome, witty, incredibly smart and hardworking. But it was only I who saw just how subtly manipulative he was. He would constantly pressure me into sex, even after I said no. Asking me again and again and again, subtly insulting me because I was still a virgin, treating me like a child because I "didn't know the ways of the world yet." Like Carrie, I had my fair share of personal issues in the relationship. I withheld affection (mainly because he made me feel uncomfortable and I didn't understand why at the time), I didn't connect with him at all on a deep level, but stayed and played the part of the perfect girlfriend because I was afraid of being alone.

Yes, I think that it was a really shit move to hint at Pete being an abuser, but not actually confirm or deny anything. It seemed like when they broke up, he was intent on getting better, determined to improve. I personally think that if I was in her position, I would distance myself from him so he could learn and grow as a person, but I don't think that tarnishing his name like that is really necessary in my opinion. I think their relationship was still probably abusive, but very very subtle.
We've had this debate before - we can't know how it was to be Carrie in that relationship, of course, or what Pete did. I know the signs for an abuser, but I don't think Pete was one in the sense of manipulating etc. I have lived with a person who had anger issues just like Pete, and this was not an abusive person, but it was still very scary when there was anger. Anger issues and hitting things does not automatically equal that he also was subtly insulting her, putting her down, gaslighting her, pressuring her into sex. I think he became violent when angry, and that Carrie dumped him in a nice way, never talked badly about him publically, and then realised the extent to which his anger issues affected her, and she made that video. It's completely allowed for her to feel resentment towards him for his anger, as I feel towards said person, but both Pete and this person are intent on getting better (Pete is going to get professional help for his issues), which Carrie has also stated. It does not seem like Carrie wanted people to take away from the video that Pete was a horrible abuser, it just felt like she was saying "he hit things and was angry and people should know that's not ok in a relationship, and it was scary, but now he is getting help for those anger issues". I don't like the way she behaved after that video in the comment section, but I can understand her wanting to show the relationship was not perfect and that he destroyed objects etc, and she's allowed to feel resentment for that. It's the way she did it that I dislike, and the speculation it has spurred that Pete was abusive and awful towards her in general, and not just dealing with extensive anger issues.
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Yes, she was very quick to accuse him of violence and abuse so she showed zero boundaries, privacy or respect in my mind.

I've always felt like it was more he who may have done the dumping, I'm purely speculating though.

- He may have looked sad but could it have been sad because it's over? Maybe her turning to smile at him was her trying to force herself to be okay

- The way she was over Oliver especially the way she very rude to Pete in that video. Is it possible the crush and the patronising drove him away?

- accusing him of abuse but being vague and sketchy. She did say that it was mainly property damage - could be more too that though?

- He deleted all trace of her on his social media very quickly, unlike her who has kept on of his presence on her Instagram (still, as far as I know) and has only recently hidden videos featuring him

- Seemingly jumping into bed, literally, with Oliver very, very quickly. The saying goes to get over someone, you get under someone

- The old Tumblr post she put up seemed very brash and she claimed at the time, they were too different to be together and then stated they'd remain friends but didn't at all

There's a few more I can think of but I'll post them when I remember.

I'm just speculating of course but I don't know, some things lead me to suspect that maybe she didn't dump him, it could have been him.

Just my two cents though, of course 😊
I don't agree, but to each their own. Pete left his photos of her up for ages, and only deleted them after she made that video talking about an ex being violent. Seems he believed that she meant it when she told fans they just grew apart and would remain friends, because he would tweet out support for her books and buy tickets to see her shows long after they broke up. Until she did that video, he was more vocally supportive of her on social media as an ex (who was the dumpee, even) than Oliver was as a boyfriend.
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I agree, he looks so done with her 😂 can’t believe he barely looks at her in the Sunshine song video, he’s a west end performer so it must go against his every trained instinct to not look at her while they’re doing a cute duet 😐
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In the years they’ve been together, has she ever actually mentioned going up with him to visit his family?🤔
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Ooh this made me need to comment rather than stalk. I think this is so telling about her attitude to life that she feels she hasn't learnt anything in the last 20 years that would improve her life now. I would love to go back to my younger days and learn from my mistakes or to be able to ignore peer pressure to not do the things I love because they were considered uncool. Also the attitude of just wanting to know everything without putting the work in. I don't know why her answer to this question made me so angry 😂
It’s funny you say this, she’s what, 27? Literally all her learning has occurred in the last 20 years so to say that she hasn’t learnt anything in the last 20 years that would improve her life is a bit odd. I know for sure if I could go back, I’d never get with my first boyfriend (that was 7 years of a very toxic relationship that I could do without) and make more of an effort with my childhood friends, and study harder. I’m slightly younger than Carrie and I’d love to redo my younger years, knowing what I know now
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Maybe the truth hurts, she she's lost followers, works iffy atm, she's become very unlikeable, big headed, argues and attacks her followers, full of her own self importance, can't take any sort of feed back or criticism etc etc. this has been going on for a long time now, so other people are going to have also picked up on it!
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She’s clearly trying to make this show sound interesting still when in reality it’s old news before its even opened!
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Good morning #139 (1min:05s) - why is she always asking her boyfriends to name Santa's reindeer from some film/song (?), then making fun of them when they can't do it in order? I can't find the one where she did it to Pete - it's possible it was on his channel, so he deleted it along with all his older videos.
'A question I thought was really easy but you really struggled with'
Weird flex but ok
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