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I feel like her behavior very accurately reflects the shift in our culture from women who have an intense desire to make everyone happy (which is impossible), constantly trying to please others and put one's own feelings in a box, to women who are now staking claim of their identities, sometimes in an incredibly aggressive way. I think the pendulum has swung from an era of very quiet, trying to be sweet and nice women to women who have decided to speak out and fight back, but have gone into aggression/defensive territory. I remember in music school, I had this female conductor who was the nicest person I knew and never gave the orchestra any criticism. When the annual anonymous professor evaluations came around, a lot of people criticized her. They told her that she was too lenient and that they thought that she should raise her standards to make the orchestra perform better. This resulted in her completely changing her approach- she yelled, snipped and berated us at every. single. rehearsal. The band conductor, on the other hand, (different from orchestra) knew that he didn't have to be mean to have high standards. He didn't have to scream and snip to be heard.

I think that that's the stage that Carrie (and a lot of nice women in particular) are going through right now- finding themselves while also being bombarded with a black-and-white mindset. If you're overweight, you need to slim down; if you're skinny, you have no ass and aren't a real woman. If you speak up for yourself, you're a ranging feminist, if you don't, you're a sexist coward. I truly think that Carrie wants people to be happy, so when she sees a negative presence (of any kind- whether or not the criticism is constructive- her first reaction is to demolish it. But that doesn't work- people are rarely evil for the sake of being evil. They act out because of sadness or fear. Bullies are just trying to protect themselves (though this obviously doesn't excuse their behavior).

I think that this is why I don't really understand or necessarily want to be around "nice" people. They have amazing intentions, but in the end, they lack a backbone, and the honesty it takes to assess life situations accurately. So, when they get criticized in any way, they attack you for being "unpleasant." I isn't "pleasant." It really isn't. It's a mix of good and bad. I think that oppressed groups (woman, POC, LGBTQ+) will eventually find a place on the spectrum of finding themselves where they don't feel like they have to attack in order to be heard. I also think that a very simple reason for Carrie's behavior being interpreted as being so aggressive is that she has a very powerful voice, so when she talks, she just naturally projects and it comes across as quite loud lol

Of course, I could be wrong, these are just my own thoughts, I've really enjoyed hearing everyone else's perspectives.
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Yeah she's at home majority of the time right now but will all the videos she's doing & instagram stuff we constantly see her feet! Not saying she should paint her toenails but this person has obviously seen her feet enough times to notice she doesn't paint them so this is a really weird response.

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She's borderline obsessed with showing people her feet. I can't think of a single other person in a similar position to her who has shown their feet as often as she does. It's nasty and there's no need for it.
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Oh god yeah. She has several other ways of incurring income. But it's all got to be hitting hard when the regular amount of money you're used to isn't rolling in.

You'd think and hope she's seeing this moment in time to be appreciative of her situation.

But I would hope also it means reevaluating her laziness too.
She keeps on talking about she can't stop being productive and I just don't see that? She barely does anything.
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and this is my issue, haters has become a so over used word that its lost its meaning. Haters used to be just keyboard trolls, now if you disagree with someone online then you're a hater. To be a successful influencer you need to treat yourself as a business, and here on this forum alone she has plenty of customers who have stopped engaging with her business and giving reasons why. Yet instead of listening and thinking have I gone in the wrong direction she ignores it. She is getting free customer feedback on here, something businesses often have to pay for.
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This is the article

This is why I asked her if she had been diagnosed with anxiety because there is a difference between having anxiety and feeling anxious at times.

I get anxious in certain situations like this, I hate asking for help in a shop, making phone calls, I've even lost friends but I feel like messaging them is bothering them so we end up just not talking anymore. I haven't been diagnosed with anxiety, I've never had a panic attack, and I wouldn't say I have anxiety. I think I'm just shy and socially awkward.
People use the word anxiety so freely online now you don't know if they have an anxiety disorder or are just feeling anxious...

Her anxiety has never been mentioned again as far as I am aware, since I'm blocked from her stories! If she had been diagnosed surely it's something she would take about more and use her platform to spread awareness.
I've been diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and I don't have panic attacks. I used to think that meant it wasn't a big deal - I was still leaving the house and seeing my friends and holding down a job. But I was so unhappy and it was holding me back in many ways. Life's too short for that and I'm so glad I did get help.

Everyone gets anxious sometimes but if it's a regular thing and costing you friendships then it would be worth seeing what help is out there to help you overcome that. It sounds like this is having an impact on your life and I would encourage you to speak to someone about it xxx
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To be honest I think sometimes the term victim shaming is now used these days to cover up bad behaviour. As soon as someone casts themselves in that role they feel immune to questioning or criticism. a bit like the term haters. I think it's absolutely fair to question people when they do things in such a passive aggressive way.
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It's a difficult line as body shaming isnt ok but also celebrating being overweight just isnt ok either. If you're happy fine, but you also have to acknowledge its unhealthy to be overweight and can potentially kill you even if you appear fit. as has been demonstrated by the pandemic. We have the biggest obesity problem in Europe and I dont care what's PC, this is not something that should be celebrated. Especially as it seems ok to attack and pull down women who are actively fit and proud.

As for Carrie, it's hard to make a judgement as her personality and attitude makes her so unlikeable it's hard to consider her fairly
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She isn't doing anything to draw in the followers. I don't think the theatre kids care about Les Mis much these days when there's Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen and Six. Plus there's casts in these shows who are a lot friendlier/accessible and positive for them to idolise. She's kinda irrelevant now.

Her brother Tom from Mcfly went to Sylvia Young Theatre School when he was13... Wonder if she applied and did nt get in on a scholarship... Parents wouldn't have been able to afford to pay. Tom went to same primary as my daughter.. His mum worked there too as a TA level position... Dad worked at kodak Harrow.
Pretty sure she still went to a private secondary school which Tom paid for, so I'm sure he would have also paid for Sylvia Young if she wanted. Maybe she had no interest at that point or just didn't have the talent or ambition to get in.
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Ripley Rose Kat

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Hey everyone! Newbie here. I'm posting as I have struggled to find anyone else outside of the internet and places like this who have dealt with or been on the receiving end of Carrie's beat downs when it comes to her fans being critical of her. I've been a long time fan of hers for years now and always supported her work by either purchasing merchandise, books or tickets. I've always loved her YouTube videos in particular and being able to see the behind the scenes of shows always fascinated me because of my love of musicals and theatre in general! Recently I noticed a big decline in her social media engagements - she was always SO negative and so quick to argue with fans who were even remotely critical of her and this was really starting to grate on me. I felt myself bracing every time she posted something in case it was going to be negative and abusive. The other day she was posting about abolishing the police in America (which is something I do not agree with but I won't get political on this thread). I messaged her privately to say I was disappointed to see her supporting this and that whilst I love her work I would be un-following her for a while. I also wished her luck for her future shows and that hopefully theatre would be back up and running soon for everyone to enjoy. What I got in response was the rudest most patronising message I think I've ever received from a creator of her size and she promptly blocked both my accounts so that I didn't have a chance to even defend myself or open up a conversation to have a debate on the matter. I am so disappointed by her attitude and I truly hope that she is able to see the error in her ways and engage in a more positive way with her fans. I now feel I cant watch her videos anymore without this hanging over my head!

My original sentiment still stands and I wish her well with all her future endeavours, but I just can't support her anymore and needed to talk about it with people who maybe understand?

I also really think she needs to take a break from social media. It doesn't seem to help her when she struggles with mental health problems.
Welcome to the forum! 😊

I'm so sorry to hear she was awful to you like that. A lot of us on here are former fans here who have all united on here for similar reasons.
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Small thing but the hand under the chin, eyes up and smirk pose really irks me, I don’t know why🙈
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Pretty much my exact take on this! I’m around your age too and can’t see how she would have done GCSE music without even a basic understanding of notation...? You have to compose pieces as part of the coursework!

I learnt to read music very young as I’m from a musical family so maybe I am biased, but if you have even the most vague interest in music, the curriculum even before GCSE includes learning to identify pitch, rests, time signatures, note values, incidentals (flats and sharps) etc... you’d have to be actively trying NOT to take it in to not retain the knowledge, especially if you were having any additional music lessons (including singing) on the side.

I agree that Carrie is most likely equating ‘reading music’ with being able to sight-read it, which are not the same thing and I don’t think even the graduate whose sweeping statement tweet set all this off was implying that was his expectation of all performers!
Exactly. I definitely think the actors who kept saying ‘I can’t read music’ don’t understand the differences between reading music and sight singing because they never officially learned to read music with a teacher. Once you know where middle C is on a stave, it’s relatively easy to learn where the rest of the notes are. If you play me a note on a piano and ask me what note you are playing, I probably wouldn’t guess correctly- it would be an educated guess but it would still be a guess. People who are pitch perfect and can sight sing can sing an E# without having to hear it out loud- they can hear it in their head. No one expects all singers to be able to do that. Having done a Capella work as a teen, I always had a harmonica prompt and kept the note on my head,I couldn’t pluck it from nowhere, I find people who can do that absolutely incredible. Carrie surely must know the difference. She’s either completely ignorant or she lies to make herself seem more naturally talented than she actually is ‘oh i’m a West End star and cant read music, aren’t I incredible?’. It’s sounds impressive to those who can’t read music but to those who can, it just sounds like she doesn’t even want to try. Why would someone working in the industry not do everything in their power to continually train themselves to be a better performer. James Monroe Iglehart played the genie in Aladdin on Broadway. He learned to tap for the role and won a Tony award for it. Expanding your skill set can only improve your chances. If Cinderella bombs, which seems fairly likely based on the number of tickets sold compared to Frozen, her career could very easily fizzle out. She can’t belt top notes anymore - when she tries you can hear the strain in her voice, and she isn’t even 28 yet. That’s way too early to ruin your voice unless there is something seriously wrong. I do wonder if the reason she has been singing more in her head voice through lockdown is because she knows she can’t belt like that anymore. When I hear the clip of her singing Bad Cinderella in the adverts all I can think is yikes! She seriously needs to get a good singing teacher to get her singing healthily again and possibly see an ENT specialist because her voice hasn’t been the same since Heathers. I still can’t believe she sang through tonsillitis for so long, how did she not know?! She’s had it before. My sister gets tonsillitis a few times a year and knows what it is every single time.
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Her response to someone asking why she does her live streams when lots of people are at work is just typical Carrie. Literally rolled my eyes and scoffed out loud
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It’s quite sad that the higher ups put pressure on her to perform when she was ill. I get that they wanted ‘the name from the poster’ in the show but she could have wrecked her voice and future career. There’s still some debate about whether her vocals have been impacted by that. Clearly they cared more about money than looking after their actors.
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