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Very Disney-esque but I'm surprised how much I enjoy that! Fingers crossed the musical is good as a whole, though I'm not very into most ALW musicals personally.
I much prefer her singing like this to her belt. This song is so sentimental - it doesn't really make me think "wow, this is a new and different Cinderella!", the tune sounds really derivative and the lyrics are a bit...obvious. But I'm sure the old ladies will like it.
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Her talking about musical theatre is the reason I loved her originally. More of this content would be amazing.
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I think it also speaks volumes about how she sees people. Comparing Pete to JD doesn't even make any sense. JD isn't a very complex character in my opinion (compared to other characters in film and tv etc.). He is also a complete psychopath 😅

Carrie has always been very black and white about "good" and "bad" people which is so damaging when it comes to relationships, and I think her describing Pete as JD really shows that.
She also though Veronica was a kind disney princess character who just wanted to make the world beautiful.
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Thought Carrie’s family had cats when she was growing up? She seems to think a cat sitting near you is a novel, instagrammable moment 🤣
I guess he's just not a very affectionate cat so it seems like a big deal. Tbh I feel like she has the kind of energy that would turn most animals off! Loud and aggressive. I bet dogs don't enjoy her company.
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She straight up screamed at Oli in his video this morning because she didn't understand a question properly. He's soooo uncomfortable wtf

Starting at 3:46:

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Ripley Rose Kat

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Don't know about you guys, but I certainly wouldn't be advertising that my books are just being given away for free!

Didn't someone else say they were in a 3 of £5 deal as well?

I couldn't even get through the first chapter of WTCF, it was garbage. I really wanted to like it as well.
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I used to love Carrie and over the past 12 months I guess I've gone completely off everything she posts so I was very interested when I saw this thread! She's become very full of herself, condescending and it's almost as it she's acting her way through all her vlogs, etc. And not actually being herself anymore. Actually, I feel like she started to change her online presence when she bought the new house she's in now!!!!
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nah, she didn't "lose" her work. She's massively behind on deadlines, as per usual because her lazy ass always is, with every "book" she writes, so she's making this public show of "oh no!!! I lost my work!!!" to make it more believable to whoever is holding her to account and is probably getting just as sick of her crap.

Why doesn't she write on GoogleDocs or something that auto-saves every few seconds? There areso many effortless ways to backup as you go, if she's lost anything, it's down to sheer laziness and carelessness.
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Speaking of her being rude to Pete, this video always got me:

"If they're crap, you can have them"
"Can you not drop crumbs all over my sofa please"

And she just seems super grumpy and off.
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I’ve just hit the Addams Family vlogs so I’m seeing where she started to change. Carrie has admitted that Addams was a kind of university experience for her, away from home, drinking more etc. The reason it didn’t happen on Chitty was probably because it was a younger show with kids involved. Addams- all adult cast, sexually charged show (kissing Oliver in practically every scene), it was also the show that she fell for Oliver. It’s obvious from the rehearsal vlogs that she was attracted to Oliver- hanging and draping over him a lot. There was at least emotional cheating involved, whether Carrie wants to admit to that or not. Both Carrie and Oliver broke up with their respective partners so they weren’t dragging their partners along. The fact that Carrie essentially said they were friends with benefits to begin with (they didn’t go official until about a year after Addams probably to skew the overlap) but she admits they were ‘dating’ for about a year before the announcement and that it started while they were doing Addams.
Then she went into another adult sexually charged show- Heathers. There is a whole number dedicated to Veronica sleeping with JD. She admits it’s the sexiest she has felt on stage. In those 2 shows she did grow up and change a lot.
I’ll admit I’m a very different person since I went to university. I drank the most I ever drank at uni, didn’t drink at all before uni now I appreciate a g&t, glass of white and champagne. At the age of 30, I am the most confident I’ve ever been and feel the most me I’ve ever felt in my life.
I can’t hate on Carrie for ‘growing up’ because it happens to all of us. But it seems her brain and attitude have grown at different rates. She probably feels more grown up inside but at the same time there are certain things she never experienced and can’t grow from. She said on her stories that she’s getting Facebook lessons from Louise Pentland. I don’t watch or follow Louise so I don’t know how qualified she is to do that, but it’s a start. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, she needs social media training. If she hasn’t got a manager, she needs to get one and all social media posts need to go through them. Tbh Colleen Ballinger needs a social media manager too because hers are a mess as well. The Miranda twitter fiasco is a great example of how horrible things can go wrong. At least Carrie is not getting young fans to tweet for her and sharing personal details with them via dms. (Yes, I have a lot of opinions about Colleen!)
Back to Carrie, I actually loved her hair as it was when she did Addams. It was just below her shoulders as was a great length on her. Short enough to maintain but still long enough to be creative with.
Ps- I’ve also realised that she talks differently now, anybody else noticed that?
I agree. I think Addams family was when I personally started to see the biggest change in her. It’s not about her growing up because we all went through that but it’s about a personality change. She is very dismissive, rude and patronising towards not just oli but also others. Is unnecessarily defensive and just seems like a very angry person. She seems angry at the world and I’m not sure why. I miss the old Carrie with the long hair, she was like a breath of fresh air
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Photo on the left looks like someone I would want to say hi to and get to know. The one on ten right I'd cross the road to avoid (the duck pout alone is enough)

The problem is, and this isnt just aimed at Carrie, but influencers/social media stars think they are above everything and mostly have no self awareness. I hate the term 'haters' as now anyone who disagrees with someone is a hater and these social media stars think they can do no wrong. No, you're putting yourself out there, trying to influence people and their lives, you absolutely should (and should expect) to be questioned on things you put out there. Great leaders (that's what influencers are trying to be) lead by example so it is very important to be authentic otherwise people will eventually pick up on it. Too many of them think it's just posting a photo for likes or advertising. They don't get the bigger picture and issues. The public shouldnt just blindly follow people, after all some of them promote (at best) pointless or (at worst) dangerous products/lifestyles.

You want to try and be an online influence, fine, go for it. BUT you have got to expect to be questioned and challenged. You're no better than anyone else.

Also, comments can be invaluable from a business perspective. Views dropping off? not growing your following? maybe listen to what people are saying and consider maybe you are in the wrong
Don't you know that everyone who tries to give any form of constructive criticism to Carrie, or disagree with her, or even just let her know when they're not feeling something she's doing (which, if she wants to push her "brand", she NEEDS to hear, not just praise!) then they're just "jealous meanie haters" who wish they could be as beautiful and as successful and talented as she is?

....nah fam, you're good. Begging for freebies, selling out principles for a quick pay out, and knowing that the career that has been purely lucked into is likely going to tank in the next few years? Keep it.

(She got where she is because of Youtube. She got big on Youtube because of Alex Day. Alex Day was only ever interested in the beginning because he realised she has a famous brother. It all comes back to Tom.)
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I wonder if the circumstances of how she and Oli met plays on her mind. They were both in long term relationships at the time and their attraction to each other grew through working together. We don’t know if there was cheating involved, it’s a bit of a grey area but very possible. Perhaps she’s concerned about the possibility it could happen again, but this time she’d be the familiar girlfriend, not the exciting new affair.
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Even if she hates wearing a bra, I wish she’d wear a top that means we don’t have to see her boobs dangling. Or just change the camera angle. That latest journal video had way too much boob. 🤢
I don't wear a bra whenever I don't have to - in my opinion, her (and everyone) can do as they want about that

What was the mug post she deleted? Her stories from the last hour say new post, but it directs you to the nap one from 21 hours ago.... But it briefly showed me another newer post, looked like her face with a white mug? Just wondered what she'd deleted
I only saw the nap one - she probably needs more people to see her humble-bragging about not being able to take naps because she always needs to be so damn productive. Jaisus.
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Who the heck got a tattoo of a quote from their own book, and a very mediocre one at that?? I know it’s old news but every time it’s brought up, I couldn’t help cringing so hard.

I’ve seen musicians tattoo lines from their songs but only after the songs gained “signature” status. Youtubers sell merch of their own catchphrases but only after they were indeed catchphrases among diehard fans.

I know it’s her body and her choice but, damn, it’s such a Carrie thing to do. :rolleyes:
I can kinda understand wanting something that references/represents the book because her first novel is an important achievement to her (similar to musicians who get a tat that represents each album) but her books are so inherently tied to her relationships and personal life that she can't separate them - just as she can't not associate the tattoo with her ex, rather than the book itself.

Although like someone else mentioned, it could just be that the original tattoo's quality just declined and wasn't worth preserving, especially if she wasn't attached to it anymore. But to me, that's almost sadder that she doesn't have that pride/attachment to her first novel anymore because it was such a big deal for her at the time (even if the rest of us don't think much of the book itself).
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Is anybody else really underwhelmed by Lucy & Yak clothing? It’s great that it’s an ethical clothing brand but I just find the clothing really blah. I don’t understand why all these ‘influencers’ go barmy for it. A lot of the stuff that Carrie shows off from them makes her look a lot bigger than she is. Obviously there is nothing wrong with wearing comfy baggy clothes, I think I just find Lucy & Yak clothing uninspiring for what it is compared with the price.
It's overrated and very expensive!!
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i think it’s probably a gifted book but not a paid-for ad. But to be safe, she puts all gifted and ad posts under AD as she does have a group of people watching to report her posts lol
This was posted on Louise’s thread on here!

I know it’s a gift but it’s still clever marketing but only the same as authors giving advanced reader copies out to book bloggers etc.


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Ripley Rose Kat

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I really hope she doesn't cut her hair, it looks the best it's looked in a long time in the insta story of her brushing her teeth this morning.
I agree!

I don't know why she likes it so short. Obviously it's her hair but I think it ages her massively and doesn't look very flattering.

The length she had during Chitty was so lovely though. It really suited her.
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