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Okay guys, which one of you wrote this? 😂😂😂
It was such an obvious connection I wouldn’t be surprised if most longtime viewers picked up on it. Every time she said “I don’t know anything now... what do I know now...” I winced. It was strange after hearing her say “all I know now” repeatedly for months back when she was promoting her book.
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I found this so weird because in earlier ones she went soooooo out of her way to correct people that she wasn’t playing a Disney Princess to the point of ignoring the rest of the person’s actual question and posting quite a few “not like other girl” Cinderella pics etc. It seemed that if you even breathed the words Disney and Cinderella together she would correct you immediately but now she’s gone the other way?
I think it’s because Oliver has been announced as playing prince Hans in Frozen. She’s feeding into the idea that they are both playing Disney royalty even though Hans is the baddie. It’s like when she though of herself and Pete being Rapunzel and Flynn Rider in Tangled. She has this weird obsession with being a Disney couple!
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She smacked him? 😲
She has a tub of cat treats in front of her, the sound just before is him nudging against it asking for treats and pushing it along the floor slightly. She says no and picks the tub up and moves it away from him - the noise at 24 is her putting the tub down. You can see the tub behind her for the rest of the video. I've had cats my whole life and these noises are ingrained into my soul 😂
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She's arrogant, opinionated, there's no part of her I warm too, she's a mediocre talent at best. And at 27 working 8 show's a week you shouldn't be that large. Tom obviously struggled with his weight and did something about it, I forget he was large as he's been slender so long now. I wonder who her main competition is for roles.
Tom has also been very open about the fact he's suffered with an eating disorder...
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Notable moments:
31:40 - 'If you end this guest spot you end this relationship' 'oh.. alright. I don't love you that much anyway'
32:33 - 'you're tidying there but you never tidy here'
34:48 - 'he is a very very good looking guy'
I couldn't even imagine talking to someone like that, even if I didn't like them/ they did something to upset me... especially if we were in any type of relationship and ESPECIALLY on a livestream in front of other people. Pete looked upset and the way Carrie was acting was actually embarrassing. Smh.
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Rolled my eyes at Oliver saying in his video that he and Carrie worked hard on their videos and that it's hard to think of something for every video - dude, you literally have a whole fucking inbox of your fans giving you all the ideas. You just have to turn on the camera and react to people's suggestions. Woe is me.
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Ouch, just looked on social blade. She's loosing more followers than she is gaining and is now officially below 500k.

I've been looking at her Twitter and she seems to be struggling quite badly at the moment with her anxiety and mental health. (Whatever your opinion is on Carrie, no one deserves to struggle with that)

I'm kind of surprised Oliver is leaving her alone if she's struggling the way she is. If my partner is like that, I either take him with me or stay so I know he's okay.

I'm not suggesting anything, I just find that awfully strange.

I kind of think she uploads things about feeling bad especially because he is gone. She always goes weird when he is away.

Based on past experiences with an ex, he did this to guilt trip me for going away. So I'm a little biased. Lol
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in regards to the jk rowling discussion, my thoughts are that if she truly wants to be seen as a trans ally/someone who disagrees with rowling, she wouldn’t take jobs/paid promotions with the harry potter franchise. it’s fair to say she has seperated the art from the artist in respect to still enjoying reading the books and watching the films etc. but continuing to partner with the franchise (and so promote it professionally) is very iffy imo. she should practise what she preaches and show an ounce of integrity by not promoting a franchise that represents rowling to her fans.
I agree with this entirely, she’s trying to justify profiting from the franchise by separating it from JK.... how about just not taking the job in the first place? It’s a wee bit hypocritical to me
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Ripley Rose Kat

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You've hit the nail on the head here. That's the thing, as much as Carrie wants to paint us all as big meanie haters or trolls, most people on here and GG used to be fans of hers.
I loved her stuff for years - bought All I Know Now and my friends and I had even debated overnight bus-ing from Scotland to London to see her in Les Mis - until I came across her thread in late 2015 and it made me realise how much her behaviour had changed and become something I didn't like. I often describe it as that 'glass shattering moment' because it did open my eyes to how much she criticised and attacked others while simultaneously attacking anything vaguely negative that might possibly about her.

I'd normalised so much of it too - to the point I used to tweet using her full name when I was like 16/17 because I knew she was more likely to see that than if you @'ed her, just from how much she searched her name.
Now I do know other creators/bands/brands/etc that do that too but nearly all of the ones I've seen use it to reply to fans/use it to promote themselves positively e.g. responding to 'what happened to x band?' or 'I miss x' with "Hey, we actually have a new album/project/etc! Hope you'll like it!" But with Carrie, it was only ever passive-aggressive likes and replies, which is not only leaves a bad taste for whoever was on the recieving end, but was super disheartening as one of many young fans who would have thrived from just one liked tweet/comment or most basic of polite replies - yet were ignored in favour of liking a random's tweet in a convo to someone else entirely that mentioned her (by, like, initial) being a bit pitchy in one song or something equally minor just to embarrass them 🙄

It's been five years since then and I just find it wild how much I've changed and grown while she just... hasn't. 😕
Thank you!

And I completely agree, it's so disheartening when you discover that the person you idolised for so long is now someone you'd just avoid and no longer want anything to do with.

I was the same, I got my friend to pick up a copy of her book for me and even got it signed as she met her. I was very poorly at the time so I was unable to go but was thrilled! I even tweeted her a message thanking her personally but was devastated when she ignored it but was responding to "hate mail" at the time. It was a gutting blow.

She can absolutely brand us all as meanies and haters but I think she knows herself that's she not as appealling as she once was.

She is so blind to her own privilege and I really think she's let her ego consume her. She is very lucky to be in the position she is but I don't believe she will be in this position forever.

She's getting older and I don't think her channel is getting the same traffic. The fact she's not grabbing everything that's going her way shows to me she is very arognant especially when it comes to the lack of willingness to learn.

She could be a triple threat if she put the work in but chooses not to. To me, she's lazy, entitled and is deluded that she thinks she'll never need to better herself to compete at the top.

Just my two cents though!
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Yikes. Sounds more like karaoke than anything else. Bad Cinderella? Well, the first 50% of the title is right.
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I'm really glad she mentioned the pressure from the higher ups. I got the vibe it's something she's been wanting to offload for a while and it definitely takes some of the pressure off herself. That being said, I can't imagine that situation. As a leading star - you have to wonder what rights you have in that position. The fact the show would have potentially closed had her and Sophie been ill is very haphazard.
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Going back to the sheet music thing, it's a bit pathetic imo that she hasn't learned. Okay so she didn't go to stage school to learn it there. But her brother is in McFly, he would have had the resources to show her the basics. She had lots of down time in-between productions, she could have self taught. She gets given scores when learning new parts, so she has access to material. I'm self teaching myself an instrument as a 30 year old and guess what, sheet music isn't hard to learn to understand, with tutorial books and youtube videos. Carrie just doesn't want to make the effort.
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She did threaten GG and said she was in talks with 'her lawyers' regarding defamation and denigration. And then later on said she wasn't going to waste the money on the lawyers and instead was going to spend it on a holiday
“Going to spend it on a holiday” but then went on a gifted (but not disclosed) trip to Disney not long after 😂
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The only ones who like her in the industry are young 20something who want to piggyback off her “fame” to become influencer level famous. The real talents in the industry must see right through her shit!
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I’ve actually enjoyed her last few videos. My only nitpick with her video when she talked about dealing with critics and trolls is that I wish she’d realize the difference between constructive feedback and trolling. Honest reviews of her books for example should not be lumped in with someone who is just being a dick. I also wish she’d take her own advice about wanting people to cut her some slack and imagine her complexly and quit dragging old boyfriends or starting twitter fights with strangers.

Aside from that, if she continues to make content like this I may start watching her regularly. But we’ll see how long it lasts. I liked hearing her thoughts on the bootleg. I get that it’s a grey area to her. I also actually prefer videos without Oliver. I have only watched a handful of their good morning/evening videos, but I find them uncomfortable. In the ones I’ve seen Carrie gives off vibes like she doesn’t want to do them and can’t wait to get it over with. No clue if that’s the case, but for whatever reason they stress me out.

I preferred her backyard as her backdrop as well as her kitchen as a backdrop. I also liked the camera being a bit closer. I don’t like when the camera is far and the mess behind the couch is distracting.
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I vaguely recall this as well!

Was it on GG when she posed as a fan to defend herself? I can't remember what was said or what she said, but I remember reading about it.

She absolutely liked them on purpose. I've seen comments on old videos where people have asked if they're still together and she's responded. On one, she bluntly said to the person that "they have no idea what goes on behind closed doors" That's true but she is very quick to vilify people.
Yes, it was on GG. She promoted her videos, even at one point saying one of her own videos made her “cry her eyes out.” She’d argue about criticisms people had about her. I think what ultimately got her caught was that she had so many details only she could really know about herself, and the fervor in which she defended and promoted herself. It seemed very out of character even for a very devoted fan.
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Is it me or has her accent changed a bit? Anchovihs, Fairih bread, coffih, neeps and tattihs, Ollih. Haha.
Carrie had a massive dressing room all to herself and from the vlogs, it seemed like she had very few visitors to it. At least in the cast.
I remember being really turned off her when she got that room. She was so unbearably smug about it and said it was always her dream to have the "main room". it said a lot to me.
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Would you mind explaining the difference? I've wondered this too.
Therapy is considered more long term (I had counselling to take me through a period of grief and helped me to recognise how I was dealing with it, my therapy for OCD had a considerable more amount of ‘homework’ and I’ll be using techniques I’ve learned for the rest of my life). Therapy also goes a lot deeper than counselling. Therapy looks at the root of the problem while counselling usually focuses more on the present, including more present issues.
In counselling I knew exactly what I needed to talk about whereas in therapy though I had an issue I needed sorting out, we discussed different issues and behaviour’s that I didn’t even realise were a problem. In general counselling is a lot lighter than therapy. Counselling wouldn’t have scratched the surface of my OCD problem while Therapy would have gone a lot deeper in to my family and grieving issues.
Also counselling was gentler. If I didn’t want to talk about something in counselling, I would be gently steered back round to the conversation if I went off on a tangent. My therapist however wouldn’t let me go off tangent. She would get me to answer the question with no comparisons to see if i understood my behaviours and emotions. It was difficult but it worked, and I’ve only got a few sessions left.
It’s very obvious that Carrie hasn’t gone very deep in addressing her issues which is why she regularly goes off on social media. Tbh I also think Colleen Ballinger needs a therapist who specialises in her particular issue because it’s very similar to mine. I can’t watch Colleen anymore because the way she talks is quite triggering for me.
‘The main difference between a counsellor and psychotherapist is in the academic training. In theory, counsellors work shorter term with life issues, such as bereavement and relationships, while a psychotherapist works over a longer period of time with more complicated or enduring mental health issues.’ From The Guardian.
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Most MT actors now have public instragram s and are doing lockdown workshop s so teenagers aspiring to go into MT are booking onto the workshops and getting involved in the friendship and networking groups through that. Jodie Steele, Olivia Moore, Charlotte Jaconelli have all done this during lockdown. Kids aren't turning to youtube so much these says now that Instagram is more popular.
Yeah Aimee Atkinson has been doing dance classes, including teaching everyone the Six routines. I've seen Lexi Mackintosh do something like 'teatime with Lexi' which I'm guessing is private q&as or something. So many musical theatre stars making an effort to actually connect with their audiences and give them actual insights into the world of MT. While Carrie is napping and hanging out with her cat.
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